Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dahlan: Indonesia Kalahkan Belanda

Ester Meryana | Erlangga Djumena | Kamis, 15 Desember 2011 | 11:31 WIB


— Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Dahlan Iskan menyatakan rasa bangganya bahwa untuk pertama kali Indonesia mengalahkan Belanda dalam hal skala ekonomi.
"Belanda yang menjajah Indonesia dan membuat kita miskin selama 350 tahun, tetapi tahun ini pertama kalinya ekonomi Belanda kita kalahkan," ujar Dahlan dalam The Markplus Conference 2012 di Jakarta, Kamis (15/12/2011).
Lebih detail, ia menyebutkan, skala ekonomi (pertumbuhan PDB) Belanda mencapai 700 miliar dollar AS, sedangkan Indonesia bisa mencapai 800 miliar dollar AS.
Selain mengalahkan Belanda, Dahlan pun mengatakan, Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Singapura dalam hal kapitalisasi pasar modal per penutupan pasar Rabu (14/12/2011) sore. "Closing marketkemarin sore Indonesia 359 miliar dollar AS (dan) Singapura 337 miliar dollar AS," ujarnya.
Prospek ekonomi Indonesia pun diperkirakan kian bagus. Sesuai dengan ramalan para ekonom, Dahlan mengatakan, Indonesia diperkirakan akan masuk dalam investment grade. Terhadap kemungkinan ini, ia berpesan agar siapa pun tidak boleh terlambat untuk bergerak dan memanfaatkannya. "Inilah bukti masyarakat ekonomi kita yang tidak peduli politik ternyata jauh mencatat pencapaian lebih dari masyarakat politik," kata Dahlan.
Oleh sebab itu, ia berharap masyarakat ekonomi Indonesia untuk bekerja, bekerja, dan bekerja

Early Culture Shocks in East-West Relations


Expert Author Raja A Ratnam
Ingrained prejudice of any kind is difficult to eradicate, even ameliorate. After more than a century and a half of ill-treatment of their indigenes, and about half a century of attempting to perpetuate a nation of white British peoples in Australia, it was not surprising that the first Australian Minister of Immigration dealt harshly in the late 1940s with the handful of coloured wartime evacuees remaining in the country. He also rejected anyone with a tinge of colour, even the odd tinted child within an otherwise white-appearing family.
We Asians did not accept the Minister's claim that he was merely upholding the law, especially after the O'Keefe episode.
The Minister's behaviour was despicable. His parliamentary remark that 'Two Wongs do not make a white' had been noted. It was his attempt to deport wartime evacuee Mrs Annie O'Keefe and her children (originally from Ambon in the Dutch East Indies), when she was already re-married to a white Australian, and with whom she now had a near-white baby, which showed that ordinary Australians were not as racist as their elected representatives. It was also Calwell who reportedly said 'No red-blooded Australian would countenance a chocolate-coloured Australia in the Eighties.'
As for the O'Keefes, the author and two Malayan friends lived next door to them for a few months. On any weekend, up to ten young Asian lads might have been enjoying the ambience of a sea-front life, socialising with the O'Keefes, and enjoying the little O'Keefe baby wiggling its toes at them. The O'Keefes were a delightful family, full of joy and hospitality. Finally, community pressure, commonsense, and justice prevailed. The High Court apparently decided that the earlier deportations of wartime evacuees were extra-legal.
Interestingly, a biographer of Calwell made no mention of the Australian-born white O'Keefe baby. Yet, he says that Calwell did not much like the British, and therefore went to Europe to harvest able-bodied immigrants. They were necessary to build Australia's infrastructures and to man the production facilities being established by foreign enterprises under invitation by the federal government, with a promise of protection from imports. Thus, an uneconomic and technically inefficient manufacturing sector was established; but the it soon enabled a high-consumption nation, without going through the normal processes of developing a durable and significant industrial sector in the usual stages. But, had Calwell been somewhat selective in the European intake, in that he had sought Roman Catholics?
That Australia's destiny was to become less insular was shown by the successful eventual integration of large numbers of European immigrants and their families. Yet, there were roadblocks to be overcome before a closed nation became truly cosmopolitan.

3 Word of Mouth Case Studies


Expert Author Zoe Boalch
Each month we take a look at which word of mouth and advocacy campaigns have inspired us. This month we'll be looking at Lagerhaus' Blog-Up store, Bongo Bingo's advocacy campaign where they reward their top 30 advocates in Belgium and Nivea's Xmas friendship wrap-up campaign from the UK.
Case Study 1: Lagerhaus: Blog-Up Store
Online stores are a dime and dozen nowadays, so when you're launching a new one, how do you create a loyal advocate base? Swedish interior design retailer Lagerhaus did so by creating the first ever 'Blog-up stores'.
Prior to opening their online store, Lagerhaus aimed to develop a strong online fan base, in order to ensure a successful launch. They identified exactly where their target market were spending their time - interior design blogs. From here, six influential interior design bloggers were invited to participate in "blog-up" stores. These stores were housed on the blogs, and items sold were those specifically selected by the bloggers themselves! This helped to ensure the individual bloggers were personally involved in the project, and so would create valuable, genuine recommendation and promotion. Not only that, but by handpicking their favorite items, the bloggers' stores were tailor-made to their readership. The campaign resulted in an increase of 226% of Lagerhaus Facebookfans and interactions by 360%. By inviting only these 13,000 fans to the online launch, Lagerhaus found the perfect fan base to advocate the brand, and spread the word about their online store.
Case Study 2: Bongo Bingo celebrate 10th birthday with top 30 sharers
Bongo Bingo, an experience voucher company in Belgium is turning 10. To celebrate this milestone birthday, they've set out to find their top 30 advocates and sharers. Their aim? To reward them for their support with a chance to win a trip to the Maldives! They've given away 9 trips randomly already, and for lucky number 10, they're generating a strong WoM campaign, and letting the consumers fight it out amongst themselves.
Brussels-South Train Station will play home to a treasure-hunt, with the tickets hidden amongst 5,000 Bongo Bingo boxes. 30 people will be chosen to take part, based on their 'ranking' - determined by how much they've spread the word about the competition. The more they've shared, the higher up they can go in the ranks and secure an invite.
The integration of on and offline in this instance is particularly well employed, ensuring people establish a fun physical connection with the brand, and have something to talk about before, and after the event (regardless of whether they win or not). The minimal 30 advocate places cleverly push the 'exclusivity' angle, while establishing a ranking system through WoM, guarantees user generated promotion, and a higher level of exposure in social media.
Case Study 3: Nivea literally wrap-up friendships via Facebook
Nivea have launched a quirky social/WoM campaign that incentivizes Xmas shoppers to purchase a Nivea gift pack. By bringing to life friendships, the cosmetics brand have created an additional reason for UK shoppers to buy Nivea over other brands this year.
Via an app on their Facebook page, they are offering personalized wrapping paper starring you and a friend when you buy a Nivea gift pack for Christmas.
The app prompts you to select one of your Facebook friends and then automatically pulls all photographs featuring yourself and your friend (you must both be tagged in the picture) to feature on the wrapping paper.
What's clever about this app is that Nivea have tapped into emotional friendships and have created a genuine reason for people to buy what could be considered as a relatively stale product by getting creative with technology. Once the gift has been given, the Nivea brand becomes a part of the friendship too.
The only thing I'd like to see improved is that the technology is still quite clunky at this stage - the app pulls ALL photos with you and your friend which includes group shots and it can be tedious to manually re-select which photos you want included.
In my opinion this is still great use of technology & WoM principles.
Zoë Boalch is co-founder of Sydney based specialist agency Contagious Agency.
Contagious Agency specialise in Advocacy & Word of Mouth marketing and have developed WOM Advocacy campaigns for Sony Australia, Unilever, Paramount Pictures, Bacardi Lion, Visa and more. Contagious also own the Contagious Network - a free hub to connect social & opinionated consumers.

Study of Happiness


Expert Author Phin Upham
Happiness does not seem to be a highly sensitive, though some correlations were found to wealth, social class, etc. Lottery winners, the article "Subjective Well Being" points out, are not made very much happier by their good fortune, and paraplegics are generally not made as unhappy as one might expect by their misfortune.
People do vary as much as might be expected as a function of religion, wealth of nation, marital-status, etc.. Many Researchers conclude that we are progressing down the path toward knowledge about subjective well being. "Hopefully, in 2028 nobody can possibly claim that we know nothing more than the ancient Greeks about subjective well being." The progress, made though careful questionnaires and probing questions try's to measure how happy people feel. This leads me to an objection to this emphasis in the next section...
The emphasis on happiness as an end in and of itself is, I believe, not as fruitful as a measure of a life as it seems to be considered. From this emphasis spring statements like "the happy person [is] well paid, young, educated, religious and married. We would emphasis that the happy person is blessed with a positive temperament..." (Subjective Well-Being) and "although happiness is not easy to predict from material circumstances, it seems consistent to those who have it" (The Pursuit of Happiness). The ancient Greeks might not have had out sophisticated knowledge of methodology, or our knowledge of psychological biasing factors in surveys, but nevertheless, they seem to have had a broader view of happiness that I believe is now overlooked. Aristotle was not wholly unaware of the diminishing marginal return of wealth. He claimed that in order to be happy a person had to have a certain amount of money, but after that, the amount of money made little difference. How much further in our analysis have we come today?
The importance attacked to the question of happiness for the ancient Greeks seemed to have less to do with Subjective hedonistic feelings of well being than it had to do with philosophical consideration of the good life. Fulfillment of function, as Aristotle famously claimed, was happiness for all beings. So the happy life for humans was fulfillment of certain of our intellectual capabilities. It is an open question whether professors and philosophers, whom Aristotle may have claimed have fulfilled their function to a high degree, have a higher life-satisfaction rate. I do not think that the answer to this survey, no matter the result, would significantly changed Aristotle's claim about whether one is happy. His claim, to me, is one which incorporates personal feeling as a manifestation of the nature of ones relationship to the world and not as in and of itself the key characteristic.
The unexamined life, as famously said, is not worth living. Therefor a life which is "happy" but unexamined is not worth living. But many of the readings treat an increase of happiness exactly this way. How you think of your life in terms of joy takes center stage. But not many of us really work to maximize happiness. In fact, a millionaire could live most of her life in "Happiness" if she quit her job and moved to Bali. A less extreme example would include giving up a promotion in order to have more free time. It may be true that we often INCORRECTLY prioritize out lives, for example it may not be either fulfilling nor a maximization of happiness for many to work the long hours they do., but because people often do not choose their priorities correctly when they choose to trade in happiness does not mean that they ought not trade subjective happiness for certain things.
The idea of objective happiness also emerges. A life of hedonism is subjectively happy (as is the life of the deluded person in the Experience machine example) but it is not objectively a good or happy life. An objectively happy life is tied to the concept of a good life in a deep way that subjective happiness, which seems to float free from almost everything but genetics and patterns of thought formed in childhood, is not. And this "makes all the difference."
Reading about happiness has disturbing application to ones own life. So much of what we do we do because we want to live a happy life. We postpone gratification (in the strictly hedonistic sense) by continued schooling and long hours. But if this tradeoff will not yield significantly greater happiness, and if happiness is one's goal, one begins to question if it is worth it. This flirts with the old cliché about doing what makes one happy, but I think it is distinct in its rigor. Far from concluding that one ought to paint the town red every night since postponement of gratification for some goal will not make any difference, I conclude that the tradeoff is not between happiness and work, but between something else, perhaps a fulfilling life, or a good life and work. Happiness is a very important element in a fulfilling life or a good life, but it is only an element. But if happiness is not our goal, then perhaps we must reevaluate what tradeoffs we make.
The most interesting question to me, therefor is "What good does this information do for us? How ought we to use it?" I have two directions I would like to suggest. First, it is unclear to me that the information about marriage and religion making one happier says what it appears to say. Both are self selected groups. It is possible that those who have a disposition to be happy choose to get married more often or be religious (were the same people tested before and after marriage? Are the kind of people who get married the kind that would be happy in marriage?). So therefor it is not necessarily true that we can improve our lives by getting married or joining the church as the studies might suggest.
I do not think a close study of these studies would often yield a great change in the life decisions a person would make. In as far as it would, I do not believe it would be because of the studies themselves but rather because they forced the reader to reevaluate and reexamine their life and their priorities. But a person could do this without these studies but after a careful reading of Aristotle, for example. I am not sure how this information can be used to change/reevaluate/reform ones life. But the question is a vital one to every reader.
How one evaluated one's own happiness is important since we often make decisions in life in an attempt to manipulate this evaluation (to make ourselves happier) and these studies suggest ways which might be dead-ends and ways which would be helpful.

The Power Of the Digital World In Advertising


We live in a digital world. Everything around us from electronic gadgets to communication devices use digital technologies to function. With more and more technology advances being made in the digital world, advertising and marketing solutions have come a long way. Digital display systems have the now become by far the most preferred way to advertising for small medium and large corporations across the world.
Digital Display: The uses of digital displays not only provide noticeable advertising opportunity but an interactive display board adds a punch to the whole campaign. Digital displays board are now used for effective advertising and communication with the customers that help not only in promotional activity but also play a major role in brand building exercise that is far more effective than any other advertising medium or displays. Just like other advertising and display banners digital displays are also available in different shape and sizes. You can fit your display in any corner as per your need. So it us the most noticeable promotional strategy for now a days.
Digital Signage: The trend of Digital signage advertising has picked up like no other marketing trend in recent history. Simply speaking digital signage is a platform for electronic displays. It has just changed the state of mind and view of thanking of all marketers about marketing and advertising. The advantages of an effective digital display is that it brings to the table the power of broadcasting dynamic content likes messages, brand punch lines and videos. Signage are the most commercial way for advertising dynamic content compared to broadcasting ads on television or the Internet. You will also have the comfort of updating the signage day by day yourself as it is so easy to upload a file in computer software or program.
Digital signage advertising: There are number of options while choosing the best digital signage advertising options for a particular brand or company. Depending on individual goal of advertising or brand promotion various advertising options like billboards, LED displays, video walls and interactive Systems broadcast digital graphics in a dynamic form to the public at large. It also lot depends on your product or service. No matters what you are offering but there are some products that can be easily promoted and more importantly get noticed via LED Displays or where else some other services can do well on video walls. The main target of all this stuff is the brand promotion and there is no doubt in it that none other displays can do better than Digital Signage Advertising products.
Digital Signs: Digital signs are widely used these days in most stores, office buildings, hospitals, airports and other public and private venues. Not only can Digital signs be updated by a remote control system, digital signs do not use any paper or paint and hence are more environmental friendly than traditional signs. Hence it can be the most effective display system in shopping malls and other public places. It is now available in different size, shape and patters. It can display things brighter in less energy so it is one of the most commercial as well eco-friendly display because there is no use of paper or paint in it.

Valuable Utilization of Retail Graphics for One's Enterprise


Retail is one of the world's top moneymakers; the business produces billions 
in profits on a yearly basis. Should you be on the retail business, 
the task is to get more gross sales and consumers amid the tight competition. 
Using artistic and fun retail graphics for your store will make it more visible 
to buyers, and may also encourage them to go in. Advertising is actually 
a factor to business survival. Using the wrong technique, nonetheless, 
can do more damage than good. Incompetent advertising materials can 
cause you to lose sale possibilities. This would indicate the loss of 
much-needed revenue and long-term income possibilities. 
Your target customers may just be passing you by. Distributing standee 
banners or posters near your store is a good way to draw in attention; 
or you can simply make your store sign really visible.
Large printing for retail graphics attains a couple of objectives: communicating your business name to possible buyers, and promoting name recall.
Brand recall is not really something you will get right away using your advertising resources. It takes time for anyone to acknowledge your brand. Effective retailers use their company logo and name at each and every chance to build their name brand. The more noticeable your company logo and brand names, so much the better. Listed here are a couple of ways to make the most of retail graphics.
Outdoor Advertising
Advertising through billboards is an efficient option to promote a service or product. Drivers and commuters are buyers and, therefore, you immediately get to a large section of the market. You may advertise everything from clothes, to food, to affordable auto loans. Today, it truly is unusual to find a major road without having flamboyant posters and giant billboards.
Tarpaulins along with media making use of large-scale printing are common outdoor advertising opportunities. Its large scale enables far better presence, it is very tough to ignore a huge billboard even if you are not fond of what it says. Proper location and size are two essential concerns that can help build consumer awareness. A few seconds of glance from customers could translate to a lot in sales. This is why it is also important that you clearly convey your key messages on your ad. Make one that may easily command attention as much as possible.
Promote your company or store via internet. Making use of best and attractive looking graphics on your webpage will attract guests. Remember to use fresh and stylish approach on your visuals that will help you stand out from the hundreds of online rivals. Your niche could also determine your use of graphics. If you sell bags for teens, for example, make your graphics colorful and fun. Do not settle using the conventional style of product display as well. Be imaginative and come up with unique graphics which could change the game or possibly even dictate it.
Get some outside help if you feel your creativity and imagination isn't enough. Hire a company offering quality retail graphics services. Take advantage of companies giving reasonable offers for the best results. Do your research today to make your store stand out!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Display Cabinets Help Reduce Theft During the Festive Period


Expert Author Adam Beattie
The festive season is one of the most profitable for retailers. But, with this upsurge in business comes certain risks. During the festive period, there is an estimated 100% increase in theft. Theft can be devastating for any business, but larger stores and chains generally have allowances and strict procedures in places for theft. For smaller retailers, who have little security and may not have any theft prevention procedures in place, shoplifting can eat into profits and leave businesses in tatters. However, something as simple as changing your shop fittings can not only help prevent theft but make your store more usable and appealing for your customers.
An unbelievable number of stores still leave expensive items out on display in their premises. This is a magnet for opportunist thieves who will be able to effortlessly walk out with a chunk of your profits, particularly during the festive season when all your members of staff are extremely busy. By putting your most expensive items in a lockable display cabinet, opportunistic theft can be deterred. As an extra layer of security, you can put 'dummy' versions of your goods in the display cabinets, and keep the real things safely locked away in the store room.
As well as acting as a deterrent to theft, they also offer retailers a number of additional benefits. Customers assume items that are locked in display cabinets are extremely valuable. You could use cabinets to alter the perceived value of your goods, making them more desirable. Also, rather than merely taking a product to the till and paying for it, staff have to intervene when a customer enquires about an item in a display cabinet. This will allow staff to explain the benefits and features of your products and hopefully close a deal.
Although you may have invested in lockable display cases, the way that your store is laid out could be creating opportunities for thieves. Instead of filling your shop with dark corners and barely-visible displays, you should design your store layout to discourage shoplifting as much as possible. Avoid displaying products in gloomy or hard to see areas. If you absolutely have to, put your items of lowest value there and use lighting to illuminate it as much as you can. Your till should be positioned where most of the store is visible from. If there are any areas of your shop that are difficult to see, consider using mirrors to make them more visible. Avoid 'overfilling' your store so that it's difficult to see everything and don't put your most valuable items close to exits.
Along with small changes in your shop fittings, there are other measures you can take to prevent theft over the festive period. This can include training your staff in security measures, using signage and security tags and installing a CCTV system. Although statistics say that theft is prevalent during the festive season, taking these small steps could mean that it doesn't affect you.

How to Design Out Crime From a Retail Store


Expert Author Romeo Cliff Richards
When times are hard, businesses such as retail are often the first to get hit. Not only are retail sales affected by customers engaging in belt-tightening measures, retailers also suffer from the rise in crimes such as shoplifting and employee theft.
Why Retailers Must Design Out Crime:
Retail shrinkage resulting from shoplifting and employee theft are the major factors responsible for limited retail profit. There is a direct linear equation between shrinkage and profit. When shrinkage increases; profit reduces and when shrinkage reduces; profit increases.
Consequently, it is imperative that retailers ensure that shrinkage reduction forms a core part of their store design blueprint. To increase retail sales without simultaneously increasing retail profit is a wasted opportunity. The goal of every retailer is to increase profit. The most successful retailers understand that increasing profit is impossible without reducing shrinkage.
There are three fundamental principles that underpin any good store design:
1. Attract customers
2. Entice them to enter the store
3. Persuade them to buy.
Applying these principles will result in:
• Increased sales
• Increased staff productivity
• Reduced shrinkage
• Ultimately increased profit
To achieve the above requires a retail store to be specifically designed with profit and shrinkage reduction in mind. Every retail store design blueprint must contain strategies for profit increase and shrinkage reduction.
How to Create a Crime-Free Store Design
Store design for crime prevention and profit increase must focus on the following areas of the store:
- Location of the till.
- Location of entrance and exit.
- Location of fire exit.
- Location of customer toilet.
- Location of staff cloak room/changing room/staff room.
- Location of staff toilet.
- Location of staff entrance.
- Type of lighting system.
- Type of security equipment.
How to Implement an Effective Crime-Free Store Design:
The following are ways of implementing an effective crime free store design:
Focus on design layout:
One of the first aspects you need to address to ensure your store is safe is the store layout design. This means assessing the physical structure of the place with regards to shelving, displays, counters, windows and exit and entrance points to determine which areas are the weakest or most vulnerable.
Ensure Physical Safety:
Implement consistent safety standards to ensure your retail store is safe. It is vital to also implement measures
such as:
- Installing door locks.
- Strategically locating checkout counter, entrance and exit.
- Installing the appropriate lighting systems which eliminate blind spots.
- Installing CCTV and other security devices to dramatically reduce retail shrinkage.
Proper staff training:
Retail staff training is the crème de la crème of designing crime out of a retail store. Retail staff need to be made to understand their role in crime prevention because they have a pivoted role to play in the process. Staff need to be adequately trained to use store design effectively to minimise incidents of either shoplifting or employee theft

How to Wow Customers With Creative Storefront Design


Expert Author Romeo Cliff Richards
Why is Storefront the Most Important Commercial Architectural Element?
We all know that the most important architectural feature of a retail store is the storefront. A lot of retailers spend most of their time getting the inside of their store looking right yet fail to give as much attention to their storefront.
The storefront is the first point of contact between your potential customers' and your store. The storefront is the most important marketing tool that a retailer has. As potential customers stroll through a shopping mail or a high street, their eyes are scanning each and every storefront. They will only make the decision to either take a closer look or enter your store if the storefront display or design appeals to them.
Your storefront design and display is directly and intricately linked to your store sales figure. Get it right and you are able to increase your sales or at least maintain an equilibrium, but getting it wrong can be disastrous for many retail organisations.
What is a storefront? What to Consider When designing a storefront?
A retail storefront is a display of retail products in an environment where customers can peruse and purchase goods. This display can take the form of a brick-and-mortar store in an enclosed mall, but storefronts can vary according to the needs and offerings of the retailer. For example, retail storefronts can include retail kiosks, mall carts, warehouse stores and retail websites that act as virtual storefronts.
What exactly do you need to give consideration to? The most important elements of a storefront are signage and presentation. You should display a large, clear professionally made sign outside of your store. It should be large and clear enough to be easily read from the opposite side of the road to where your store is located.
Signs inevitably start to become dirty over time therefore you need to ensure it is cleaned on a monthly basis, as a dirty looking sign gives a bad impression to customers. Serious consideration must also be given to the presentation of the display. However, it all starts with a well-designed storefront. It is imperative that the store design blueprint incorporates elements of a storefront that enhances visual merchandising of products.
How to Choose a Storefront That Will Amaze Your Customer:
Choose a variety of items to promote in your store window - ensure to include products from different pricing levels. Focus on displaying your best selling products and those that are uniquely different from your competition, especially competitors in the same vicinity.
How to Implement a Good Storefront Design:
The following are guidelines for implementing a good storefront design:
Storefront Awnings - Periodically clean your awning to maintain the veracity of fabrics, seam and colour to avoid the unnecessary expense of replacement.
Signage - Illuminated exteriors of stores attract customers like moths to a flame and offer a sense of branding and brand engagement. The illuminated signage glances into the minds of customers and connects the storefront signage with the same wavelength of the customers. This helps to ensure brand patronization.
Canopy - An effective canopy sign should be mounted on the canopy face to be viewed within the pedestrian walking zone or principal traffic corridor.

The Importance Of Branding For Your Business: 6 Top Benefits of Branding


Expert Author Sacha C Whitehead
What is the importance of branding your business? In short branding helps a business create an identity among it's customers. People come to know and like a business often on first impressions. Having a consistent branded image through company logo, name and signage etc helps build an image of trust and professionalism when done correctly.
The Main Benefits of Branding are;
1. It Creates Emotion
Branding helps to engage your customers on an emotional level for the products you sell. Brands such as Nike and Disney have been capitalizing on branding for decades and it has been essential to building a relationship with their customers.
2. It Helps You Launch Further Products or Services
Building a Brand name for one group of products will benefit other products you launch later on.Your customer will recognize your company and be more likely to try the new products as they already know who you are. The importance of branding is that it helps to prolong and compliment your current and future business growth.
3. It Helps your Bottom Line
Effective branding builds repeat customers through trust and recognition which in turn improves your business sales revenue. A great example of this is Tiffany's: their little blue box branding creates want and need (and headaches for husbands everywhere). They can price accordingly because no matter what customers will still buy it due to the brand.
4. It Reduces Future Marketing Costs
When your brand is recognizable your marketing costs may be reduced with repeat customers. Ongoing marketing campaigns may not need to be as intense or as expensive when launching a new product or service.
5. Create Top of Mind Awareness
Anytime a person goes shopping, they try to recall the popular brands for the products or services they need. Good branding creates an impression that will stay with your customer when they are making a purchase. People tend to stick to the brands they know, love and trust.
6. It Separates You From Your Competition
You probably have several rivals in your market and so you need to stand out from them. Once again the importance of branding can be acknowledged as helping you to express how and why you are different from your competitors.
The importance of branding becomes apparent when customers start picking your brand over others in the market. Your brand should build trust, earn respect and become your customers "go to' product. Obtaining favor over the competing brands is a characteristic of success for any business.
The importance of branding and how it affects your business is remarkable enough to consider investing time and money in. You will be able to find many business consultants work in this area and will help you to implement business branding methods to ensure your success.
Next, to learn more about how to market your business online successfully, go now to Fill in the form on the first page and watch the video's to see the Top Internet Marketing Tips that will help your business today.
Sacha Whitehead is a Social Media and Online Marketing Consultant. She helps businesses increase their leads and customer base with strategic internet marketing strategies.

Types of Point of Purchase Displays

By  price!

When it comes to displaying certain products some retailers run out of prime shelf space and in turn decide to use point of purchase displays. These are great at capturing the attention of perspective buyers. It offers the retailer to scream out their message in hopes of gaining additional sales.
Have you ever really thought about it?
Think about it: Have you ever walked into a store and have been immediately struck by a sign or display that has caught your attention? It may have even been overwhelming to you. This is what advertisers know and bank on. You may have even found the display obnoxious, but it did the job and got your attention. It may have even subconsciously enticed you to buy the product. This makes it an impulse buy because it wasn't something that you planned on buying when you originally walk into the store.
Points of purchase displays or POP for short are generally made from two different plastic type materials. They are also made so that a certain type of printing ink formulations can be used on them. Point of purchase displays can be used with art work and other logos as well as digital photos. The first type of plastic is one that is made from Corroplast. This type of plastic is designed to be used outside and can endure all types of weather. It is made so that it can withstand sun, rain, and wind. It is a versatile plastic and can also be used inside for advertising.
The second type of plastic used for point of purchase displays is made for indoor advertising. It is foam core, also known as foam board. This plastic is available in 3/16" and a 3/8" thickness. It has a nice smooth surface on both sides and be printed on both sides. It is less durable than corroplast and not waterproof. It is normally used by placing it on top of an easel or stood upright using a brace.
The Coroplast is a 4mm thick white material with two sides that are smooth and can also be printed on both sides. It has corrugated plastic "flutes." This type of sign is best recognized as a yard sale or political candidate sign. You can get them in a few different sizes ranging from the standard 4'x 8' to the custom 5'x10'. These signs can last a long time if they are properly taken care of. Point of purchase displays have become a staple in advertiser's campaigns because they work.

Top Destinations For Summer Vacation


Expert Author Sheo N Prasad
Are you planning to have your summer vacation on the beach? If you love the white sand, the sun and the water, then you should consider your next summer vacation at the beach. There are several famous beaches all over the world and most beach lovers prefer to visit the most popular and the hottest beaches. Spending your summer vacation abroad is a good choice and brings lots of advantages.
The Caribbean beaches are very famous to tourist. Some call it "paradise" while others call it "heaven on earth." Well, one thing is for sure, a Caribbean summer destination is exactly what you need if you're looking for boats, beaches, bikinis, hot summer and other tropical vacation essentials. The islands are full of island-flavored culture along with the smallest hint of European influence. You will found lots of resorts, attractions, word-class hotels, café and restaurants. There are over fifty island destinations to choose for your Caribbean island travel and every beach resort provides fun activities and amazing attractions.
Mexican beaches are best from the months of November to May. That is when the sun, sand, and surf work together to bring the best kinds of fun without the crowd that often gathers here during peak seasons of July-August, Christmas, and Easter. Tulum, Playa del Carmen and Puerto Escondido are the top beaches found in Mexico. You will really enjoy the huge variety of foods and drinks along with the dances and the music. Other attractions are the coral formations that are simply superb at some places.
Bahamas islands can give you that ideal and dream vacation that you have been looking forward to. There are many resorts. The Bahamas islands one of the most astonishing and striking islands in the world.Among these islands, the Grand Bahama Island is the most amazing and remarkable island in the Bahamas. It offers an exciting combination of ecological wonders as well as man made attractions. The Andros is the largest of the Bahamas islands and the least explored too. It is of two thousand three hundred square miles and its waters are well known to have the second largest reef in the Northern Hemisphere. The Berry islands are a cluster of thirty cays and are home to the Chub Cay, Billfish capital of the Bahamas islands.
If you are travelling in Asia, the best beaches are located in Southeast part of Asia. The Kuta Beach in Indonesia is the vigorous area with largest number of tourists. Kuta Beach is called the most beautiful beach in Bali. Although it is not suitable for boating or swimming for its strong winds and heavy seas, it is a good place to surf and it has attracted many young people who like pursuing excitement. The Boracay in the Philippines is not as well known as other beaches but it attracted many foreign tourists because of its white beach. The sand is brighter and very fine than other beaches.
The Polo Beach of Hawaii is a top beach destination for most American. It has very clear and sparkling seawater making it ideal for swimming, surfing and snorkeling. It is located in South Maui and faced by the Fairmont Kea Lani Maui, which is a luxury beach vacation resort. The Heron Island in Australia is located on the Great Barrier Reef. The tropical island of Heron offers scuba divers over 20 different diving sites. You can forget the stress of everyday life here and just immerse yourself in wonder.

All Aspects and Areas of 3D Animation Applications


3D Animation certainly became the new fad this year with box office hits such as 
The Lion King 3D, Toy Story 3, as well as Puss in Boots, just to name a few. 
3D Animation technology is growing and expanding everyday and has surpassed the movies. 
There are more and more outlets for animators to choose from such as 3D Animation 
Applications. Let's explore some other avenues that 3D animators can take on. 
Or, if you are not an animator but enjoy 3D animation, take a look at some other 
areas where it is applied.
Video Games:
The video game industry is similar to the movie industry where stories and scenarios can be created. The only difference is the player creates the outcome. 2D video games have recently become a thing of the past. Now there are graphic animations that almost look real such as; World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and Madden. Not only is 3D animation applied in these video games but also they are very detail oriented and truly give a whole new demeanor of playing. If you are an animator looking to create a video game, there is free software you can download for more casual video game development. These include 3D Adventure Studio, and RPG Maker XP. If you are thinking about becoming a hardcore game designer you may want to try these software programs; The 3D Game maker and Game Studio.
Maps and Tourism
Who needs a flat map when you can actually see where you are going with 3D maps? People are now able to get a better understanding of their destination by physically viewing the geographical location. It truly is an amazing advancement in technology. I am putting my money on 3D animated GPS navigation devices. I think those are probably in the works right about now. 3D animation is taking over.
Not only is 3D animation fun for gamers and tourism but also in the architecture industry. Now architects can map their structure to a T by seeing the final product before a brick is laid or wall is assembled. 3D graphics now bring the idea and imaginary visual to life. Blueprints become visually realistic in programs like Autodesk, Photo Modeler, and Maya. Not only is 3D animation helpful for the designer but it helps sell ideas to potential investors as well. If investors can see the final product on a screen before it is built, it allows them to make a clear decision on the overall project.
3D Animation has been greatly applied to education. It serves as an excellent learning tool for students and especially those who are visual learners. With 3D programs, specifically those in the medical field, they can get a better understanding of what the real life experiences will be like.
Pursue your 3D animation dreams because there is no better time than now to get involved in the industry. If you are a fan of 3D, make sure you explore the other applications of 3D animation and not just going to the movies to wear the funky glasses!

Five Portrait Styles to Look Out for This Christmas


Expert Author Ronan Le Breton
Christmas is round the corner, bringing with it the season of happiness, cheer and family reunions. Portraits are often commissioned during this time, as a personal keepsake or as a symbol of family get-togethers. If you too are planning for a family portrait, then here are five interesting pop art styles that you may like to think about.
Scanner Darkly Style
Inspired by the cult film, a Scanner Darkly, this style of portraits is fresh in the market today. Creating this style makes use of the technique of interpolated rotoscoping, whereby normal videos/pictures are processed with animation done on them. This involves tracing on each image frame by frame making the use of vector keyframes. Technicalities apart, what results is a cartoon style portrait, that looks highly futuristic. Heavy black lines and solid blocks of colour dominate this style which looks great in contemporary settings. The background image of the portrait can either be selected from a readymade collection or be customized as per your choice.
Ligne Claire portraits
Lovers of Tintin will love this too. The 'ligne claire' or clear-line style of art focuses on line drawings with colour. Introduced by Herge, the Belgian creator of the Tintin series, this form of art found new life after the release of Spielberg's version as a film. Another style of cartoon portraits, what stands out here is the use of colour mixing and cartooning. The uniformity of line is used throughout the picture, colour contrasts are downplayed and equal attention is given to all depicted elements. The backgrounds are highly realistic while images are cartooned to create this effect.
Delftware style portraits
For those who constantly look for new styles in portraits, the Delftware promises a lot of freshness in idea and concept. Influenced by the pottery style in Delft, Netherlands, this pop art style makes use of aquamarine blues on a stark white background. Only outlines of the portrait are highlighted to give a picture that is interesting and that will look good against any background. Floral motifs that symbolize the original prints of Delft pottery can also be used to create a frame for the picture, adding to its look and appeal.
Andy Warhol Panels
When pictures of more family members need to be put together on one canvas, the panels style of Warhol portraits are a promising choice. The number of panels can be picked up as per choice and different portraits can be brought together on a common surface. For those who are not much aware of the Warhol style, this promises real images in bright contrasting colours. These can also be interspersed with messages or content to help the entire portrait communicate beautifully.
Photo collages
To put together the different elements of a Christmas get-together or vacation, collages are an interesting medium. Done up in a range of colours, styles and fashions, photo collages make up for great home and office décor. Different pictures depicting emotions, events or places are put together in plain, checkerboard, crystallized or random styles.
All these are just a few of the portrait styles which you can plan around. To get more information on them or to check out how your portrait would look in this style, do check out online galleries or ask experts for support. And we are sure that you will love the effect it will create.
Personal Art is a pop art studio based in Bali. A team of artists work together to create personalized pop art on a range of mediums for a global clientele. Approximately 21 different pop art varieties are available for mediums like canvas, wood, ceramic and gift articles.
Orders for pop art personalized portraits can also be placed at their online store Other social channels where the team is available to answer queries and provide support is at Facebook ( ) and Twitter (personalartme)