Monday, November 20, 2017


from youtube:

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


My Reaserch & Journal

Reasearch 1.

Reasearch 2.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Plus Libur 1 Juni, di 2017 Ada 20 Hari Libur dan Cuti Bersama: Ini Daftarnya

Sumber: dra/

Tahun 2017 ditambah 1 Juni jadi ada 20 hari libur nasional dan cuti bersama. Rinciannya 16 hari libur nasional, 3 hari cuti bersama Idul Fitri dan 1 hari cuti bersama Natal.

Berikut rincian libur bersama tahun 2017 :
- 1 Januari tahun Baru Masehi
- 28 Januari tahun Baru Imlek 2568 Kongzili
- 28 Maret hari raya Nyepi Tahun Baru Saka 1939
- 14 April Wafat Isa Al Masih
- 24 April Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW
- 1 Mei Hari Buruh Internasional
- 11 Mei Hari Raya Waisak 2561
- 25 Mei Kenaikan Isa Al Masih
- 1 Juni Hari Lahir Pancasila
- 25- 26 Juni Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriah
- 17 Agustus Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia
- 1 September Hari Raya Idul Adha 1438 Hijriah
- 21 September Tahun Baru Islam 1439 Hijriah
- 1 Desember Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
- 25 Desember Hari Raya Natal

Untuk cuti bersama tahun 2017 berikut rinciannya :
- 23, 27-28 Juni Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriah
- 26 Desember Hari Raya Natal

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

movie problem

The Problem With Movies and How to Solve Them

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Modern movies are a glorious thing, but they are also rife with problems. Modern movies are falling into a set of weird choices, and odd habits that can make watching movies into a sort of nightmare. Since there are so many problems with movies I decided to tackle two of them here, and we will revisit this issue in another article.
The first problem I have is poor audio mixing. What do I mean by this? Let's say you open up your mailbox and you have a couple movies from Netflix sitting there (I almost made this example driving to Blockbuster, but then I remembered it was 2016). You pop in the Blu-Ray/ DVD into your player of choice and you sit back and you have to turn the volume down because there a lot of explosions and such. Then people start talking and you have to find the remote because they might as well be whispering! Then another explosion and now you're deaf because the damn thing was so ear piercingly loud. This can be annoying. Hell it's one of easiest ways to take me out of a movie, to be honest. So why does this happen? Well when the audio for movies is mixed, they mix it for a 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound setup because that is the optimal way to watch a movie. You see, in 5.1 surround sound each speaker has its own job. The center speaker handles dialogue, the 2 side speakers are for explosions and "bwaam" noises in Christopher Nolan movies, the subwoofer is for "dat bass", and lastly the 2 (or 4 if you have 7.1) satellite speakers are for the surround effects. That's really cool and all, but I am not in a position to buy a 5.1 surround sound setup. I am a very poor college student who can only afford to eat ramen noodles 4 times a week (The other times I eat the cardboard the ramen came in. I have a sad life). I set up my dad's stereo from like the 80's to be my "hi-fi" audio setup which replaces my TV's stereo sound with a slightly less awful stereo sound. So when the DVD/Blu-Ray player outputs a 5.1 signal, my poor stereo speakers can only replicate the 2 front side speakers. This is why explosions are so loud. The dialogue is going to a non-existent center speaker, which is why it comes out so quiet.
So what's the solution? Add two dialogue tracks. One mixed in good super old fashioned stereo and the other mixed in the fancy pants 5.1/7.1 goodness. This way I can set the volume to a comfortable volume, and leave it there. This may sound like a super easy solution, but I would hazard a guess that mixing audio is a very difficult task, and not one easily undertaken. However I think that it's well worth it and shows that movie studios are willing to go the extra mile for those who still want to watch their favorite movies, but maybe aren't the most well off.
Well, we have done an audio problem, So let's finish this article with a visual problem. This is probably the two biggest problems I have modern movies today. Shaky Cam and jump cuts. For those unfamiliar with shaky cam as a concept, I am sorry that I have to be the one who has to tell you about it. Basically it's the worst form of visual storytelling imaginable. That's not the most telling description, is it? OK, so shaky cam is exactly what it sounds like. It's basically the director telling the cameraman to shake the camera as hard as they can. This is in order to make the action look frantic. Sounds stupid right, but it's a real thing. The problem with shaky cam is that it is made worse by terrible, quick, jumpy editing. This is also just what it sounds like. It is the use of a million and a half different cuts in order to convey frantic action. However in reality, it often make it so that the scene is impossible to understand. These are just the tools of the incredibly lazy. The use of these two tools in conjunction makes a movie's action scenes a chore to watch, and impossible to understand. You have to actively try to piece together when the actors are being hit, because the shot never actually shows it. You hear a flurry of sound effects, and you see a blurry mess of hands and faces, but it's just audio and visual garbage that the director is trying to pass off as incredible action.
The solution to this problem is actually pretty simple. Hire better directors. Directors that are good at their jobs will make the action look good without the use of cheap tricks and quick editing. There are fantastic directors when it comes to filming action. Take the Wachowski siblings. Sure, they have made a couple stinkers in the last couple years, but the first Matrix movie is incredibly well directed. There are uses of wide shots, so we so exactly what is going on, there's just the right amount of slow motion so we really feel it when characters get hit. The score is used perfectly, so when the hero gets hit hard, the music slows down and gets quieter. The Subway scene in the matrix encapsulates all of that.
Contrast this from Alex Cross. The camera is literally just shaking. You don't see the hits connect. You see the main character hit the villain and then after a cut you see the villain react. This is probably to cover up the fact that the actors were not properly choreographed.
If you can get a director who knows how to film an action scenes, as well as who knows what he wants the actors to do, and how to choreograph them to do that, then you don't need terrible shaky cam to cover up anything. You don't need jump edits because you'll want the audience to see your work.
There you have it. These are the 2 biggest problems I see with movies as of right now. 

Friday, October 31, 2014


 Oleh: YUSWOHADY (Detik Bloger)

Jomblo Lifestyle

Jomblo di masa lalu adalah sebuah aib memalukan. Namun sekarang, ia menjadi sebuah simbol sosial yang keren, cool, awasome. Saya nggak tahu kenapa bisa demikian. Mungkin ini yang disebut jaman edan. Semua serba kebolak-balik.
Ketika sebuah bangsa makin maju. Ketika masyarakatnya makin makmur. Dan ketika pola kehidupannya kian industrial-urban, maka kecenderungan mereka untuk tidak menikah menjadi kian besar. Di negara tetangga Singapura misalnya, satu dari lima warganegaranya ogah menikah dengan alasan macam-macam: mengejar karir, menghindari beban ekonomi yang berat, nggak mau repot, hingga alasan lifestyle. Seperti Singapura, di negeri ini jumlah jombloers pun kian merangkak naik.
Bakal maraknya jombloers di Indonesia tak lepas dari revolusi kelas menengah yang memicu mobilitas sosial massif selama sekitar lima tahun terakhir. Saya sering mengatakan masyarakat kelas menengah memiliki tiga ciri. Mereka memiliki daya beli yang makin tinggi, knowledgeable, dan socially-connected. Mobilitas sosial ini menciptakan pergeserangaya hidup rural-agraris-tradisionalis menjadi urban-industrialist-modern.
Data BPS tahun 2010 mengatakan, usia kawin pertama (UKP) masyarakat kita adalah 22,3 tahun untuk wanita dan 25,7 untuk laki-laki. Coba bandingkan dengan UKP orang tua kita dahulu yang rata-rata sudah menikah di bawah usia 20 tahun. Tak bisa dipungkiri, merangkak naiknya UKP ini adalah buah dari pendidikan dan naik knowledgeability mereka.
Yang saya amati, naiknya sikap menunda perkawinan dan menjomblo kini tak hanya dipengaruhi faktor rasional (faktor ekonomi, umur, karir, kesiapan mental) berkat naiknya knowledgeability mereka. Sikap menjomblo ini kini juga mulai dipengaruhi oleh faktor koneksi sosial (social connection), dimana siapa kita di mata kolega, teman, komunitas, dan lingkungan kita menjadi demikian penting.
Masyarakat kelas menengah kita makin socially-connected yang didorong oleh pertumbuhan media sosial dimana eksis, narsis, ekspresi diri, dan pencitraan menjadi sesuatu yang penting dan bermakna. Ketika mereka semakin socially-connected, maka fenomena menjomblo memasuki babakan baru dimana alasan menjomblo tak lagi sebatas rasional-fungsional, tapi mulai memasuki ranah emosional-sosial. Menjomblo adalah sebuah pernyataan dan penanda identitas diri. Bahkan sikap menjomblo menjadi alat ekspresi diri dan pencitraan. Hasilnya, kini menjomblo bermetamorfse menjadi sebuah gaya hidup (lifestyle) yang keren, cool, dan awasome.
Hot Topic
Kalau dulu obrolan mengenai jomblo merupakan aib bagi empunya, maka kini sebaliknya, menjadi topik pembicaraan yang begitu atraktif. Di media sosial kini banyak kita temuai ekspresi kreatif dalam bentuk meme terkait jomblo. Meskipun ceritanya satire, isu jomblo menjadi cerita unik yang hangat diperbincangkan di ranah maya. Bahkan, ada beberapa blog yang secara serius menggarap isu jomblo.
Saking hot-nya, terkadang status jomblo menjadi sasaran empuk di lini masa sebagai objek sindiran dan satire yang justru mengasyikan. Hal atau momen apapun kerap dikait-kaitkan dengan jomblo. Contohnya saat 17 Agustus lalu, para netizen sibuk buat meme di media sosial mengenai lomba 17 Agustusan yang paling cocok untuk jomblo. Saking menariknya, meme ini sempat jadi trending topic di media sosial. Inilah fenomena isu tentang jomblo sangat menarik banyak orang.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kata galau dan galauers yang bisa menggambarkan pergumulan batin seorang jomblo menjadi sebuah magic word yang diminati untuk diperbincangkan. Beberapa situs secara cukup serius mengangkat isu seputar jomblo dan membangun komunitas jombloers. Situs ini mencoba membangun identitas, kepercayaan diri, dan kebanggaan di kalangan anggotanya. misalnya, menebarkan ungkapan motivatif di front page-nya dengan kata-kata seperti: Jadikan hidupmu lebih positif, terhubung selalu dengan temanmu, dan buat hidupmu lebih berwarna.
Biro Jodoh Laris Manis
Dari sisi industri, saya melihat industri yang menyasar segmen jomblo secara khusus sedang booming di Tanah Air. Contohnya adalah bisnis biro jodoh atau mak comblang (matchmaker) dan konsultasi kepribadian untuk soal cinta. Fenomena banyaknya biro jodoh ini baru terjadi sekitar lima tahun terakhir. Ketika ekonomi sudah mapan, daya beli meningkat, tapi kesempatan dan keahlian menggaet calon pasangan hidup tak memadai, maka kelas menengah pun butuh biro jodoh. Coba kita tengok bagaimana banyaknya kantor biro jodoh profesional di Jakarta dan situs biro jodoh online.
Bisnis biro jodoh ini tumbuh luar biasa, seiring besarnya pula populasi jomblo di negeri ini. Kini mulai banyak orang yang memiliki lisensi matchmaker dari Amerika Serikat atau Eropa. Hitman System misalnya, adalah sebuah perusahaan relationship coach untuk percintaan. Hampir setiap bulan, Hitman System kerap membuat event seminar atau workshop untuk para jomblo. Saking hot-nya industri perjombloan, artis Christian Sugiono yang dikenal memiliki situs pun kini membuka layanan biro jodoh online
Saking hot-nya bisnis perjombloan ini, beberapa biro jodoh membuka layanan biro jodoh untuk segmen muslim. Mereka mempertemukan pasangan sesama muslim. Contohnya adalah biro jodoh online dan Selama ini, masyarakat muslim yang taat terhadap ajaran agamanya akan cenderung memilih pasangan hidupnya yang sama. Ini adalah niche market, sehingga model platform mencari pasangannya pun berbeda.
Seiring maraknya populasi jombloers di Indonesia, pasar jomblo akan kian moncer. Yuk marketer!!! Action now, or never bergerak sekarang juga, atau Anda nggak akan dapat apa-apa. (ditulis bersama Iryan Herdiansyah, Business Analyst, Inventure).

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

7 X Strategies and Tips to Make Your Small Business Marketing Profitable and Successful!

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As Entrepreneurs we are faced with the awesome (yet equally scary) tasks of plotting our own futures, making our own decisions and being 100% Responsible and Accountable for our own results.
Small Business Marketing is certainly an area that not only challenged myself when I started out, but also can be stressful for many awesome Small Business Owners out there. The bad news is that at the start it can be very hard to get a handle on, BUT the good news is that with objective assessment, continual work and review; one can improve it over time and succeed.

I get asked almost all the time by clients in very simple terms, "Edward - How do I make my Marketing Successful and Profitable?"
This is quite a broad question and the answer can certainly differ from client to client and circumstance to circumstance; however I would like to at least share with you the Top 7 X Strategies and Tips that I often recommend (and have been amazing for myself):

1) Top Product / Service Quality: Always start with what you are selling. The better your product / service, the easier it is to sell and get awesome word of mouth.

2) The Right Image: Make sure the image you deliver from your marketing is awesome and premium. From what you say, to how you dress, to your business cards, to your website, to sales material and more - the more professional you look, the stronger you are. Getting a professional designer helps!

3) Fair Pricing: You can charge Penetration (Below Market), Competitive (At Market) and Premium (Above Marketing) and either strategy has it's time and place. Make sure whatever you are charging YOU consider fair and you would pay it. Chances are so would the market!

4) Balance Real World and Online World: Business owners often lean too far one way. That is, they hide behind Facebook and don't leave their house or they are running around wearing out their Shoe-Leathers without even a Facebook Page. Get these both right so they work for you!

5) Challenge yourself with the Sales & Marketing Work Required: If you are starting out, it will take MASSIVE amounts of work to succeed. Regardless of any 'Magical' strategies and stories you hear. I have seen too many not succeed because they just don't work hard enough!

6) Get other people to help you: Be it building your own personal referral network or say hiring someone to build you an awesome website - the reality is that you can only push yourself so far. You want to leverage other people as much as possible while you achieve your goals (and help them achieve theirs while you are at it!).

7) Test & Measure: Always keep an eye on what you are doing and make sure it's working for you. If you say release some new business cards and people say they are wonderful - chances are it's good decision for your business. If you get up and do an elevator pitch at a networking event and you can hear the crickets - then time to tweak it!

I trust these short tips help you in your own Small Business Marketing. It's an ongoing process of tweaking, changing and experiment - the good news? The more we do it, the smart and more powerful we become.

Enjoy and contact me anytime if you need a hand awesome friends!
To learn more about Small Business Marketing and gain Instant Access to Edward Zia's Online Sales & Marketing Course the "Awesome Marketing Vault". Visit
Feel free to sign up to our Newsletter as well to get some great tools on the house. Contact me anytime if I can help answer your questions and thank you!
Edward Zia - Marketing Mentor and Developer of "The Awesome Marketing Vault". Visit my own blog right here at: