Friday, January 20, 2012

Gaji Dosen Dipotong jika Tepergok Merokok

| Glori K. Wadrianto | Jumat, 20 Januari 2012 | 10:14 WIB

GORONTALO, — Mulai bulan Februari mendatang, mahasiswa Universitas Gorontalo (UG) yang kedapatan merokok dalam kelas langsung dikeluarkan dari kelas meskipun saat proses belajar mengajar masih berlangsung. Setiap mahasiswa dan dosen di Kampus UG tak bisa lagi bebas mengepulkan asap rokok di dalam kampus. Aturan tegas dikeluarkan menyusul komitmen kampus untuk menjadi kawasan bersih dari asap rokok.

Menurut Ketua Yayasan DLP-GTL Universitas Gorontalo Rustam Akili, Kamis (19/1/2012) kemarin, saat ini kampus terus menyosialisasikan aturan baru tersebut. "Sosialisasi sudah dilakukan selama satu bulan ini untuk mahasiswa termasuk juga dosen," ujarnya.

Selain memberikan sanksi tegas yaitu mengeluarkan mahasiswa dari kelas jika kedapatan merokok, aturan baru tersebut juga berlaku bagi para dosen. Dosen yang kedapatan merokok di tempat-tempat tertentu, atau merokok saat mengajar, langsung dikenakan sanksi pemotongan gaji. "Dosen yang kedapatan merokok dalam kelas saat proses kuliah berlangsung juga akan kena sanksi tegas pemotongan gaji. Jumlahnya sementara dikaji," jelas Rustam.

Kendati demikian, kampus tidak serta-merta mengeluarkan kebijakan bebas asap rokok di seluruh areal kampus.  Bagi para perokok tetap disediakan tempat khusus agar tidak mengganggu kenyamanan orang lain yang tidak merokok. Kampus sudah menyediakan enam titik untuk tempat merokok. "Enam titik ini kami siapkan semua di ruang terbuka," tutur Rustam.

Rustam berharap, aturan baru ini dapat dipatuhi semua pihak demi menciptakan suasana menyenangkan di kampus. Sejak beberapa waktu lalu, Universitas Gorontalo peduli melakukan kajian mengenai dampak negatif dari asap rokok. Kampus ini juga melakukan studi khusus serta sosialisasi pengendalian merokok pada remaja dengan sasaran murid SMP dan SMA di kota Gorontalo

What Republican Can Beat Obama in 2012?

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All Predictions for 2012 Discover what will happen in 2012. Ask your free Personal reading Now.
Many Republicans today are asking what Republican can beat Obama in 2012? As the primaries continue, more and more of the GOP candidates are dropping out, and that means that the remaining candidates will pick up more support in the coming primaries. Is there any chance that Romney doesn't get the nomination? There is still a small chance, so as long as the other candidates are still running, let's discuss what Republican can beat Obama in 2012.
Mitt Romney
All of the recent polls suggest that Romney has a great chance to beat Barack Obama this year. If the election were held at the time of this writing, Romney would probably beat Obama. Romney attracts many of the independent voters that voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He is someone that disgruntled Democrats may vote for because he used to be a Democrat. Even though Romney is speaking for Republicans now, he used to support abortion, healthcare for everyone, and other progressive ideas. He switched parties as his views became more conservative, but he still holds progressive views on some issues like global warming.
Romney is also great in the debates. He come across as someone who could debate very well against Obama in the presidential debates which will occur later this year. Romney's moderate leanings will cost him votes among many strong conservative candidates.
Ron Paul
Ron Paul has a great shot at beating Obama in 2012 if he runs under the Republican banner. Paul has shown a real knack for getting his followers engaged, and he probably has the strongest dedicated support base of any of the Republican candidates. Paul is the anti-Romney vote, but he is not the favored conservative voice, so he may have a difficult time getting support from other Republicans if he gets the nomination.
Paul also gets strong support from young people. This is going to help him against Obama, as Obama carried a large percentage of the vote from young adults in the 2008 elections. Paul also gets very strong support from the independents, as he is seen as someone who has very different ideas than most other candidates in the Republican Party. He is more of a maverick and libertarian than he is a Republican, and people like his strong views on the constitution and other important issues.
Rick Santorum
He is the candidate whom I believe is the most conservative candidate among the remaining candidates in the race. He would have a hard time getting moderates to vote for him, but he would get more votes from the evangelicals and Tea Party followers. I personally believe he would get a large percentage of the vote because he is the candidate who is the most different from President Obama.
When it comes to the question of what Republican can beat Obama in 2012, I believe these candidates have the best chance to beat him this year. Newt Gingrich carries a lot of baggage from his days as Speaker of the House, and Rick Perry wouldn't debate well against Obama.

3 Reasons to Attend Seminars

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Expert Author Jim Pagiamtzis
To continue develop and grow requires commitment and confidence to make it a successful habit of success. Many great leaders from the present and past have shared great quotes that insights of essence of their success. Movies and documentaries have been made on the topic in recent years, The secret, Pass it on! to name of few.
1st Association
As you go out and meet entrepreneurs and business leaders, you will begin to develop your own network of professionals in difference industries. Many of these people will become lifelong friends, other may become partners in business ventures, and a few will become important mentors and leaders from who you will learn invaluable lesson.
"It's the glue that holds everything together"
Associating with success is the ingredient gives you insights into the mindset of success. It can be short or long conversation you may share. Ability to ask multiple people questions on various topics at the same place. You are all on the journey of success using the principles that you learn, do and apply on daily basis. Through association your are verify that you are doing certain things correctly and other areas you may need more education.
2nd Engage
Ability to engage and ask questions is a key factor in getting the right information for the correct source. My mentors always encourage asking questions at seminar and events. Your question may be starting a discussion that may lead the participants into a great momentum into the event and make a better impact for all.
"Learn, Do and Apply"
The ability to learn is the first important principle in the process of become better in any activity, from becoming a better leader, speaker or mentor. Taking that information and doing something with it will yield the results of satisfaction or failure. Learning the lessons why you failed in a seminar environment is a "safe area" rather than doing it in a professional environment where you may not get the lesson and possible embarrassment.
3rd Action
Being in this environment creates great synergy with the group and will allow you to start momentum to achieve the desired result.
Accountability is strategic way to make sure you keep on track with your progress on a weekly basis. Working with someone who specifically will keep you accountable towards this will keep you moving forward. Life issues will get in the way, the goal of your partner is to remind you and give you laser-focused to getting the result.
Reminders are going to be important. You have to decide which the best way to make this program work is. Is going to be by weekly phone call? Daily text messages? or email communications? This has to fit for both of you for it to work.
Persistence toward your goal will yield the result. Being in a room with motivated individuals who want to achieve their results will be fuel that will be crucial to your success. You individual persistence will be important for the team to succeed.
Moral of the story
Don't you want a piece of that billion dollar industry? Invest in yourself and become the leader that shares the value and creates wealth you deserve.

Three Must Criterions for Brand Building

Rotapanel International World specialist in Trivisions/ Ultra Waves and Scrollers
Signage & Wayfinding For health care, corporate and institutional facilities.
PSI - Pioneering OOH Intelligent OOH solutions delivering global audiences
Advertisingis the only way or means to build a brand image on customers' mind. Though it is not easy to influence the psyche of customers, a properly worked out advertising strategy can create the targeted impact thereby influencing as well as motivating them to buy the advertiser brand. All in all building a brand image is possible through an advertising campaign that fulfills the following criterion.
1- Let your audience discover something new and exciting in your brand. It has been a much talked about topic in advertising town to launch any promotion crusade in a properly planned, developed and deployed manner by the advertising team. All these to ensure that customers discover the brand as something new, different and exciting as compared to others. Remember, as a brand owner, if one cannot generate a different impression about his brand on customers' mind then the entire advertising effort is wastage of time, money and resource. To avoid such annoying circumstances, it is a must to present your brand in an excitingly interesting manner so as to grasp customers' attention.
2- Generate trust to win trust. Customers buy a particular brand because they believe that by purchasing the particular brand, they are availing of some benefits. So, it's a priority to generate trust on customers' mind to win back their trust or faith. The advertising message should somehow appeal (not compel) customers and also ensure that the brand is the right choice for them.
3- Provide proven features/benefits related with your brand. Customers love to know some facts and figures or some truth related with the brand before making their own decision to buy the product or not. Hence, as an advertiser, make sure that you provide some proven features or benefits related to your brand. An ad message that provides proven features about the brand easily wins customers' affection.
Understanding its manifold benefits and significances, advertising is used as a means by brand owners to make his brand business successful in the market. There are various types and forms of advertising. There are also various mediums of advertising such as television, radio, print media, internet, mobile, outdoor media etc. Depending upon the requirement of the brand promotion activity, advertisers adopt specific means of advertising. For example outdoor advertisers adopt outdoor media such as billboards, posters, kiosks, signages etc to launch an ad campaign. On the other hand, home based advertisers adopt television, internet, mobile, print media etc to launch their brand promotion campaign. The objective of one promotion campaign varies from another. So, advertisers also adopt different advertising tools and techniques for different brands (which are relevant to the promotional objectives of the brands).
Vipin Rajput online marketing manager in Tdi India.

How to Develop Business Marketing Strategy?

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A well-designed marketing strategy is invariably the key aspect of a successful business. While big companies have countless sheets of strategies, small business marketing plans can fit within a few pages. Regardless of the number of strategies, they are still important for the business to have a direction and a purpose. Refer these plans every month or every quarterly to ensure you are on track.
How to Begin
The majority of your small business marketing strategy should include a whole year. This helps small companies to adhere to the plan more solidly. Planning for a few years can create confusion and haste to achieve goals, which can be detrimental for a small business. Much can happen in a single year, which is why it is better to focus more on a single annual term.
Take time to develop your marketing strategy; a few months at the least. The biggest challenge of small business marketing is determining what, why and how to do. Once you have a concrete plan set up, executing it is generally less challenging. A high quality strategy will prove itself when the business takes off.
Hiring a Business Consultant
Hiring an experienced business consultant is often a good idea. Although they can be pricey, they are worth the investment if it means big turnovers. It is especially a good idea to contact a business consultant when the company is a start-up or if you are looking to launch new products or target a different market than the usual. For example, if your company targets the healthcare market and you are considering the fashion market as a new venture, consultancy agencies are better equipped to design your marketing strategy to your new consumers. An experienced business consultant is able to apply previous consulting experiences; this fluency with different business models and industries can only be achieved by the venturing company's manager after years of experience, while the consultant can give the same advice without wasting time on trial and error.
Involve the Entire Team
When creating a small business marketing strategy, involve the entire company team. Normally, you would expect to keep your plan hidden away and reveal it only to the top players, however get feedback from all sectors of your company such as manufacturing, personnel, customer service, finance and so on. Doing this is highly beneficial as every department will be able to give you realistic suggestions and advice on areas of their specialization. Otherwise, apart from shorter meetings, you may have unrealistic plans laid out.
Your small business marketing plan is the radar of your company's goals and visions. There may be areas where you would want to alter your plans as time goes on, but the documented strategy is like a map, directing you to your destination of success.

Political Video Marketing With YouTube

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The way we watch the news has forever changed with the internet, and more specifically with YouTube. Year after year, more people are turning in to the on-line world for news coverage. It seems like viewers watch breaking news on YouTube first before watching it on their television screens.
So what does this mean for marketing teams?
Before we address that question, let's list some facts:
• YouTube - the largest video sharing site there is.
• According to, in 2011 there were 490 million unique users per month
• YouTube's sharing capabilities makes it that much easier to get your message out
• Access to YouTube is everywhere (desktop, laptop, smart phones, etc.)
• The power of the replay button - if the video is really good, people tend to replay videos over and over
Not only has YouTube changed the way we watch the news, it changed how politicians market themselves. Almost every politician (if not all) have his or her own YouTube channel. This is because of the huge on-line presence that's on YouTube. You can reach potential voters and send out your message in just a few clicks.
Probably one of the reasons why YouTube is popular is for the exact same reason why movies are more popular than books; people would rather watch something than read about it. How many times have you heard that people watched the movie-version of a book but haven't actually read the book? Same applies to the news. People like YouTube because it is often a simplified version of what was reported. It's typically just a clip of the original news story; plus advertisements are cut down to a short time period.
For marketing teams, video marketing can be a huge success for your candidate. If you haven't tried creating videos, there's no better time than the present. You can easily create videos with a phone or a cheap video camera. Or, you can put in some time and effort and create a more polished advertising spot. Either way, your team can just upload and share your video to potentially millions of viewers.
Videos are the perfect way to capture a speech, responses and events for your politician. Create a video that's for your target audience. Don't create propaganda; create something real that will resonate with your voters.
After developing your angle and story, your marketing team needs to be aggressive with your social media outlets. Make sure they send out your videos through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and any other outlet your candidate has. Why? Because by sharing it through the various outlets, you're increasing your visibility and the chances of your video becoming viral.
Recently, Google released a list of the 10 most political viral videos. Although most of the videos were about/from huge public figures, the video with the most viewers was a 19-year old who spoke about a largely debated topic. However, because his speech was real and wasn't staged/fake, viewers were able to appreciate what he had to say.
Here are the top 5 political viral videos: *Number of viewers as of (1/12/2012)
1. Zach Wahls Speak About Family - 16,414,136 viewers
2. President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner - 9,226,044 viewers
3. Strong (Rick Perry's Campaign Spot) - 7,783,221 viewers
4. President Obama on Death of Osama Bin Laden - 6,272,778 viewers
5. Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion? Government Gone Wild! - 5,053,259 viewers
However, as discussed previously, the trick to a successful campaign or marketing plan is the perfect combination of old and new media. No one is ever going to search for your candidate if they do not know anything about him/her. In addition to creating a strong media presence, campaign teams can't forget about the important traditional ways of marketing; such as the use of campaign signs and polybag signs. is an on-line provider of promotional print materials that specializes in political and campaign marketing. The experts at have been in the political marketing business for more than 8 years. Visit for more information.
Wade Baffa is the CEO of CampaignPros, a company that specializes in campaign signs and political signs. He has been in the print promotional field for 8 years and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in English/Journalism from Western Illinois University in 2000. He has a philosophy that business practice should be built around solid relationships between company and customer.

Retailers Increase Revenue With Accessory Sales

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Retailers are quite aware of the need to boost overall clothing sales with accessory sales. A well-placed jewelry display or rack of women's scarves can attract extra sales, provided the right items are on display. More and more retailers are finding that fair trade items boost the overall image of the store and boost sales at the same time.
Gorgeous silk scarves are difficult to pass by for many women shoppers, especially if the display includes a little story about the fair trade production behind the scarf itself. Shoppers find themselves trying on a scarf or two, noticing the handmade quality inherent in the weave and the luxurious feel of the fabric. They may even go so far as to inquire about the construction themselves. Sales staff can help this along by informing customers of the natural fiber, natural dyes, or whether or not this particular scarf uses peace silk, a cruelty-free silk harvested in forests.
Background information helps sell accessories, and fair trade silk scarves offer tremendous stories behind the objects themselves. Entire villages benefit from the sale of the fair trade scarf. Artisans contribute their parts in a process of production that allows much more freedom, sustainability and opportunities for financial freedom. Artisans are not forced to work away from their homes, and, as a result, more attention to family matters is possible. Cooperatives support education through organizing government scholarships for children of artisans. Many individual roles are part of the larger picture behind the scarf a customer holds in their hand. Most importantly, artisans and all those who participate in the production are paid more than they would be in factory settings. Consequently, the financial gains translate into improved health, leisure, education, family stability and happiness overall.
Silk scarves are excellent accessories to boost overall sales. Once you consider the wide variety of options available in fair trade silk scarves you may want to consider how overall sales and overall image might be positively enhanced by including these products. Customers want to jazz up their outfits with accessory purchases and a cleverly placed rack of women's scarves can be just the thing to make their wishes come true. Wardrobes come to life with the addition of a scarf, especially if the scarf is handmade and shows the kind of quality only the finest fair trade scarves currently offer. Your retail sales can soon show an upward trend as a result of a little planning.
Joan Rasch enjoys writing articles for businesses who are interested in silk scarves clothing, jewelry, bags, cards, and scarves for women in particular. Fair Trade products are a result of an organized social movement and market based approach that strives to assist people in developing countries improve trading conditions and promote sustainability.

Creative Marketing, More Customers

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Expert Author Tyler C Martin
The days of big television ads and full page newspaper ads that drive thousands of customers to your booming business are over (Unless you have an unlimited amount of funding). The Internet and our socially connected world have changed business and marketing forever and it makes me so happy! It has never been easier to get the word out about your business and show people why they should become your customers. And for little to no money if you get creative enough.
I got my first life lesson about marketing the day I opened my first business. Finding funds, setting up the business structure, filing legal documents, getting adequate insurance and all the other logistical things involved in starting this business were easy. But when I found myself with open doors but sitting on only $400 in my bank and business bills coming due, "nervous" doesn't come close to what I was feeling. I knew that marketing was important so I took the first $1000 that I made and paid an "advertising expert" to put our money to good use. This generated Zero customers. So hey, marketing takes time right? So the second $1000 went to an advertising piece that went out to 10,000 subscribers. It too produced Zero customers. Funds were now getting very low. We did have customers from word of mouth but not enough to sustain the business. At this point I did the only thing I thought I could, I spend an hour designing a flyer and got 200 of them printed off. I spent the next few hours woefully passing them out in a small college town. Numbers skyrocketed a few days later and I was completely amazed. A cheap flyer got us customers?! $2000 dollars.... Zero Customers. But, $10 worth of a creative marketing piece,that some "experts" would laugh at, produced dozens of customers. I estimate that we earned around $1000 from those first flyers.
The flyers themselves were not what produced the customers. It was the way that they were passed out. I knocked on each door, talked with each person that answered the door and invited them to come to our business and check it out. That, is Creative Marketing. We do many types of advertising in our companies now but the best way, that we have found, to market that first business is still passing out flyers. Getting creative in your advertising will go a long way. You can find low cost, fun and easy to do methods to bring tens of thousands of dollars to your bottom line. This is where you have to understand your business and experiment. Some marketing books and gurus will tell you specific things to do in order to get customers. I am a little different. I have had and have run multiple companies and each one has to be treated differently. Each one has a different type of customer and it is different to get the word out to different people. This is where the fun comes in! How can you market to the most people for the least amount of money? Figure it out!
Will the Internet help your company? Social Networking sites? Google Ad Words? (Yes, they will)
Do you want your message to be serious or funny?
What message do you want to send to your customers?
Do you want to offer them a good deal? (Remember - You customers will spend money if they find your product or service of value)
Find what works the best for you and your company. This may take some time but it will save you a lot of money and you will gain very valuable customers. Creative Marketing shows your customers that you care and that will go a long way. And remember, creating a large customer base takes time. When we started our first Facebook page for our Indoor Rock Climbing gym, no matter what we posted it didn't change how much money we made. Now, we can run a good deal, post something on Facebook and watch the bank account grow by thousands of dollars.
Be patient, be willing to try and be creative!

Lonely Planet Ranks Uganda Number One Travel Destination For Year 2012

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Renowned and respected world travel guide Lonely Planet has ranked Uganda the best travel destination for the year 2012. Uganda was ranked ahead of the likes of Myanmar, Ukraine, Jordan, and Denmark.
Lonely Planet collected lots of ideas from travellers, bloggers and tweeters from which they generated a list of countries. Countries chosen are said offer a range of experiences to travellers albeit a few shortcomings like the less than satisfactory infrastructure and seeming tense political atmosphere after the just concluded presidential elections for the Uganda's sake.
From the collected ideas, the top ten ranked countries were then voted for by a panel of travel experts at Lonely Planet and Uganda happens to be at the pinnacle of this list. The ranking was based on factors such as topicality, excitement, value and the special x-factor for a particular country.
Measuring almost the same size as Great Britain, Uganda passes for the most beautiful and diverse nation on the African continent. The country boast of a range of unique attractions and with the rapidly expanding tourism infrastructure and the much improved political stability, Uganda is turning out to be a haven for travelers.
Uganda is the entire Africa in one small package. What you find in the different parts of the African continent you find it all here in Uganda. At a glance you find the smallest of sunbirds iridescent in the dawn light, the enormous clumsy yet silent elephant disappearing like a vapor behind the trees, the naughty chimps crashing about the forest canopy, the Mountain Gorilla chewing thoughtfully in the bamboo thicket.
This lush tropical country is the source of the longest river in the world, the Nile. The mighty Nile twists its way North like a flickering ribbon, through arid semi-desert with scattered rocky kopjes. It is in Uganda where the savanna meets the huge Lakes of East Africa, and where snow capped mountains bear down on expansive jungles.
Snow capped peaks, tropical, sandy, fresh water beaches, and beautiful jovial faces all over the place. All that and more is here; Uganda is a feast for all the senses.
Declared by legendary British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill as the Pearl of Africa, it is little wonder Uganda is now the number one travel destination in the world.
The other ranked countries among the top ten travel destination for the year 2012 include:
2. Myanmar, 3. Ukraine, 4. Jordan, 5. Denmark, 6. Bhutan, 7. Cuba, 8. New Caledonia, 9. Taiwan and 10. Switzerland.

UI Diduga Rugikan Negara Rp 45 M, Dunia Pendidikan Makin Prihatin

Mega Putra Ratya - detikNews
Jumat, 20/01/2012 07:02 WIB
Browser anda tidak mendukung iFrame
Jakarta - Terungkapnya hasil audit pengelolaan anggaran Universitas Indonesia (UI) yang berpotensi merugikan negara sebesar Rp 45 miliar dinilai menambah prihatin dunia pendidikan negeri ini. Jika hal tersebut terindikasi korupsi, maka hal itu akan merugikan para mahasiswa.

"Kita prihatin bahwa anggaran pendidikan yang besar bisa bocor ditengah jalan. Hal itu menunjukan pengelolaan dana yang tidak berjalan efektif," ujar Koordinator Monitoring Pelayanan Publik ICW, Febri Hendri kepada detikcom, Jumat (20/1/2012).

Febri mengtakan ada masalah yang serius dalam tata kelola UI. Jika UI tidak berbenah diri, maka hal ini akan berdampak luas bagi para mahasiswa.

"Pendidikan jadi ujung tombak pembangunan karakter bangsa. Saya yakin mereka bisa memperbaiki ini jadi baik," jelasnya.

ICW, lanjut Febri, mendukung langkah BPK untuk menyerahkan hasil audit tersebut kepada KPK. Dan KPK harus menelusuri apakah dari hasil audit tersebut ditemukan indikasi menguntungkan diri sendiri atau kelompok.

"Kalau temuan BPK ini baru masalah pelanggaran prosedur. Tapi apakah hal itu disengaja menguntungkan diri sendiri atau kelompok atau tidak?" imbuhnya.

Jika terbukti ada indikasi korupsi, maka akan berdampak pada kualitas pendidikan di UI. Selain itu kualitas sarana dan prasana di UI juga dinilai akan berkurang.

"Kualitas dari segala aspek akan menurun" ungkapnya.

UI, lanjut Febri adalah badan publik yang mendapat anggaran dari APBN. UI harus terbuka dan menjelaskan kepada publik terkait hasil audit BPK tersebut.

"Wajib menyampaikan kepada publik kenapa BPK menemukan ada pelanggaran prosedur dan kerugian negara. UI adalah badan publik sehingga harus menjelaskan hal ini kepada publik," tegasnya.

ICW memiliki informasi lain mengenai dugaan penyelewengan anggaran di UI. Dugaan itu antara lain mengenai pengadaan laboratorium terpadu di Fakultas Kedokteran dan pengadaan perpusatakaan UI.

"BPK harus meningkatkan lebih dalam kualitas auditnya, setelah ini lakukan audit investigatif," tegasnya.

Hasil audit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) mengungkap sejumlah proyek di UI berpotensi merugikan negara sebesar Rp 45 miliar. Potensi kerugian negara tersebut terdapat pada perjanjian rektor UI dengan PT NLLU terkait bangunan di Jl Pegangsaan Timur yang tanpa diketahui oleh Menteri Keuangan. Selain itu rektor UI juga dinilai tidak cermat dalam kerjasama menyangkut rumah sakit pendidikan UI.

Sayangnya pihak UI belum mau menanggapi masalah hasil audit BPK tersebut. Rektor UI Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri yang dihubungi dan dikirimi pesan singkat hingga kini belum membalas.

"Kita belum mau komentar itu, nanti pada waktunya kita akan tanggapi," ujar Sekretaris Rektorat UI Devie Rachmawati.