By Paul Wesker
Socialism, Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Republicanism are some of what is termed as ideology. Simply put they are constructs that rationalize society and the political life of a community. They also give insight into the relationships of individuals and lay the foundation for the creation of particular political communities. They are also the source of policies upon which a government which espouses them enacts. They are meant to be the foremost consideration and ideal of each individual in society. This means that every citizen has to adhere to and promote the same. Furthermore, the life, thought and conduct of every adherent to these ideas must openly manifest and reflect the tenets of the ideology adhered to.
The power and influence of every ideology known to human civilization and society is derived significantly from popular support it enjoys. This means that the number of people as well their strong adherence to an ideology empowers that ideology above all others. It can even reach the point that the idea becomes the foundation of government and at the core of public policy. All the great ideologies in human history all share this trait. Moreover, they were so influential that they would be championed by a considerable number of members of the society. Is this loyalty intrinsic to that community? Was the tenet of the ideology so appealing that many identify with the same? The answer to these questions is that it is not always the case.
Every ideology employs a wide array of methods to gain popular support. However, the most potent of which is social engineering. The foremost concern of an ideology is its assimilation into the very mindset of an individual and thus permeates the social consciousness. This cannot transpire if an individual rejects or considers its teachings to be dubious or of questionable validity. The techniques in social engineering allow the ideology to break down these barriers. The insightful approaches forwarded by this methodology are keen on taking advantage and attacking the vulnerabilities in human nature. By appealing to a person's background, tendencies, experiences and belief an ideology becomes accepted into the realm of what that person considers as important, legitimate and valid.
Ideologies are known to solicit tangible responses from those who adhere to its tenets. This is due to the fact that an ideology demands a manifestation from those that believe in it and in turn demonstrates the power it holds to the society at large. Social engineering is again at play. It enables the belief system of ideologies to become the basis for mass social action. Rallies, protests, upheavals, strikes and revolutions are instigated through it. It has already been established how social engineering facilitates the imprinting of the ideology into an individual. It can also move that individual to act on those ideas.
By the same process to appealing to a person's experiences, personality and inherent views an action, as espoused by an ideology, can even be views to be, at the least an extension of, if not an expression of a person's own convictions and aspirations. This means that social engineering play an important role in ideologies and how they develop.
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