Friday, December 2, 2011

Ingin Unggul, Dahlan Bentuk Dream Team BUMN

Dahlan akan mengumpulkan seluruh direksi dan komisaris BUMN.

JUM'AT, 2 DESEMBER 2011, 13:32 WIB
Syahid Latif, Sukirno, Iwan Kurniawan
Dahlan Iskan saat berkunjung ke redaksi VIVAnews (VIVANews/Nurcholios Anhari Lubis)
VIVAnews - Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Dahlan Iskan, tengah merancang sebuah tim impian (dream team) guna memenuhi ambisinya menjadikan perusahaan negara yang unggul.

Untuk merealisasikan rencana tersebut, Dahlan berencana mengundang seluruh direksi dan komisaris dari 141 BUMN untuk berkumpul dan membicarakan target tersebut.

"Acaranya 12 Desember mendatang selama satu hari. Saya jamin tidak ada pidato, tidak ada keynote speech," kata Dahlan dalam pidato BUMN Award, Kamis malam, 1 Desember 2011.

Dahlan mengatakan, kehadiran seluruh direksi dan komisaris BUMN tersebut dilakukan untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) unggul di lingkup BUMN. Kementerian akan memfasilitasi pengurus BUMN yang telah memiliki pengalaman untuk berbagi informasi dan ide dalam sesi tersebut.

"Nanti di sana akan dibentuk sebuah Dream TeamBUMN," kata dia.

Dalam pertemuan itu, menteri BUMN berharap agar ada sebuah konsep ideal yang mengatur mengenai komposisi ideal komisaris BUMN.

Selain sesi sharing tersebut, agenda pertemuan tersebut juga akan membahas mengenai upaya mengubah belanja operasional (operation expenditure/opex) menjadi belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex).

Diakui mantan direktur utama PLN ini, langkah mengubah opex menjadi capex memang sebuah hal yang sulit diwujudkan. Alasannya, opex BUMN biasanya terkait dengan penggajian para pegawai.

Namun, Dahlan menambahkan, pihaknya akan mencari cara yang paling memungkinkan untuk mewujudkan pengalihan belanja perusahaan tersebut. "Ada satu direksi BUMN yang mampu mengubah itu. Kami akan meminta ide-ide dia dibagikan," tegasnya. (art)
• VIVAnews

Brand Advertising


Expert Author Sandi White
Thriving brand advertising isall related to establishing and developing this connection with the consumer, more importantly establishing your business or your product as something which is an acknowledged importance to them - providing them with something that is reassuring which they can depend on. You may already recognize how important and significant your service or product is but that single-handedly will not declare your success. Because of this you will need to hoist the report of your brand in order to get the consideration of consumers and begin structuring a sturdy relationship with them supported by trust.
Despite the fact that some media sources lend themselves more voluntarily to advertising than others, an inclusive crusade of branding will classically be completed through several different media opportunities. Published print and television are frequently the media of choice for brand advertising, including printed ads in publications, adverts on subways and buses, and billboard advertisements.
Television is also a visual advertising technique and as such it can make an influential brand impact on customers when used efficiently. Despite the chosen media selection, simplicity and honesty is the paramount method of advertising your brand name. A permutation of various media brand advertising is usually a good combination for a victorious advertising campaign. Additional promotion efforts can add to your branding in the future, but while you are attempting to institute branded charisma for your product or service, simplicity will supply the largest impact.
Radio advertisements as well as online marketing may also add to your advertising campaign, although as a rule these forms of marketing should not be used as an appropriate replacement for the more conventional print and television advertising. These forms of media can be a helpful element of your branding efforts when used effectively. Online advertising in particular is increasing in attractiveness, with a budding number of companies opting to go where the consumers are, which is commonly online. Online advertising campaigns integrating banner ads, specialized blogs and even video recordings are starting to become more widespread and they seem to be having a desired effect on the consumer; these online brand advertising settings are not to go unnoticed if you wish to create a triumphant brand.
I have personally developed my brand over the internet by using video media, article writing, facebook, twitter and my blog. Through my mentor and after thorough testing and research it is now obvious to me that in this day and age where the internet is such a key tool specific brand advertising is required. This should be a reflection of your main product which is you or the people in your company. It is time to get personal as it has been proven that people buy from people, you and your employees as a brand are key.
If you are looking to develop and market your own personal brand and need direction and training then the best place to start is right here just grab yourself this free 7 Day Bootcamp

Marketing Via Social Media: What Professional Firms Should Know


Expert Author Philip Sington
The recent explosion of Social Media - Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, in particular - has probably caused enough head scratching and unease among marketing directors to last them a lifetime. How does Social Media actually work? Who does it reach? How influential is it? What happens if you ignore it? How should it be used? And how much time should be devoted to feeding it? Nobody seems to have clear answers to these questions, and the few that do, speak a language that most ordinary human beings struggle to understand.
Marketing heads at large professional organisations, by which I mean commercial law firms, accountancy firms and financial services companies, are as concerned about Social Media as anyone else - which, on the face of it, is surprising, because traditionally these outfits have relied upon a relatively discreet universe of mainly corporate clients. Their business relationships are built on face-to-face contact (not Facebook to Facebook contact) and often long histories of proven service. Nevertheless, the perception exists that Social Media is an arena in which every serious player has to be visible, as if to be invisible there would mean being invisible everywhere - an unforgivable capitulation in this age of mass communication. Just such preoccupations drive much of the current interest in Social Media: a fear of missing out, of seeming out-of-touch, rather than excitement at the arrival of a new marketing opportunity. So is the promise really there? And are the fears justified?
The first thing to remember about Social Media is its name: not Marketing Media, but SocialMedia. The reason sites like Facebook caught on in the first place was not because people saw an interesting new opportunity to go shopping. They saw it as a way to keep in touch with friends old and new, and to reach out to people with similar interests. Though discrete retailing of one kind or another has crept on board, most users says they don't like it. The exception here is cultural product: music, films, books and (to a lesser extent) video games. But even here - very much at the mass consumer end of things - the amount of promotion users will tolerate is limited. Any marketing that firms do attempt must be discreet, as well as useful, readable and current. Achieving all this is easier said than done.
That brings me to the second point: if Social Media is to enhance the image of a professional firm (or any firm, for that matter) it must be fed constantly. Social Media accounts that are left dormant for weeks on end, or which apparently have nothing new to say, are more of a liability than an asset. For better or worse, such accounts become the on-line face of the organisation - at least as much as a straightforward web site. Consequently if the account seems dormant, the perception may arise that the firm is dormant too - very possibly a perverse reversal of the truth where key personnel are simply too busy to Tweet, post or update their 'status'. So before taking the plunge, a firm should be confident of having a steady stream of news and useful information going forward. In the case of a law firm, for instance, this means more than tasking a junior in the marketing department with 'taking care of Social Media'. Content has to come from the professionals themselves; it is only their expertise that will (or might) be of interest to a potential on-line audience. These key individuals must be on board for the campaign, and clear about what is expected of them.
A third aspect of Social Media not widely appreciated, is the degree to which it often operates as a kind of closed circuit, in which everybody is talking (or selling), but very few people are listening (or buying). Take Blogs, for example. Bloggers, like people with Twitter accounts, like to collect 'Followers'. The number of followers is the standard measure of how successful and popular a blog is. But in order to follow a blog, you must first open a blogging account yourself. More importantly, as bloggers will tell you, the fastest way to win followers is to become a follower of other people's blogs, adding comments to their posts and generally befriending them. Increasingly in person-to-person Social Media environments notto reciprocate a 'follow' is almost rude, unless the person on the receiving end happens to be a celebrity. It's the same story on Twitter. To gain followers, one must first follow others: not just a few, but hundreds or even thousands. Eventually you may have thousands of followers yourself, but how many of those followers are following you because they find your Tweets interesting; and how many are following you just so that you will follow them?
Which leads me to my last point about Social Media: the sheer volume of posts and Tweets being produced. Twitter currently boasts about 144 million Tweets per day, with 460,000 new accounts being added every month. Only a year ago, the former figure was just 50 million. Though the total on-line population is probably rising too, it is not rising anything like as rapidly as that, which can only mean one thing: that the total volume of Tweet readers is being spread ever more thinly. Or to look at it another way: if you have a Twitter account and follow, say, one hundred people: how many of their seven-a-day Tweets are you actually going to read? If you read them all, and obediently followed the links, how much time would you have left in an average day?
The unpalatable truth about Social Media from a marketing point-of-view, is that it's both time consuming and over-crowded. This is only to be expected, given that the barriers to entry are negligible, and the formats standardized. The only way to way to achieve an exceptional profile is to provide exceptional content - and nothing is guaranteed even then.
So how can professional firms use Social Media to their advantage? It helps to take a step back and remember what Social Media was invented for and what it's best at: namely, keeping people in touch with each other. Professional firms today frequently straddle continents and time zones. Social Media sites make it easier than ever before for colleagues in different offices to update each other and maintain personal contact. This can prove valuable in many ways, not least in contributing to esprit de corps. Well-established internal networks can then be extended to include valued clients, associations, alumnae, universities, sections of the press and trusted individual journalists. Such communities, and the good will they help to generate, are the bedrock upon which many successful public relations and marketing strategies are built. They can also provide the means by which a wider audience is directed towards selected on-line content, such as expert articles or stories of special interest published in newsletters or briefings.
In short, Social Media, if handled appropriately, can be a useful servant. Handled blindly, it all too easily becomes a rather unrewarding master.

4 Tips to Successful Content Marketing


Expert Author Martn Mciver
Marketing is a tool that is required to get your business the exposure that you need to gain new customers and grow your company.
There are plenty of people who will claim to be able to do great marketing, yet many of these people over look the basics and are unable to deliver where it counts, which is converting people into customers.
Interacting with your customers is vital, no matter what platform you decide to use and there are a few things that you need to know in order to do this successfully.
People like to be spoken to directly. Whenever you decide that you are going to produce content, whether it is for an email news letter, a video to go online, content for a blog or even the information for your website you need to speak to your audience as if you were only talking to them.
This approach helps them to feel like that you are connecting with them and helping with what they are interested in.
Provide a good mix of content and selling. Understandably you will want to make a sale of your product or your service, but very few marketing sales happen on the first contact. People are savvy and don't just throw their money at the first thing that comes along. People like to check reviews, see what else is on offer and speak to friends before spending their hard-earned cash. This makes building a relationship even more important. It might not generate a short-term sale but long-term you can resell to these people time and time again if you build a relationship with these people.
Offer people free advice, help and information so that they can make an informed decision. Even if you can't give them what they want send them to a competitor. This might sound mad, but if you can't be honest they won't be coming back. A good relationship will allow you to re-market to these people time and time again and will also get you recommended by them to other people.
Make your content on whatever you do easy to read. It should be fun to write and therefore can be fun to read. So many sites go down the corporate route and it often comes off as sterile. A more friendly approach is ideal to let people know that you are approachable and welcoming.
This will provide you with a starting point if you want to engage more successfully with your customers.

Personalizing Your Communication With an Optimal Segmentation Marketing Program


Expert Author Jeremy B Thompson
Personalizing your communication with an optimal segmentation marketing program is as essential in the online marketplace as any business landscape. Understanding the product or service begins the journey to discover the desired target consumer and the use of data mining marketing techniques will help define the markets available, frame the demographic model, and paint a picture of the market segmentation. Investigating the markets determined by data mining efforts will reveal the specific attributes of the product or service the specific segments find the most appealing. Using this information you will be able to create a personalized marketing plan for the individual markets forming a distinctive diverse marketing program.
Data mining marketing is a daunting task. Most commonly the process looks in detail at the purchase patterns of customers in desired segments and details the patterns into the how a customer chooses a specific product or brand rather than the simple need for the product type. In retail locations such details as how the different customer segments move through the store as well as where and how their eye focus on products on the shelves are mined to give the location information on the best product placement in the store. Likewise online, segments have certain patterns in their behavior as to how a customer links into purchase a product and what material initiates the desire to purchase. By processing a large amount of information on purchases, you can discover how specific segments link to and purchase using different methods, but demographic groups will likely share commonality that are distinct from other groups and in turn the market segmentation is defined and opportunity is created.
The opportunity to personalize a message to each segment creates the segmentation marketing plan. Personalizing the communication to the specific segments happens in the developing the specific marketing plans for each segment. Each segment will need the message to be designed specifically to how and what drives the customers to purchase the product or service. Knowing how a segment of the market navigates to your site and purchases your product is the basis for developing a plan. The marketing plan will be similar for each of the segments; however, a cut paste method does not need to be employed. It is absolutely necessary that individual marketing plans are personalized for each specific marketing segment. The combination of the marketing plans for each segment becomes the optimal segmentation marketing program.

Exhibition of Business Leadership


Expert Author Paul Guenther
Going back to the winter of 2010, my roommates and I received an unexpected visit from an old friend who was back in town (we'll call him Kirk, for this paper's sake). Kirk was more an acquaintance to myself and one of my roommates, but was definitely seen as a "good friend" to my other roommate, who was delighted to see him at our door.
Kirk came to us disheveled, claiming that his father had finally kicked him out of the house. He had been living there for a long time, as had actually never been out on his own before at any point in his life. The truth of the matter was, he actually used to have a drug problem, and had been in and out of rehabilitation a couple of times prior to this. We asked if he had relapsed, which he denied, and even insured us that he had been clean for over a year. While I was very speculative, here was an individual that I did like and care for, and he was standing at my front door utterly homeless.
Soon after Kirk's arrival, he belted out the question that we had all been waiting for, "can I stay with you guys for a few days?" At the time it seemed harmless, and we said that if he needed a place to crash for a couple of nights, that would be fine. He was happy to hear this, and soon nestled in on the couch where he would remain for longer than we had ever anticipated.
It wasn't until Kirk had been there for almost two weeks that I mentioned anything about my frustrations to my roommates. He did work 4-5 days per week as a waiter, but if he wasn't at work, he was planted in our living room. You see, Kirk had turned our downstairs into his bedroom, as his clothes were strewn across the banister of our staircase like a dry cleaning establishment, and he had turned our couches into a sleeping quarter. He had moved the furniture around to fit his needs, and would come and goes as he pleased, sometimes not returning until well into the night (early AM).
Though this was a frustration, we knew he was still homeless. I gathered my roommates to have a quick discussion about the situation. Kirk wasn't my "direct friend," as I mentioned before, but my roommate who saw him that way was never one to make tough leadership decisions. My other roommate always "went with the flow," and was bothered, but not enough to initiate a change - at least at the time. I talked to the guys, utilizing team building techniques such as focus and cooperative conversation, and we all agreed that Kirk could stay if he started paying us rent. Rent would be $75/week, divided by the three of us. He wouldn't have to pay utilities, and could use everything in the house at his convenience.
We approached Kirk the next day, and I laid everything out. He seemed thrilled with the idea, knowing that he still didn't have a definite place to call home. He made fairly good money as a waiter, and wouldn't have any problems paying the rent. He even told us that his Dad had been charging him $500/month, and that this would be a cakewalk for him financially.
Week one went and passed without a rent payment from Kirk. Maybe he forgot, or didn't know who to give it to? Who knows, maybe he'd worked things out, and was getting ready to go back to his Dad's house? We let it slide, and waited until week two to bring up the issue. As week two arrived, I again had to be the one to confront him. I did a personal style inventory on myself, and then a style inventory on each of my roommates. I was the only one with the gumption to confront Kirk about the rent payment at this point. With that said, I went ahead and asked him about the money. He told me that he was waiting to be paid, and would have it all on Friday. We gave him the benefit of the doubt.
By the time the third week of Kirk's free stay had come and passed, I realized that we weren't going to be getting any money from him. Was it because he didn't have any money, or, did he just not see it fit to pay us? I enlisted the help of another friend of mine, who actually spoke with Kirk quite often. What he told me at that point shocked me. Kirk had been "using: again, and buying drugs with his tip money on a daily basis. He never had any intention of paying us, and was hoping that we would just turn the blind eye. He also had never paid rent to his father in the months building up to this, and the idea that he was required to was also completely fabricated.
Paul Guenther is a Website & SEO Analyst. Learn more by reading the most recent and up to date business blog - and check out a directory of free white papers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


M.D.S (Music/Money, Drugs/Drink, and Sex)
My Private Rom, My Ofice Room, and My Love House Roselin Taman Belakang
Harry Sasongko Simple Mind Is LifE : ) SMILE
Gambar Google
Sebenarnya Saya mendapatkan idea ini sudah lama sekali tapi baru Saya tuangkan dalam tulisan saat ini, inilah kehidupan manusia dan kebutuhan hidup manusia yang bergilit dan bergeliat di entertain dan pejabat kebanyakan saat ini yaitu M.D.S ( Music/Money,Drugs/Drink And Sex ) tidak hanya disini dibelahan bumi lain juga, berharap tulisan ini tidak penuh diksi dan kontrofesi, atau polemik yang memperuncing situasi dan keadaan hanya beberapa unek2 di otak kanan Saya, Saya tumpahkan dalam tulisan, baik akan Saya coba bedah dan kupas maksut dari M.D.S ( Music/Money,Drugs/Drink And Sex ) tersebut.
Emmm, inilah hidup, klo bagi Saya, kita hidup karna music terbukti detak jantung kita terus berdetak dan mengandung irama, coba klo gak berdetak maka kita sudah mati saat ini, tanpa sengaja dalam kehidupan sehari2 kita disuguhkan dengan irama, dari kalangan bocah yang berteriak dan menangis membuat irama serta sampai bocah dipingir perempatan kota menggunakan tutup botol dengan nada asal ketuk hingga kalangan profesional menggunakan alat2 canggih dan import hanya untuk mendapatkan kwaliatas musik yang bersih jernih indah dan megah bisa didapatkannya, dari jam dinding yang mendetik hingga pukulan tukang nasi goreng (duk…duk…duk…), apa lagi saat ini musik sudah merebak ke kancah politik serta event2 olah raga, lihat saja pada saat kampanye dan event olah raga tersebut disuguhkan musik yang jor2an.Money banyak yang berkonotasi miring tentang uang, semuanya bisa dibeli, dari darah sampai pulau bisa di lego jika banyak/memiliki uang dari pengacara hebat dan mahal hingga jet pribadi berfasilitaskan lengkap dapat dilengkapi sebagai koleksi pribadi dari pakaian dalam ternama hingga jejeran mobil/motor berkelas terpampang mulus di garasi.
Bukan rahasia lagi, erat sekali hubungannya dunia entertain dan pejabat tinggi, sudah banyak kasus yang terungkap, terjebak, terperangkap, terjerumus di Drugs/Drink (Obat2an/Psikotropika, minuman beralkohol), merasa memiliki jenjang karir yang baik ke teneran nama yang super power dengan awalnya uji coba hingga akhirnya coban datang terjerumus dalam di dalamnya, merusak otak, ahlak, etika, dan karir yang ada musnah seketika.
Inilah yang katanya nikmat surga dunia, sudah banyak pula yang masuk kelubang yang sama, pengucilan di masyarakat, kehancuran keluarga tercinta hasilnya.
Masa Depan Suram
Jika di dunia entertain and pejabat tinggi berhasil dan meraih sukses maka M.D.S (Music/Money, Drugs/Drink, and Sex) pasti di dapatnya, tapi jika gagal didunia entertain and menjadi pejabat tinggi maka akan didapat M.D.S (Masa Depan Suram) mungkin sudah putus asa, pasrah pada keadaan maka semuanya pupus, sirna, dan menguap tak berbekas, dikarenakan gelontoran dana yang tak berbalik modal sudah dikeluarkannya.
Ini semua yang Saya tulis hanya pandangan Saya, mungkin berbeda dengan pandangan kalian, mohon maaf jika ada yang tak berkenan dalam tulisan ini, PEACE!!!

Copyright Logo Design - The Ultimate Importance of Safeguarding Your Brand Name


Expert Author Beverly Houston
"I have made it a rule for a long time, not to part with the exclusive rights of my drawings, for I have been so copied, my drawings reproduced and sold for advertisements and done in ways I hate."
-Kate Greenaway
"I think patent is moral, proper. I think a creator has the right to control the disposition of his or her works - I actually believe that the financial issue is less important than the integrity of the work, the attribution, that kind of stuff."
-Esther Dyson
An expert has all the ingredients of making a perfect brand mark, such as: creative skills, a solid artistic sense, and a talent for making exclusive arts. He understands the need of research, proper use of fonts and colors, and most importantly, the terms of rights of first publication.
Who wants to lose his business to another company? Are you aware that any corporation can easily copy your brand name for his personal use? Securing your work from bootlegging or brand infringement is in fact one of the most important measures that you should take to protect your brand name identity.
Copyright - a logo design safeguard:
Now a day, protecting brand marks is viewed as a very important thing. Either it is a small piece of art, or a big business brand name, no one wants their work to be copied. No one wants their hard work to be stolen by somebody else. That is why, issues have arisen in the past and the law has become stricter and severe so as to provide the creator with satisfaction.
Use you legal rights:
Government grant gives you the right to manage reproduction and usage of your creative work. But, if a template selected from an online free icons webpage is the foundation of your brand mark, then you won't be able to apply protection to your art. There are different kinds of rights and permissions involved, such as the permission to display, sharing, replicate, and modify the work. If you delay taking the necessary measures, ultimately your brand label will have to pay for your carelessness.
Make sure that the expert is trustworthy:
You have to take certain considerations before hiring a professional too. Because, according to law, when you hire an expert, he owns the patent to his piece of art. This law secures artist's creativity from being re-used without reasonable reimbursement for the time they put in it. If you don't want any restrictions of using your symbol, mention it clearly in the contract in terms of your rights.
Freelancers are not very recommendable:
Same is the case with a free lance artist. Unless and until the client mentions specifically that he wants the ownership of the art, the artist has all the authorities of the piece. A special agreement is formulated to transfer the rights of a certain project from the artist to the client.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Solopreneurs: Focusing on Local


Though big brands have had their share of the market for many years now, times are changing, and more and more people are deciding to go local and small. People are realizing that all the hype of big brands doesn't really make them better than the small ones - it only means that they have more resources to invest in marketing and advertising their products and services.
The online world has leveled the playing field, since online marketing is relatively cheaper compared to traditional marketing. Small businesses and solopreneurs can now utilize online resources to promote and spread the word about their brand, and effectively reach hundreds, even thousands of customers and clients.
As a small business owner, however, it's more important for you to focus on your locality first. These are the people who know you personally, whom you interact with in your community, and who can really become loyal to your brand.
And you're not limited now to advertising on your local TV station or your newspaper. People nowadays are more often than not doing their research online, using search engines and social media.
As a solopreneur, how do you focus your online marketing on local? What are some strategies you can utilize?
1. Social media
Social media is where most people are interacting on nowadays. Facebook has over 750 million users, and millions of people log in everyday just to talk to their friends and participate in discussions. Facebook has even made some changes lately that can give local brands the advantage. The social networking site has decreased the importance of number of likes, and has emphasized engagement more through story-based content.
This means that even if a large brand has thousands of people who have liked their company page, it doesn't mean that their posts and updates are appearing in these people's newsfeeds. And honestly, the number of likes a company page has doesn't really equal the number of sales.
The focus nowadays is on audience engagement. With great content, you can get more attention to your brand and get your posts appearing in your followers' newsfeeds. When your followers are interested, they can easily share the content with their own friends, spreading the world and effectively promoting your brand.
Solopreneurs should definitely take advantage of these changes and ensure that they keep engaging their audience, especially the local ones. These are the people who are more likely to obtain your products and services, so make sure that you get them to interact with your brand by offering useful, relevant, and interesting content that encourages discussion and sharing.
2. Press Releases
Many small businesses and solopreneurs tend to overlook press releases as a means of promoting their brand, but many large brands utilize them and effectively spread their message. Truly, press releases are not only for large, national companies, but they can be very effective for small businesses as well.
When you incorporate press releases into your marketing campaign, it really helps your brand gain more attention. With enough attention given to you, these can eventually convert into more sales and clients.
Press releases can even pull the interest of your local newspaper or even TV station, who could then create a story about your small business. And nowadays, many bloggers pick up press releases for their blog posts, which can increase the links going to your site as well as bring attention to your brand.
Of course, you can't just write a press release and hope that it gets picked up. You should also promote it through your site, through your social media accounts, and other networks. Always remember though that your press release should be noteworthy enough to gain someone's attention, otherwise it will just be a waste of your time.
3. Blog
Blogging is a great way to get excellent content out there and promote your brand. You want to build a set of followers who are really interested in hearing what you say and who will become loyal to your brand.
When it comes to blogging, a great message is important. Create a story around your brand that helps people relate to it, and you'll soon have brand advocates and even brand evangelists who will go the extra mile for you.
Make sure to incorporate local news and events on your blog so that the locality can effectively relate with it and become interested in following you.
Truly, solopreneurs don't have to go very far for their customers, because their best clients are right there in their community. So make sure to use this to your advantage and focus on gaining the loyalty of your local customers.
Maria Elena Duron, CEO (chief engagement officer), buzz2bucks | a word of mouth marketing firm, is skilled at making networks "work" and harnessing powerful online and offline buzz, she facilitates online visibility services and word of mouth coaching and workshops - taking companies and professionals from buzz-worthy to bucks-worthy,

How To Build Your Personal Brand


Personal branding is the very same thing as your own reputation. Everybody exists as a brand. It is not confined to the rich and famous celebrities only but every single person has their own brand to sell. self branding refers to the way people perceive you. Are you creative? Are you trustworthy? What is their perception of you? So if you are a little worried about your own personal branding, here is a way for you to build your own strong self branding!
1. Find a niche
Choose something that you are passionate about. Do you want to do this for the rest of your life? It may be an online business project, selling cars, investments. Now that you have chosen a niche you can go on to discovering your own personal brand.
2. Set goals for your image
Now that you have chosen your niche, you need to know that your self brand is build from the thoughts and words and reactions of other people. So what do you want your image to be like? If you are in the area of selling cars, you could make your goal to be trustworthy, reliable and affordable. This is something you have control over. Once the word gets out that your reputation is so, it strengthens your self brand.
3. Think of it as an investment
When you first start out, you may not have much of a name. But if you consistently try to fulfill and exceed the goals you set, word will spread around about your personal brand. Now every new project that you take up will have a higher value because your personal brand will persist.
4. Marketing
Now word of mouth alone is not enough. You have to market yourself aggressively. It could be business cards, blogs, websites, social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. The best part of all, that all these are free!
5. Keep moving forward
You've got to constantly keep coming up with fresh new ideas to keep yourself moving upwards. If you just stay with one concept, you risk your personal brand becoming stale. So keep those juices flowing!
6. Continue learning!
Your niche is an ever changing market. So you've got to keep on learning and updating your knowledge to stay ahead of the game. By doing so you are strengthening your own personal brand!
In conclusion, it is not easy to build your own personal brand. But if you persevere, your hard work will bring great rewards.

Riset Di Perguruan Tinggi Abaikan Kebutuhan Industri

Nawa Tunggal | Agus Mulyadi | Rabu, 30 November 2011 | 08:13 WIB

JAKARTA, - Kegiatan riset di perguruan tinggi, selama ini lebih banyak berjalan sendiri-sendiri, dan mengabaikan kebutuhan industri.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta untuk ketiga kalinya menyelenggarakan Forum Riset Industri pada Rabu (30/11/2011) ini, hingga 1 Desember 2011, di Jakarta, untuk mempertemukan para perisetnya dengan pelaku industri sebagai langkah awal menuju riset yang aplikatif.
Menurut Kepala Bidang Pengembangan dan Layanan Riset Industri pada Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) UGM, Yusril Yusuf, Rabu pagi, Forum Riset Industri Indonesia 2011 ini mengambil tema, "Kemandirian Industri Kesehatan Nasional: Tantangan dan Peluang bagi Riset Perguruan Tinggi".
Yusril menyebutkan, kemandirian diberi makna sebagai kemampuan riset untuk mengolah potensi lokal. Dasar pemikirannya untuk lebih mencermati arus perdagangan bebas yang semakin deras.
Selama ini, potensi lokal di bidang kesehatan antara lain merujuk pada potensi kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati dan kearifan lokal. Produk obat herbal dari kenakeragaman hayati yang ada di Indonesia, sudah dikembangkan sebagai kearifan lokal di berbagai suku masyarakat, tetapi selama ini masih kurang mendapat dukungan riset intensif dari perguruan tinggi.
Beberapa menteri dijadwalkan hadir di dalam Forum Riset Industri Indonesia itu. Menteri Kesehatan, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, misalnya, diminta menjadi salah satu pembicara utama. Menteri Perdagangan Gita Irawan Wirjawan juga diminta untuk memberikan sambutan acara ini.
Presiden Direkltur PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, Bernadette Ruth Irawati Setiyadi, dan Direktur Utama PT Kimia Farma, Sjamsul Arifin, juga diundang menjadi pembicara utama pada forum ini.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Cultural Identity: The Elements


Expert Author Mehdi Nourian
First and foremost we must have a clarification over terms such as culture, identity and cultural identity which leads us to the American cultural identity and its elements. Culture is a very complicated term to define. "It has more than a hundred definitions." (1) To give a simple definition and no to confused with the hundred of the definitions we can define culture as follows: culture refers to the customs, practices, languages, values and world views that define social groups such as those based on nationality, ethnicity, region or common interests.
Identity is another term we must know about before understanding cultural identity. "The condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is."(2) The best way to define the term identity is an answer to the question who am I? We can say that identity is about our self-perception and perception of others. There are different types of identity according to different ways of categorizing of aspects. Personal identity, social identity and collective identity are the most recognizable ones. "The concept of a collective identity refers to a set of individuals' sense of belonging to the group or collective. For the individual, the identity derived from the collective shapes a part of his or her personal identity." (3) The master forces of collective identity are nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, profession and decadent culture.
Cultural identity is the identity of a group, culture or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture. Then cultural identity is a collective identity.
The American cultural identity can be simply defined as the sets of values, norms and beliefs that make the American people as the Americans. Collective identity is not in conflict with personal identity as each American has its own identity while the whole Americans has a specific collective identity by which they are distinguished from the British people.
Talking about the elements of the American cultural identity is difficult, because there are many elements that shape it. To count some of the most important elements I go for the following ones.
• Language
English language is one of the elements that in my view have shaped the American cultural identity. It gives the Americans a sense of having a British origin and a feeling that the language their ancestors spoke was English like them and I think it makes them think of their Anglo-Saxon background. English language as the majority of the Americans speak has had a great influence on shaping their collective identity.
• Egalitarianism
The idea of egalitarianism or having equal opportunities makes the second element of the American cultural identity. This sense that we all are living in a land of opportunities, while others don't and we all are equal to have opportunities to live has integrated Americans as a whole.
• Exceptionalism and Nationalism
The idea of exceptionalism has instilled in Americans mind through the history and as a result it has made them think that they are unique and special people living in a land of opportunities. They believe in American Dream and they think that they have had this chance to live on this land not any other people. Americans believe that they and only they are exceptional and this idea gives them a sense of nationalistic point of view. Being patriot is a very common symbol of being an American and it has much to do with exceptionalism and nationalism. As an example, US flag is considered a national symbol and a symbol that integrates all Americans to a whole.
• Liberalism
Liberalism is undoubtedly the most influential element of American cultural identity. The idea of liberalism in America is as old as the United States where according the US Constitution the people are free to work, worship, live, travel and so on so forth as long as they respect each others' rights. Liberalism limits the influence the government has on the personal lives of the citizens as well. When people see that they are free to choose whatever they want under the liberalism umbrella, then they feel they are Americans and they recognize themselves as Americans.
• Individualism
Individualism has had a great impact on being an American. It has a Puritan background. Individualism has helped the creation of property ownership and what is called privacy. Ownership in America is of great significance and it gives the owner a sense by which he/she feels American because they consider it a result of living in America and believing in American beliefs. Individualism is not only about economic terms like property ownership. In terms of culture, cultural individualism is the idea that the whole Americans see themselves as an individual from which the idea of Americanism comes from.
• Pragmatism
Pragmatism, like individualism, has a Puritan origin. Americans work very hard to achieve their goals. The question "What do you do?" is a very common question in American culture. It means that hard-working is a very important factor among Americans. Americans work very hard and they always think about the results undermining the tools by which they can achieve the ends. In accordance with the American multicultural context, pragmatist ideas which refuses any absolutes became very common because "rather than believing in absolutes it is believed that these concepts are changeable and depend on the context in which they are being discussed." (4)
To conclude this article we can say that there are many elements through which the American people recognize themselves. A person is called American when he/she believes in American beliefs, norms and values whether he/she lives in America or not. That is, the term "Americanism" makes sense.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Spiderman dari India

Jyothi Raj (22 thn) seorang pemuda India ternyata mampu memanjat tembok tinggi seperti laba-laba bahkan dia bisa memutarbalikkan tubuhnya saat bergelantungan di dinding tanpa bantuan alat apapun.

Inilah photo lengkap aksi "Spiderman" india yang dilansir oleh telegraph 23 Juli 2009:


5 Kolam Renang "Ter" yang Unik Bangets

Membayangkan nyebur di dalam kolam biru nan jernih saja, rasanya sudah senang. Apalagi, kalau kolam yang didesain sebesar dan senyaman mungkin buat kita ini diberi fasilitas tambahan seperti permainan. Pasti makin menarik dan punya keunikan sendiri. Lalu, apa ya yang unik dari lima kolam renang ini?

1. Kolam Renang Terbesar/Terpanjang

Kolam renang terbesar di dunia menurut Guiness World Book Record ini terletak di sebuah resort bernama San Alfonso del Mar, Chile. Panjang kolam renang ini mencapai 1.000 meter dan kedalamannya mencapai 35 meter. Nggak heran kalau butuh banyak air buat mengisi kolam renang ini, yaitu sekitar 250 juta liter air. Wow! Kerennya lagi, air yang dipakai untuk mengisi kolam renang ini diambil dari air di Samudera Pasifik yang disaring dan diproses terlebih dahulu.

2. Kolam Renang Terseram

Sekilas kolam renang senilai 1,8 milyar rupiah yang ada di Hotel The Golden Nugget ini mungkin terlihat biasa saja. Tapi, kalau kita perhatikan lebih seksama, di kolam renang ini, ada tiga tingkat seluncuran air, air terjun, dan sebuah akuarium besar yang berisi ikan hiu. Yang mendebarkan, kita bisa berenang di dalam akuarium hiu itu, tentu saja dengan pengawasan khusus. Hiiyyy…tapi semoga saja akuarium itu cukup kuat menampung hiu-hiu itu yah?

3. Kolam Renang Tergelap

Rasanya pas banget kalau kolam renang ini disebut kolam renang paling gelap. Soalnya kolam renang ini terletak di dalam kubah batu kapur, 17 meter di bawah tanah. Suhu kolam renang yang berada dalam gua ini pun selalu dijaga hangat, sekitar 35 derajat Celcius. Pasalnya, kolam renang ini bawah tanah ini memang terletak di sekitar area ski di Homestead Centre, Utah. Menariknya, air kolam ini kaya akan mineral lho!

4. Kolam Renang Terdalam

Nggak heran kalau kolam renang Nemo 33 ini yang terletak di Uccle, Belgia terkenal sebagai kolam renang paling dalam. Soalnya, titik paling dalam kolam renang ini mencapai 32 meter, sih. Wah! Kita bisa selamat nggak ya, kalau berenang di situ? Jangan khawatir, karena tempat ini memang salah satu tempat pelatihan scuba diving terbesar yang ada di dunia. Jadi, kita bisa sekalian belajar menyelam di sini. Lagipula, ada dua tingkat sebelum kita mencapai titik terdalam, yaitu kedalaman 5 meter dan 10 meter.

5. Kolam Renang Tercanggih

Ada banyak cerita menarik soal kolam renang yang mengapung di atas sungai Spree, Berlin, Jerman ini. Kolam renang Badeschiff yang berarti ‘kapal untuk mandi’ ini, terbuat dari cargo dan kontainer tua yang nggak terpakai. Canggihnya adalah kolam renang ini bisa digunakan di segala musim dan cuaca. Pada musim panas, kolam renang ini adalah kolam renang outdoor dan sering diadakan banyak pesta di sini. Tapi, pada musim dingin, penutup kolam renang ini akan dinaikkan menjadi kolam renang indoor dan ditambahkan sauna untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Cool!

10 Konsep Bangunan Menakjubkan Yang Gagal Dibangun

Konsep-konsep bangunan ini memang sedikit aneh tetapi mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Tetapi konsep banunan ini gagal untuk diwujudkan.

10. Hotel Attraction Designed in 1908 for New York City

Hotel Attraction maunya menjadi gedung tertinggi di New York pada saat itu. Didesign oleh Antoni Gaudi, tinggilnya adalah 360 meter, dan tampaknya sangat tak mungkin pada waktu itu. Sedikit sekali fakta yang diketahui tentang proyek ini sampai ketika tahun 1956, sebuah buku berjudul “The NEw World Called Gaudi” diterbitkan. Tidak jelas mengapa proyek ini dihentikan.

9. The Illinois Designed in 1956 for Chicago Illinois

he Illinois tadinya akan menjadi pencakar langit setinggi 1.609 meter yang divisikan oleh Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright percaya bahwa bangunan ini mungkin dibuat, pada waktu itu. Design nya terdiri dari 528 tingkat, dengan luas daerah kotor 18,46 kaki persegi. Masalah yang timbul adalah ruang yang diperlukan untuk mendirikan pencakar langit itu kurang, dan terbatasnya lift (elevator) yang diperlukan. Hal itulah yang akhirnya menggagalkan proyek ini.

8. Fourth Grace / The Cloud Designed in 2002 for Liverpool England

Walaupun banyak orang yang menganggap kalau Fourth Grace adalah proposal terjelek, Arsitek Will Alsop memenangkan penghargaan design untuk proyek yang dinamakannya “The Cloud” ini. Proyek ini diberhentikan karena masalah dana yang membludak untuk membangun design spiral yang mahal. Fourth Grace didesign untuk kantor, 107 kamar hotel, dan 50000 sq ft fasilitas termasuk bar, restaurant, dan gallery.

7. Beacon of Progress Designed around 1891 for Chicago Illinois

Rencananya adalah sebuah menara batu setinggi 457 meter di Jackson Park, Chicago. Design yang memenangkan penghargaan ini dikemukakan oleh Professor MIT Désiré Despradelle, seorang Prancis. Dengan lebih banyak dukungan dana, bangunan ini bisa jadi bangunan buatan manusia tertinggi di dunia saat itu.

6. Ville Contemporaine Designed in 1922 for Paris France

The Ville Contemporaine tadinya hendak dijadikan tempat tinggal bagi 3 juta penduduk. Ville ini dikemukakan oleh arsitek Swiss-Prancis Le Corbusier. Bagian tengah bangunan ini direncanakan adalah sekelompok pencakar langit 60 tingkat yang dibangun dengan logam baja dan diselubungi oleh dinding kaca. Digunakan untuk kantor dan apartemen. Tidak jelas mengapa proyek ini dihentikan.

5. Tatlin’s Tower Designed around 1917 for St. Petersburg Russia

Tatlin’s Tower kalau jadi dibangun, akan membuat Eiffel Tower terkesan mini. Rencananya, bangunan ini terbuat dari besi, kaca, dan baja. Menara ini tadinya akan dijadikan simbol modernitas. Bentuk utama menara ini adalah twin helix yang naik secara spiral sampai tinggi 400m, dimana orang2 bisa ditransportasikan ke atas, melalui jalur itu.

4. Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid Designed in 2004 for Tokyo Japan

The Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid adalah sebuah piramid buatan raksasa di Tokyo Bay, Jepang. Struktur itu 12 kali lebih tinggi dari Piramid Giza, dan mampu menampung 750.000 manusia. Itu akan menjadi hasil bangunan manusia yang terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Piramid ini sebenarnya dibangun dengan 55 piramid yang lebih kecil dan saling ditumpuk. Masing2 piramid kecil ini besarnya sebanding dengan Luxor Hotel di Las Vegas. Alasan proyek ini tak bisa dibangun adalah karena design mega piramid ini tergantung akan material canggih yang ringan namun sungguh kuat, yang pada saat itu masih belum ada.

3. Volkshalle (The Great Dome) Designed around 1930 for Berlin Germany

The Volkshalle (People’s Hall) adalah sebuah bangunan monumental yang direncanakan oleh Adolf Hitler dan arsiteknya Albert Speer. Ia tadinya akan menjadi bangunan paling impresif dan penting di Berlin, sebagai tanda kehebatan Hitler. Untungnya, bangunan ini tidak jadi didirikan karena perang.

2. Palace of Soviets Designed in 1933 for Moscow Soviet Union

Jika Palace of Soviets jadi dibangun, ia akan menjadi struktur tertinggi di dunia. Konstruksi yang dipelopori oleh Boris Iofan’s ini sebenarnya sudah dimulai di tahun 1937 dan diberhentikan karena invasi Jerman. Tahun 1942, bahan besi nya digunakan untuk membuat jembatan.

1. Ultima Tower Designed in 1991 for San Francisco California 

Design ini tampaknya sungguh tidak mungkin (liat saja ilustrasi proyeknya diatas), tapi sebaliknya, sangat keren jika bisa dibuat. Arsitek Eugene Tsui mendapat ide bangunan ini dari hasil belajarnya di San Fransisco. Struktur ini akan menggunakan energi hasil konversi energi atmosferik dengan cara mengubah energi yang dihasilkan perbedaan tekanan udara dari atas dan bawah bangunan ini menjadi energi listrik. Bangunan ini memiliki 500 lantai (2 mil tingginya) dan diharapkan menjadi tempat tinggal sekitar 1 juta penduduk.