To be an inhabitant of a one world is a vivid ideal for some who choose to envisage that all communities, nations and laws could exist as one harmonious system. In a new social system that would embody freedom and fairness by considering individual free will as well as the need for each to be willing to contribute to the ultimate good of the whole, we all could perhaps function happily.
That such a system could be based upon attunement to the laws of Nature regarding the profound moral issues inherent in the tenets of most religions and certainly all spiritual teachings and philosophies, offers a recipe for success. We would have simplified the rules by adopting already agreed fundamental principles. Such a simple and embracing system has the potential for success if we share the attitude that a better world or heaven could be created upon our earth.
As a people we have come to an impasse where ideas and our thinking faculties have enmeshed us in complicated considerations of often opposing and sometimes restrictive ideologies. Although perhaps indicating a potential for great intellectual skills and advancement in knowledge and its application, we must acknowledge that wisdom or the fruit of knowledge can only develop within us by experience. Fascination with complex mental matters must make way again for consideration of simpler matters of the soul.
In a drive that causes us to think 'more is better' we are driven to strive and grasp more and more to the point of greed instead of genuine need. By living this way we scorn those who have little material wealth and disregard those who have nothing. We clutch at the idea of greater and greater accumulation of intellectual knowledge as we do at material possessions.
We must surely change.
Intellectual acquisition of knowledge of the mind takes time over centuries and civilizations unlike the knowledge of the heart to which fortunately we have immediate and constant access through kind emotions.
It is time to think of extricating ourselves from the tangled thoughts that result in disturbances in our psyche and return to the heart of things and to the safety and the sanctity of our own wellspring of loving kindness and compassion. This is within, although not always obvious, at the heart's core in every human being.
In our present global system there is much confusion. We are well practised in satisfying our bodies to the detriment of our souls that remain ever hungry for true love, for knowing the reason for existence, for opportunity to demonstrate or express the finest part of our nature. We need to satisfy the eager appetite for guidance as to how to best spend our life energies and life time.
Simplicity is the key to peace instead of war. Loving relationships must replace tangled ones. Respect for natural laws instead of challenging Nature. With the addition of a sense of security regarding not only our place in the scheme of things, but feeling safe within our own nature and safe within the world outside, then perhaps we would experience the deep sense of contentment that we all yearn for.
We must gradually eradicate the habit attitude of 'them and us' to allow expansion of the vision of a future where we share the planet as 'earthlings' and consider ourselves one humanity - 'The Family of Man'.
Simplicity could be our saving grace and could lead us all to the ultimate realization of a Peace experienced internally by the individual and externally in the world around us.
This would seem to be the magical, true spirit of Globalization.
Elizabeth S. Adams is known for her published "Forgotten Dreams - a collection of Poetry" with additional interests that extend to Astrology,Astronomy and mystical subjects that help us understand who we are and our place in the Universe. Astrology when applied to self understanding of our personality and deeper soul potentials is a great practical starting point. We also need assistance to unveil the special inner talents of our soul so we feel confident to offer our contribution to the world. Astrology is such an aid.
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