Friday, February 17, 2012

Russian Culture Shock

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Expert Author Maxim Shtrymov
As an American citizen coming to Russia for the first time, over three years ago, I experienced CULTURE SHOCK firsthand. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to explain to all those who are interested in travelling to St. Petersburg the differences in the people, city life, and quite simply overall culture in St. Petersburg. Petersburg is a fantastic city that everyone should see at least once in life. But one should prepare for a bit of culture shock!
Of course, whenever someone thinks about Russia, the first things that comes to one's mind are: vodka, Putin, communism, and snow. The snow is a huge factor in the winter, obviously, but it is bearable. The first things that shocked me culturally when I came to Russia were the seriousness of people in public, alcohol use, the Russian language, and how wrong people are about their preconceptions of Russia. This is especially true when speaking about St. Petersburg.
The general public is something very different than I had ever known or seen in my life in America. People are generally quiet, rarely smile on the streets, and are at sometimes uninterested in helping you even if you ask them a question, and may even seem depressed. It is certain that the Russian people as a whole experienced a huge economic downfall after the Soviet Union collapsed. This therefore this plays a huge role in society today, as Russia is still rebounding and has not yet fully recovered from the horrible economic disasters in the 1980's to the middle of the 1990's. The quality of life plays a huge role in how people act in public. Even in the metro, you find yourself sitting down, and everyone around you just looks around and says nothing. It was a huge shock for me to see when I came here.
Alcohol is also vastly different here. The low prices of alcohol in the shops made me feel like I was in heaven for a short while. In addition, the freedom to drink in public is a huge but great surprise for one to experience in Russia. Just going for a walk around a park with a can of beer and some friends is always a great time. But it is not true that every Russian person drinks vodka on the street or vodka in general. It was a huge stereotype I encountered from my American friends before I left for St. Petersburg.
The Russian language.... what can I say, it is beautiful but yet, so difficult. If one comes to St. Petersburg and either doesn't know Russian, or just knows enough to get by, the language itself is intimidating just to hear, let alone, try to speak. It was a huge fear of mine to say the wrong thing to someone when my Russian was poor, at only a basic level. Everyone should be careful when speaking to a stranger on the street. The speed and complexity of the language was a huge cultural shock for me, and I am certain it will be one for anyone from outside of Eastern Europe or the former Soviet States.
Lastly, even though it is not a cultural shock factor, the preconceptions about Russian people as a whole are terribly wrong. Russian friends are some of the best friends and most loyal I have ever had. People will respect you if you attempt to speak their difficult language, as they understand themselves that Russian is not a simple language. Russia is not a third world backward country; it is a country with some unknown traditions or ways of life. As Churchill once said, "Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." It is true to those who never experienced the Russian life or just a visit to Russia.
Saint Petersburg Guide is the # 1 online English speaking travel source in St Petersburg.

Let's Talk About Designing Your Very First Inviting Brand

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Expert Author Erin Ferree
After all, this is where all my experience comes from... I started out as a graphic designer, helping very-first-timers design their first business brands.
Along the way, I learned many, many valuable lessons about designing your first brand... so I thought I should share.
Many first-time entrepreneurs consider designing their brand a "first order of business" - they think that before they launch, they've got to design their logo, business cards and their website.
I get it... there's a lot of not-fun stuff to do when you start your business. Setting up accounts. Creating contracts. Dealing with your business entity choice (whether you'll be a corporation, sole proprietor or LLC).
This is important stuff, and at the same time, it's really not the creative adventure you set out to have in your business.
So you avoid it... and try to have some serious fun by commissioning or creating your business designs.
And you're counting that fun towards the cause of "advancing your business."
That's oh-so-wrong. For many reasons.
First of all, it's a stalling tactic that nervous entrepreneurs use to avoid selling their services. Selling freaks them out, so they say, "I just have to have this website put together... then I can start making calls."
That's straight-up crazy... you don't need a website, or a logo, or really any graphics at all. You just have to start having those first conversations with potential clients and start selling and delivering your services.
It may seem that having a logo will make that transition easier, and the truth is... it's more likely to hurt you than to help you.
And reason #2 will show you why that's so important: because a brand is a two-way discussion. You have to design your brand to speak to your ideal clients. To show and tell them what you stand for in your business.
If you haven't had any clients yet, how can you possibly design your brand FOR them?
You've got to create your brand for your clients. They're the ones listening in and watching you. And so your brand has to be meant to communicate with them.
Because they're completely serious about a picture saying 1000 words... and you want to make sure they're saying the right 1000 words to the right people. Right?
Your brand designs should communicate all of that meaning and emotion behind your business.
So, before you design, you not only have to figure out who you're communicating with... but also what you're trying to say.
How to figure that out? Answer these questions:
What is your business all about?
And how do you want your clients to feel when they work with you?
In your brand, you have the opportunity to tell your clients all of that, and even more, about your business.
Your brand is powerful because you can show, not just tell.
A gorgeous brand can do so much more than communicate.
• Gives your invisible, intangible service a face and makes it more real and less abstract.
• Turns heads and opens doors for you. Clients will say, "have you seen this?" and pass your marketing along for you.
• Sticks in peoples' minds, making a memorable, lasting impact.
• Moves your clients from "know" to "like" quickly... and ease the transition into "trust." You'll know this is happening when you hear them say, "wow, I love that! Tell me more..."
• Raises the perceived value of your services, cut back on sales objections and speed up your sales cycle.
So, it's imperative that you put the effort into figuring out what you want your 1000 word-picture to say, and who you want it to say that to. That's the only way you're going to make the gorgeous impression you want to make.
Erin Ferree is a brand strategist and designer. She works with small businesses to create brands with substance and style that fit their businesses perfectly.
She's designed brands for hundreds of small business all over the world. Her brands help her clients attract their ideal clients, outshine their competition and make them unforgettable. She also works with small business owners to develop complete clarity about their brand positioning and to develop total brand clarity.

FOTO: Bus-bus Supermewah di Masa Depan

Diandalkan jadi transportasi umum dengan fitur teknologi tercanggih.

Jum'at, 17 Februari 2012, 06:22 WIB
Sandy Adam Mahaputra, Randi Aditya
VIVAnews - Desain mewah dengan fitur teknologi canggih, irit, dan ramah lingkungan tidak hanya menjadi ikon bagi mobil masa depan. Ini juga berlaku pada kendaraan umum seperti bus.

Bahkan di Inggris, angkutan umum seperti bus kota telah mengalami prosedur perubahan dari segi desain interior dan eksterior. Bus legendaris mereka, Bendy, kini berubah menjadi lebih futuristik dari segi desain, dan tentunya ramah lingkungan.

Dilansir CarBuzz, Kamis 16 Februari 2012, ada empat bus masa depan yang memiliki desain mewah dengan tenaga yang cukup besar. Bus-bus ini bahkan digadang-gandang menjadi transportasi umum dengan fitur teknologi tercanggih.

Berikut spesifikasi dan foto-foto keempat bus tersebut yang diambil dari Carbuzz:

1. Wubbo Ockels adalah desain bus paling keren yang pernah dirancang. Bus bermesin hybrid ini mampu menyemburkan tenaga sebesar 408 hp, dengan 23 kursi dan memiliki kecepatan maksimum 250 km/jam. Bus ini awalnya dirancang oleh Ockels dari Belanda yang sekarang sedang menetap di Dubai.

2. Bus Credo E-Bone adalah bus hybrid hydrogen dengan tenaga listrik didesain oleh Peter Simon. Bus ini memiliki tampilan seperti serangga.
Credo E-Bone dirancang untuk dapat menghasilkan tenaga sendiri berkat atap panel surya, yang menyediakan listrik untuk mesin elektrik ke seluruh roda. Interior bus ini terbilang cukup kalem dibanding eksteriornya.

3. Bus Robo merupakan bus yang mengutamakan gaya di antara bus-bus lainnya. Mohammad Ghezel sebagai desain bus ini terinspirasi serangga dengan bahan bakar listrik, disertai atap panel bertenaga surya jika dibutuhkan.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

When Life Changes Your Brand For You

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So I'm sitting at my desk working on a project when very gradually the left side of my face decided I had no right to tell it what to do anymore. There was still feeling in my face, but the muscles had stopped responding to my brain's commands and drooped listlessly. This new day-to-day companion of mine is called Bell's Palsy and, as of this writing, I've had it for 40 days. Currently, I'm embracing the victory that I can twitch my left cheek and lip just a little.
My niche in the New York City market is being the music theatre guy who can play the other ten characters in the show. In the print world, I'm the flexible-faced guy who looks great through a fish-eye lens. Commercially, my marketable expressions relate trustworthiness and comic cluelessness. My voiceover career is dependent on my lips as articulators. In five minutes, all of that was disrupted. As the left side of my face continued to slide downwards, it felt like every part of my multi-faceted career had been taken from me. Who am I if I don't have my face? I felt a strong pull to hide under my bed at home until it was all over, hosting my own pity party.
You know what? There's something about 33 Chilean miners being pulled from the earth and a good friend working through Stage 4 Breast Cancer to put things in perspective. A dedicated and loving husband helps too. I chose to talk about it. I changed my Facebook profile picture to reflect my current Palsy Chic and chose to post about how I was changing up my career strategy. From that, I have had a wonderful outpouring of encouragement and support from family and friends. Here are some of the things I continue to learn.
BEING SAVVY IS BEING FLEXIBLE. No matter what our appearance, there are roles for us, even if our market is limited. A bit of grotesqueness had been thrust upon me in October. So, I contacted my on-camera commercial and print agents and encouraged them to submit me for Halloween spots. I responded to calls for background actors for anything requiring hospital patients or low-brow types, informing them I had Bell's Palsy and would be a shoe-in. My voiceover agent continues to submit me for charactery campaigns, knowing that even if my face suddenly healed, I could recreate the Buddy Hackett sounds that were coming out of my mouth naturally. Last week, I was upgraded on the set of the Onion Sports Network because they needed someone who looked like a creepy Russian Olympic Committee member. I still have the same skill set and experience. My brand has just temporarily changed.
LEARN TO PRIORITIZE. It is far too easy to overbook ourselves when we see an open space in the calendar. When the Bell's Palsy hit, I had to set my mind to prioritize vital recovery and rest. I allowed the time to open up for ten doctor's appointments (including chiropractic and acupuncture), a schedule of taking four prescriptions and four more natural supplements, and an MRI. I also turned down five gigs for which I had time in my calendar, but which would have taken up psychic energy for memorization and working of music. It's amazing what we can do when we make that prioritizing decision. What is that urgent for you? Practicing your vocal technique? Getting to the gym? Writing your screenplay? Make the choice to prioritize it and the time you need for it will open for you.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR A FRESH APPROACH. Voice teachers had been telling me for years to relax my jaw and lips. Well guess what? I don't have them now and my singing has improved because I HAVE to place the sound around the soft palette with the tip of my tongue pointed up and back. (One of the ways I know I've approached a note in my upper range correctly is that I feel like my left eardrum is about to explode. It hurts, but it's tangible for now.) I also just finished a multi-character two-person play and my facial expressions were pretty much limited to those of Carol Burnett's "Nora Desmond" character. Well, limitations free you to make more creative choices and I explored differentiating my characters with different toolboxes: pitch, regionalisms, vocal texture, resonator choice, and the rhythm of the character's heartbeat.
PEOPLE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE IF YOU'RE CONFIDENT. This is something I hear consistently from casting directors and agents. No matter what your body type, confidence is sexy! Since the Bell's Palsy began, I continue to meet casting directors and agents and keep my appointments with my clients. It's really as simple as explaining why my face looks this way and then, with that done, jumping in and doing what I do. People have been totally fine with it. I even did a video for It Gets Better Broadway, reaching out to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered youth, relating how even with my face in this condition I have a husband who looks upon me as the most handsome man in the world and that if they just hang in there they will be around to have something great too. This leads me to the last point...
OUR MISSION IS TOO IMPORTANT TO ACCEPT DEFEAT. As an actor, I have the privilege and the responsibility to help my audience go through whatever they need to process at this moment in time. I have been developing this craft for forty years now and am damn good at it, so I choose to raise my voice in song, to bring life to as many characters as a script can hold, and to hit my audience's "soul spot" with a story-be it on a commercial or at a music stand.
So, what is your mission? What gifts are you going to bring into the world with your craft? What long-term vision burns so strongly in the deepest part of you that you could lose your legs, not have a penny to your name, or have your lover of twenty years walk out on you and you would still find a way to report to set the next morning? Name that mission, post it over your mirror to remind you every day, and you will be able to shift with whatever adversity life may throw at you.
The Savvy Actor mission is to empower actors to think like small business owners by creating and implementing an effective business plan, branding their unique product, and developing marketing strategies that get them noticed and in the door; ultimately merging career and life into one of abundance and success!

Local Store Marketing: Key Leaders

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Expert Author John J Matthews
"It's not what you know, it's who you know".
This adage held true in your first job search and still holds true today in business. Building and fostering long-term business relationships not only enable you to be connected to the key decision makers in your community, but also their contacts. From a competitive standpoint, your personal contact list becomes an immensely valuable asset.
Many business owners underestimate the importance of developing business relationships with the key people in their trade areas. Whether it is a comfort level in approaching strangers or perhaps not fully understanding the multi-fold benefit of these relationships, often owners will not venture to meet key leaders. A key leader in your trade area can enable you to exponentially grow your potential customer base since these leaders are tremendously influential over their followers.
There are many key leaders in your trade area that you should target for introductory meetings in the upcoming year. Including in that list would be:
  • Chamber of Commerce President
  • Fire, Police Chiefs
  • Youth Organization Leaders
  • Key Business Leaders
  • High-Level Networkers
If you are planning your grand opening or are already established in the market, creating a plan that includes introductory meetings with key leaders helps develop a stealth marketing strategy. This type of marketing is exceedingly difficult for your competition to overcome - after all, these are your contacts in which you have established a relationship. For operators that have effectively fostered these relationships, they stand to gain from this viral networking strategy.
Make A Plan: Making inroads to developing key leadership relationships should not be left to happen-chance. Rather, create a year-long strategy to meet key public officials, private sector business leaders, youth organizers and other top networkers. A progressive goal of meeting with two to three new contacts a month will enable you to expand your network - and more importantly, your reach - much more quickly. At years end, you will be able to point to 25 new "movers and shakers" that hopefully will connect you with their network contacts.
Be A Tipper: As one expands their exposure to other key leaders in the trade area, you become one of those "tippers", as well. A tipper is one that is at the epicenter of a number of activities - the person that is not only in the know, but is connected throughout ones network. The more activity that flows through a tipper, the stronger the chance that they will be presented opportunities that can be capitalized upon.
Think "Exponentially": You may remember the Faberge Organics Shampoo commercial starring Heather Locklear that ended the commercial with the famous line of "and they'll tell their friends- and so on, and so on..." Networking with key leaders follows the same premise. Get to the right people and your brand will cascade throughout their networks much more quickly. Identifying and fostering relationships with 25 key leaders in your trade area may connect you with thousands of people in no time.
Outsmart Competition: When it comes to market share, many companies try and outspend their competition. Money can buy many things in an attempt to capture loyal customers, but combating a competitor that is tightly linked to the key leaders in their trade area, is often the most difficult to overcome. Relationships matter and establishing key contacts throughout your local marketing trade area will give you an impenetrable market position.
Stay Top Of Mind: While meeting two to three leaders a month will get you started, it doesn't end there. Sending out periodic emails or notes to these contacts is time well-served to remain top-of-mind. Leaders are intensely busy and their daily lives keep them moving at a breakneck pace. A periodic "hello" or update on your business is all it takes to keep you and your brand relevant.
Networking with key leaders in your trade area not only positions your brand firmly in these tipper minds, but also their constituents. Whether you find them through LinkedIn or in-person events, fostering and maintaining relationships with these leaders outflanks your competition. The math is extraordinarily compelling when you consider the amount key constituents that monitor each of these key leaders.
John Matthews is the founder and president of Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc., a strategic planning and marketing services firm that specializes in helping businesses grow in the restaurant, convenience and general retail industries. With more than 20 years of senior-level experience in retail and a speaker at retail-group events throughout the U.S.,

Uses of Pop Up Displays

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People participate more in trade show events and campaigns to create more awareness for your brand in the market. They use pop up displays to grab attention of the target audience. The displays could be in the form of table top displays, backdrop, posters, etc. These create very impressive impact in the mind of the viewers at the trade show exhibitions. The table top exhibition displays are generally placed on the tables; these are one of the cost-effective means to display the company's products and services. The pop up stands can be customized according to the requirements of the event, these are very easy to use, assemble and dismantle without any difficulty. The display stands do not require any special skill set to set up the trade show booth. New graphic panels can be easily attached to the stands; a variety of graphic designs can be used to showcase numerous products. The panels can be attached using magnets, pins or fasteners.
The pop up displays could be used in the form of backdrop; these can be created in various shapes and sizes according to the size of the display booth. The backdrop graphics can be changed easily, as these are very light in weight, easy to carry and can be stored in a rolling case. Due to the interchangeable panels with the pop up stands, these displays can be used at various events, corporate functions, seminars, exhibitions, etc. you should have latest information about the display designs available in the market. All these kinds of display materials are used to grab attention of the target audience at the trade show or exhibition. Proper display can increase the probability that the viewers would spend their money in your products and services.
Proper implementation of the pop up displays would make your brand noticed at the events and thus increase in the targeted revenue of the company. You need to stay updated about the information on trade show displays and pop up stands in the latest market trend. You can see various tutorials for designing the trade show exhibitions; it is a good idea to get the latest news and market trends about the displays to be used for trade show exhibitions and indoor applications. These displays can be used as way-finding signs at the trade show event, to increase footfall at the booth. You can make event sign-age with this to grab attention of the passersby. You can use them as a promotional material at the events to announce the launch of new products and services.
The innovative pop up stands can create great brand awareness in the market. These can be used to display welcome message to the visitors at your trade show booth. As these are light weighted and portable, these can be used as a corporate display at different meetings and seminars. You can plan the design for your trade show booth with the help of pop up displays. These were few uses of these displays; innovative minds can use the same in several other ways.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Rich Symbolism Of Blue

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Expert Author Mihaela C Schwartz
Blue is a primary color and it has been impregnated with magic connotation through the centuries in all the cultures. It is part of the infinity which opens our souls' windows. It is the sea and the sky which meet in a single image of verticality, combining elevation infinite vastness and depth. Blue is the color which is most often associated with spirituality, being a thought-provoking element and not a passion stimulating one like red.
The charms of this color are also known to neutralize the evil eye. The blue color is the deepest and most intangible, and in which we encounter a boundless ocean. In nature, the blue color is often a transparent one as it is the color of empty things such as air, water and crystal. Blue is the coldest color, but also the purest. It is the symbol of love and wisdom transformed into life and energy that embodies the ultimate feminine ideal.
The blue color refers to vision, meditation, intuition, ideal love, depth and detachment from material things. Its element is Ether, the Neptune planet and the precious stones associated with this color are sapphires and turquoises, while the cardinal point is the West.
Within the Aztec culture the turquoise blue was the color of the Sun in its most profound and mystical form. In Tibetan Buddhism, blue is the color of wisdom. In India, Krishna, the divine messenger has a blue skin, symbolizing his love of the Master. The dark navy blue is associated to black as the sum of all colors, and to the night, while light blue, just like pure yellow, is assimilated to white and to the light of day.
In the Middle Ages, blue was adopted by the Christian Church as coat color for the Virgin symbolizing the heavenly Mother of all humans. Since then, painters and sculptors, who also associate this color to purity, used it for its rich expressive power.
The ancient Egyptians saw blue as the color of truth embodied by the goddess Maat, who was considered to be the justice itself. From the truth in front of death and of the Gods, the Celestial Blue represents the threshold that separates man from those who run the world from the beyond. The blue color is sacred; it is the matrix (female) through which the golden light (male) pierces. Besides, Zeus and Yahweh had their feet on the blue sky when they sat on their thrones.

Scientists and Spirituality

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Expert Author Ilya Shambat
I have discovered that many scientists have a very rich spirituality, and one that in most cases does not conform with established religion. The reason is that, the more they study the universe, the more they see of its richness and complexity, and the rational response to that is respect for and even awe before what they see. A serious student of biology will have very high regard for what he sees, whether it be the human body with its three trillion cells arranged in organ systems and staying alive for 100 years or the richness of an Amazonian rainforest. The reason is that such things possess greater complexity than anything that people yet know how to create, and understanding of this logically leads to respect for the processes that made such things possible.
Someone possessing in-depth knowledge of science would therefore have respect for and even awe of the universe; but that does not necessarily mean that he is going to agree with the concept of Biblical God. The reason is that Christianity holds a dismissive, even damning, attitude toward nature, seeing "flesh" (meaning the human body and the rest of physical natural world) as being a creation of the Satan or as being poisoned by sin. A serious student of biology would be angered by attitudes of this nature. The reason is that what's being damned or impugned here is something possessing far greater complexity, richness and viability than anything that the person possessing such attitudes knows how to create. And he would likewise be angered by brainless economic practices such as destroying the extraordinarily rich environment that is Amazon to make ranches that become useless in two years, when there are many other ways to feed Latin America, or flooding the atmosphere and the oceans with CO2 from dirty coal and oil, when there are many other ways to provide energy that are a lot less destructive.
That does not mean that the scientist is going to have no spiritual feelings; indeed he may have very profound spiritual feelings - once again as a rational consequence of what he sees. He may be more likely to agree with a creed such as Deism, which was practiced by America's founders Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, that sees divine truths as being found in nature and discovered through rational inquiry. He may believe in some providence or some higher intelligence, but he is not likely to agree with the Biblical beliefs that damn the natural world or the human body. The reason once again is that he will have respect for the natural world and the human body as a rational reaction to what he finds out about these things.
Science and spirituality do not have to be opposed to one another; indeed life-affirming spirituality is fully in conformance with scientific knowledge. The more one studies natural life the more he values it and respects it. The attitude of the romantic is a natural outgrowth of the obvious implications of scientific inquiry: A logical consummation of the respect for natural life that scientific study of life engenders. And if one believes in some higher power, it becomes power that is congruent with, and not held opposite to, life.
The person involved in real scientific inquiry is likewise going to be in disagreement with the people who deem themselves rational while they have contempt for natural processes. Such contempt is an obvious mark of inadequate cognition and inadequate knowledge. Until one can create something as complex as human body or Amazonian rainforest, one has no business having contempt for such things; and a person who has such contempt either possesses inadequate understanding of the preceding or does not possess adequate reasoning faculties to understand the logical implications thereof.
There are any number of scientists with very profound spiritual understanding, and it is spiritual understanding that is driven by fact and logic. It is driven by understanding just what it is that exists in nature and in the universe and by grasping the full complexity thereof. What the Native Americans referred to as the Great Mystery, science makes explicable, and in the process instills respect for it. The lack of such respect - whether it comes from Biblical attitudes or from attitudes that falsely claim themselves rational - is a mark that one does not know what one is talking about and has no real knowledge of what it is that he holds in disrespect.
Ilya Shambat

Right Message Right Market

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Expert Author Troy White
Two success stories to share with you on advertising effectively.
SUCCESS STORY #1 - Network Marketing Money Machine
I received a phone call 2 years ago from a husband and wife team. They have done exceptionally well in the network marketing industry, and now was to go big on the speaking / information publishing business.
We designed them a campaign that goes like this:
Step 1 - Squeeze page to capture emails from people
All a squeeze page does is capture contact information from people who visit your website. You need to entice them into why they should sign up - snippets of content they get, free bonus books or audio's, etc. When they enter their information - name and email - they are then sent to step 2.
Step 2 - Thank you for sign up and Free CD giveaway
We gave away an audio cd detailed part of their system they use to earn well over a million a year in the industry. The cd is free, shipping and handling is $5. This gives people a very low-cost way to get more familiar with you and your techniques. If they take the free cd offer, they click through to the order page with an option to buy into step 3.
Step 3 -Up-sell to higher end package at 20 -40 times the price of step 2
When people go to the order page for the cd offer, they are offered an option to buy a much higher pried package. In this case we did 2 higher priced options - one at 20 times the cd s&h price, the other at 50 times that price. They can get just the cd... or take them up on the up-sell offers with much more information and product sent to them.
Step 4 - For those who never took the offer for steps 2, 3 or 4 - they get sold into step 2 through the auto respondersthey receive once they sign up on the free newsletter (step 1)
Because the copy was targeted perfectly to their market, and because they had a good number of people read the copy:
1. 1800 people purchased the cd option
2. 20% of those people bought up-sell #1 (at 20 times the price)
3. 5% bought up-sell #2 at 50 times the price
Do the math! That is a serious money-making AUTOMATED machine. For every 1,000 qualified people they send to their site, they know roughly how much money they will make immediately.
In the next 9 MONTHS, that simple marketing system, with the right words, sold well over $1.2 million dollars.
How can you leverage these ideas and automate the sales process in your business?
SUCCESS STORY #2 - First time author ROCKETS to #1
Another client of mine launched his first book. You may have seen some of the promotions for The Power of You!?
We invested a substantial amount of time and resources putting a massive campaign together for him.
1. Teaser sales letters to get people to the main sales letter
2. $3,000 in bonuses to buy the book on the launch day
3. Long copy sales letter to sell the book and bonuses - the key was that he needed people to buy on a single day so Amazon could do their calculations on if he had a best-selling book (calculated by Amazon every hour based on total books sold from their site)
4. Recruited LARGE numbers of partners to endorse the book to their own client lists. They got to read the book first, then endorse the book to their own clients if they like the book. IMPORTANT NOTE: the partners received NO financial compensation for doing this.
I wrote the copy they sent to their lists, to recruit them as partners, to sell people the book, etc.
5. Arranged everything to happen on August 15th starting at 12:01 am.
#1 on Amazon - on the main book best seller list AND in all 5 registered categories the book qualified for!
PLUS, 3 days later - it was STILL #1
Thousands and thousands of books sold (5,000 sold in first 2 weeks, 55,000 sold over the next 3 months) - each of those books is a lead generator for him (ads on the inside of the books for other products) and a MASSIVE database built from the launch (people had to supply their emails to get the bonus materials)
Now he has #1 International Best Selling Author to his name.
How can you leverage these ideas and have other people promote you to their lists? How can you use this to launch a new product, service or bundle?
The key here is to NOT say "that isn't my business". The key is to say "HOW can I make that apply to MY business?"
When you do that - and then implement what you wrote - you will see similar results as they have seen.
The power of the written word, combined with massive action...
Simple Things to Change and Test in your Marketing and Copy Over the Next 30 Days (measure your results before and then after you make these changes to see the effect on your bottom line)
* Are you running a headline in all of your marketing? Go to the news racks and pick up some copies of Cosmo and The National Enquirer (seriously). Find ways to modify some of their cover headlines to fit an advertisement, or email, or newsletter subhead line. This is a simple, yet incredibly effective way to create revenue producing headlines.
* Is it targeted specifically at your target customers?
* Are you specific in your claims? None of the "best in the world" type of claims - no one believes them anyhow.
* Does your marketing material answer the question - "would this help our field sales people close the deal, or pre-qualify the prospects?
* Does every piece of your marketing containing some form of measurement device (special website to visit, email subject line to send you, trackable phone number, etc)? Without this, you have no way of knowing which of your marketing dollars are working for you, and which ones aren't.
* Does your marketing and advertising materials explain what it is you want them to do immediately after reading the ad or promotion? (does it ask them to take action by phone, mail, email, web form, or fax?)
* Does it answer all the questions your typical prospects ask your sales people?
* Can you specifically tell me who your ideal client is (age, sex, income, demographics)?
* Is the most common word in all your marketing "You"? If not - get rid of all the "I", "We", "Us" etc - they do not care about you! All they care about is what you can do for them.
* Do you have testimonials in everything that your prospects and customers see?
* Do you follow-up with your prospects and clients at least once a month? Remember that there are totally different messages you want to send to your prospects and to your existing clients.
Try this out in the next month - and let me know your results.
To your success,
Troy White