Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to Create Three Simple and Easy Information Products


Expert Author Fabienne Fredrickson
Information products are a great way to set yourself up as an expert and build trust - as well as build your revenues. Here are three different information products you can create to share your knowledge with prospects at different levels.
1. Articles: When I write an article, the length tends to be as long as I need to get my point across. That means it could be anything from half a page to a page and a half. Once written, articles can be sold on your site, posted on your blog, be used as a way to be featured as a guest blogger, posted to article directories that will be picked up by blog publishers, or used as a freebie to entice action from your readers.
2. Special Report: This is a small e-book, which can be as short as five pages and as long as 80 pages is focused on one single topic. This product is often used as your irresistible free offer to help build your list and get people into your pipeline.
An eBook is a good thing to start with for creating an information product to sell since it's digital in format and relatively inexpensive to produce - but attractive to offer for sale. But, as you move forward, you'll find incorporating worksheets and CD's or turning this into a bigger product like a home study course will help you sell far more copies. And you can charge considerably more as well, since the perceived value is much higher.
3. Audios on CD: This type of product features you talking about one particular subject for up to an hour. It's a great way for prospects to get to know you and become more comfortable with you, which builds the know-like-trust factor. You can outline a particular process or share insights into the big mistakes people make that keep them from being successful. Creating this product can be as simple as recording a free teleclass.
Information products, whether they are for your irresistible free offer, or to start building passive income, provide prospects and clients alike with tremendous value.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
1. Make a list of 10 possible products you can create. Come at this from different angles, thinking about what your prospects or clients need most.
2. Pick the one you feel has the most power to attract more clients or build your list or add more revenue and start creating it!
The lesson here is, it's time to get over the hurdle and do what it takes to get to the next level.
Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of, ranked on the Inc. 500/5000 List of America's Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2011. is devoted to teaching entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot, shift their mindset towards abundance and take a no-excuses approach to creating a highly successful and meaningful business, while working less. Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to go from 5-figures to 6-figures in their business and then from 6-figures to 7-figures, while experiencing freedom and creating an abundant life they love.
To order Fabienne's FREE Audio CD, "How to Attract All the Clients You Need" by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income

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