Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dahlan Iskan Merasa Sukses Berkat Insting dan Leadership Kuat

Jakarta - Di depan ratusan alumni dan pascasarjana Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Dahlan Iskan buka-bukaan soal rahasia suksesnya. Ia merasa semua keberhasilannya saat ini dikarenakan insting dan leadership yang kuat.

"Karena insting saya sukses jadi enterpreneur, karena leadership yang kuat saya berhasil pimpin birokrasi di PLN (perusahaan Listrik Negara) yang padahal merupakan perusahaan yang dulunya sangat saya benci sekali dan itu berhasil, dan saat ini saya lanjutkan di BUMN," ujar Dahlan, dalam acara 'A Leadership Night' Alumni dan Pascasarjana ITB, di Hotel Bidakara, Selasa malam (24/1/2012).

Menurut Dahlan, insting didapat bukan belajar di SD, kuliah atau berguru sama orang, tapi insting ada dan kuat karena pengalaman.

"Bagaimana orang serius akan setiap yang ia jalani, khususnya dalam pekerjaan. Dikatakan serius jika orang tersebut sungguh-sungguh dalam mengerjakan pekerjaannya," katanya.

"Bagaimana indikatornya sungguh-sungguh? Orang tersebut akan sangat fokus mengerjakan, jatuh dia bangkit lagi-coba lagi, bahkan sampai ada interkoneksi dengan alam bawah sadar, bahkan kalau perlu sampai bisa ngigau," imbuh Dahlan.

Dari situlah insting ada, dan dari pengalaman kata Dahlan, insting tersebut makin terasah. "Insting yang banyak menentukan keberhasilan saya mengelola perusahan media," terang Pengagum Eric FH Samola dan Goenawan Mohamad ini.

Dari keberhasilan itulah leadership dirinya kuat dan muncul, sehingga didaulat menjadi Direktur Utama PLN. Padahal waktu itu, Dahlan mengaku tidak ada gambaran menjadi Dirut PLN.

"Saya katakan ke Pak Presiden (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono), kalau memilih saya jadi Dirut PLN, bapak akan dimarahi orang, ya kan?, karena saya bukan orang listrik, saya bukan jurusan teknik. Namun Bapak Presiden bilang, yang saya (kata Presiden) butuhkan dari saya hanya leadership, bukan orang listrik," ungkap Dahlan.

Akhirnya, atas dorongan tersebut, dirinya mengambil keputusan untuk memimpin PLN yang dulu sangat dibencinya, dan menklaim apa yang dilakukannya di PLN berhasil dengan baik.

"Saya berhasil dan hasilnya baik, dan atas hasil tersebut yang membawa saya dipercaya lebih oleh presiden memimpin BUMN," tandas pria kelahiran Magetan, Jawa Timur, 17 Agustus 1951 itu.

Advertising Agencies Can Create Brand Awareness

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Zinga-Cashmere Atmosphere Visit the premium cashmere brand at the Atmosphere in Paris
A company's reputation has to be cultivated over time and advertising agencies can create brand awareness through Public Relations strategies.
Many people take a lot of time and energy to create a reputation. More than just being well known, a reputation affects the way a person sees another individual, even if these two people never met. For a company, this reputation is created and maintained through brand awareness. Using different Public Relation strategies, advertising agencies can help a company create a positive reputation.
Some companies are so well known that people have an opinion of them, even if they have never used their products or services. Nike, Sheraton, The Four Seasons, reading the names of these companies may create an image in a person's mind. Perhaps they have never visited a Four Seasons hotel, but the name creates a feeling of luxury and hospitality. Why does this happen, because the organization has spent a lot of time and money cultivating this image.
Any company can create brand awareness. With time and patience, companies can make sure that when a person thinks of a certain product or service, their company name is the first that comes to mind. With the advent of Internet marketing and social media, even small businesses can participate in brand awareness and actively compete against larger companies. With press releases, social media sites, and blogs, a company can make sure that their target market is aware of its existence.
Advertising agencies can create a Public Relations strategy that will enhance brand awareness. By crafting carefully designed press releases, adding consistent valuable content to company blogs, and practicing social networking policies, an ad agency can attract new business for a company.
Press releases are an important element of a marketing strategy. With the creation of Internet press release submission sites, these PR tools aren't just for journalists. Search engines usually rank press releases high in page results, and any links in a press release are rated high as well. This helps websites that take advantage of consistent press releases receive a boost in their overall page rank.
Blogs are a great way to communicate with clients and potential customers. By offering valuable content about topics that are important to a target market, a company will be seen as an expert in their field. People also appreciate when a company is willing to offer free information and are more likely to purchase from these organizations when they are ready to buy.
Because many people research before they buy, they are looking for information that will help them determine the right products to buy, and the right company to approach for the product. Blogs are one way individuals research a product or service. Advertising agencies know how to design informative blog posts that encourage clients to come back when they are ready to make a purchase.
Social networking sites are a way people communicate with one another about many different topics. If a person is looking at making a purchase, they often ask friends for their opinion. Participating in social networking helps companies become a part of this conversation and let potential customers know what they have to offer.
Creating brand awareness is difficult because is influenced by emotion as much as it is logic. Advertising agencies understand the psychological factors that influence the buying decisions of people in a particular market. Using Public Relation strategies, such as press releases, blog posts and social networking sites, an ad agency can make sure that plenty of information is available in the format potential clients are looking for on the Internet.

Capitalism, Will You Say I Do?

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Zinga-Cashmere Atmosphere Visit the premium cashmere brand at the Atmosphere in Paris
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Expert Author Benjamin C Andrews
Political debate is always a dangerous area to get involved in. Die hard Republican, Life-long Democrat, or somewhere in the middle, people get pretty heated up about what they believe is right and wrong, and how our country should be run. I'm also one of those, who has my beliefs and sticks to them.
In the interest of what our nation has faced over recent years though, I'm going to toss my own thoughts out here. Like them or hate them, I hope we can at least have an intelligent discussion, and rise above mud-slinging, name calling, and issue dodging.
First of all, I love America. We're not perfect, nowhere is, but our country has done a lot of good along with the bad. I love that if you work hard, you can realize a dream, and sell that dream to the world. That is the joy of Capitalism. A good idea, elbow grease and sweat can make all your dreams come true. Never would I want this idea to disappear.
It does, however, need to undergo some change. I'm going to say a word that many people consider one of the dirtiest words in our language. You ready? Because you better brace yourself. Really, people hate this word. Finally ready? That word is Socialism.
Before you gnash your teeth, grumble, or leave this page, I implore you to listen to my argument. Capitalism, Socialism, any government type is only as good as the people running it. They are sets of ideals that, regardless how they've been used across the world, were created by someone with the idea of creating a better life for everyone. Russia, China, countries across the world have given Socialism a bad name. America has also done a great job of showing the flaws in Capitalism. Once again I say it is the people running the system. There is nothing wrong with the idea that all members of society should be cared for, just like there is nothing wrong with the idea that working hard for success should be rewarding. These ideas are not contrary, and both can be realized at the same time.
Do you like going to restaurants and eating? Having a clerk at the grocery store check your items out? A janitor who cleans the hallways, bathrooms, or other areas of the buildings you visit from day to day? I do, and I understand that jobs all across society have to be done. Why should a large pocket of the population then have to live in a sub-standard way? Each CEO, board member, or investor out there would have nothing if it weren't for the working class. They can grumble about the long hours they spent when they first built the company, but I think we can all agree years and years of millions and millions of dollars negates that argument.
What if tomorrow everyone decided they were tired of those regular jobs, and they were all going to open companies, sit back in a chair and trade stocks, or just give up all together? How long would any company survive with no workers? How long would our system last? The problem with Capitalism is it sends the wrong message. The only focus is on how much an individual can make for themselves. Is that really the world we want to live in? A world where we care only about how well we do ourselves? Look at all the top earners. It's like a race to see who can gather the most money together. How much they can sit on, and how far above everyone else their mountain of money puts them. Do a quick search on wealth distribution. Go ahead, this post will be here when you get back. Open a new window, and check it out.
If you checked out some of the information, or were already aware without searching, this shows the Achilles' heel of this system. It has morphed beyond "make your dreams come true" into something more like "devour as much as you can without thought, until your belly is fat and your eyes heavy."
So the title of this article; Capitalism, Will You Say I Do? I chose this title because I don't want the freedoms of Capitalism to disappear, but I want this system to marry with Socialism, to create something new. A system that looks out for everyone. If you make a successful company or idea, you should absolutely prosper. This shouldn't cause only a small fraction of the population to hold the vast majority of wealth. We might as well just elect a king, and go back to the days of fiefdoms. With all the progress we've made, are we really so stuck on using wealth to separate people into different classes?
Here we are in these times of trouble, and there's actually loads of money out there. The problem is it is being hoarded by fat-cats, who have their grubby hands in markets, but can't stand to spend a dime. We watched as businesses failed, bailouts were given because they were "too big to fail", and in turn those failing companies gave out bonuses, and not even to the foot soldiers, but to the ones who caused the failures in the first place. This is what our current Capitalism says is right, because even with all the outrage, nothing was done about it. The bonuses went right out the door because of golden parachutes and contract law.
I truly believe that it is in fact the Government's job to step in and cap salaries. I say this in the ideal that the Government is actually run by people who care for the people, and I'm aware Government itself needs serious overhaul. For the sake of this specific argument, I do believe in pay caps. Minimum wage leaves most living in poverty, let alone able to enjoy many comforts in life. Families go without meals to have any food at all some days. We have no jobs, but the rich are paying less in taxes than those who are barely making anything in the first place. And along the way we have wealthy people in charge of making laws, who in turn make laws that favor the rich. Who would have seen that coming? Some people say money is just money, but in fact we've turned it into the central driving force of our lives. When the market crashed, people were destroyed. Living, eating, almost everything except breathing costs money in some fashion, and even continuing to breathe can bankrupt you! Money is a big part of the world because we've chosen to make it that way. That means it's a force that has to be controlled for the good of everyone.
I think what amazes me the most is I see people who are struggling themselves, still defending the idea that the things going on right now are alright. I don't know how they get to that conclusion, but I don't know how people get sucked into cults either. For whatever reason they defend those who are helping keep them down. I'm amazed at the things we get hung up on in this life. I want to be comfortable financially, but I've never seen the need to pay employees minimum wage, and myself a hundred million dollars a year. At some point I would think people from the middle and lower class would call out for their chance to receive great benefit from the system. No matter what you believe, the upper class will also fall if the middle and lower class can't bear the weight.
By now you think I'm crazy, or you're like minded. I can't imagine anyone reading these words doesn't hold one of these two opinions. Whatever you do think, I leave you with this final message:
Due to the fiat system of currency we use, a dollar bill is worth the same as one out of a monopoly box. Value is only assigned because of the power behind the currency, our Government. Look up "fiat system" if you don't believe me. So we're not even talking about glittery wealth like gold and jewels. Our current currency is worthless, yet we still live in a world where a small percentage stand above the rest. America was created by our founding fathers to escape oppression, yet here we are doing it all over again. Life is so short, and nothing in this world goes with us when we leave. Why do we have to break so many members of society so few others can live the high life? Everyone can be happy if we want them to be. The world can be anything we want it to be. If this is the best we can do as man, then we have failed to utilize and understand all the wonderful gifts life has given us.

What Is Going to Happen in 2012?

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Many ancient prophecies from cultures such as the Mayans, Sumerians and Aztecs foretold the end of the world. The 2012 Sumerian Predictions include a meteor of Armageddon-like proportion. The Mayan Long count calendar actually completes its full cycle. Can this discovery truly be a sign of the apocalypse. Though the Mayan calendar is ending, the Mayans have recorded beliefs that when one age ends one begins. We are supposedly in the 4th age and December 22nd at dawn the world will begin a new age, a fifth age. Some call this the age of Aquarius.
An Ancient philosopher named Nostradamus recorded prophecies about the future many about tragedies including the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler and the attack on the Trade Towers in New York on 9/11. He was right about those. Some say his book of prophecies included a Doomsday prophecy, theorists believe that this day will take place on the 21st of December this year. If the world were to in fact come to an end in 2012, how would it happen? The possibilities are endless, but they always have been. Tragedy could strike at any moment but realistically peace resumes more often than not.
Peace does not go without tension. For what is peace? A character in a movie once said, " peace is having the bigger stick." This character was fictional but I found his comment to hold merit. Countries like America and Russia have enough nuclear WMD's to extinct the world several times. Great civilizations have been extincted in great wars, wars fought with primitive weapons. Will the global population fall to the same fate? Maybe 2012 prophecies and predictions were wrong and human extinction will be the product of collateral damage.
Advancements in science can mean great improvement in progress and prosperity of humans and animals alike and are based on fact as opposed to popular prophecies and predictions. Great innovations in harnessing the power of nature to create energy. This energy can be shared, stored for emergency and utilized to perform super human tasks, and even focused to cut through previously indestructible obstacles. But just as power can provide it can destroy. Man-made weapons of mass destruction can eliminate populations at a time. Will nuclear war truly be what is going to happen in 2012? Scientists are trying to predict what is going to happen and so far have discovered that on the winter solstice there will possibly be a solar maximum.

Get Creative With Your Trade Show Booth Idea To Help Instantly Boost Visitor Traffic

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Expert Author Chris A. Harmen
Businesses looking to get a leg up on the competition have often relied on marketing conventions and expositions as reliable promotional resources. From general events held for local and regional businesses all the way through to national and international industry trade show displays, the marketing convention arena makes an excellent advertorial tactic for businesses. With virtually limitless networking and sales opportunities, a promotional exhibit delivers a solid and healthy return on investment.
Trade Show Displays Need An Audience For Maximum Effect
In order to fully capitalize on that return on investment, a company's marketing convention exhibits must prove compelling, informative and welcoming. Always work with a professional exhibit designer to strategize out of the box presenter solutions like optimal floor plan layout, product display, storage, seating space, lighting and any other relevant details to ensure the finished stand maximizes marketing impact and helps makes your business look like a seasoned industry leader.
While setting up a trade show display and/or table top display is an important component of a business' overall exhibit success, it's only a piece of the achievement puzzle. It's important to remember that even the most brilliantly designed trade show displays are rendered virtually useless if no one stops into the booth during the event. In order to truly be considered a successful venture, an organization must entice the masses to stop by the booth and engage with them on an interpersonal level. To optimize success at any event, companies must continuously strive at actually driving visitor traffic toward a business' table top displays and exhibits.
Innovative Trade Show Booth Ideas To Entice The Crowd
Coordinating fun activities at your company stand is another excellent trade show booth idea that will help drive up visiting guest tallies. Running a contest is a great way to generate buzz about your organization. Hold a putting contest, host a trivia challenge or even set up a video game challenge to excite the crowds and get them searching for your stand.
Also, people generally love a good raffle, so why not use this to your company's advantage during an exhibit? Have the firm running the event announce that your stand is hosting a drawing based on business cards placed into a designated bowl. To ensure the crowd's interest is piqued, be sure to have the prize itself announced. Remember, a business card drawing for specified prizes not only creates excitement, but it also can provide invaluable leads to be followed up on post event.
Another creative trade show booth idea is to offer fun, free services to the crowds. Set up equipment and hire professionals for visitors to enjoy 10 minute chair massages, unisex manicures and even caricature drawings to entice the swarms of people to check out your exhibit. After enjoying the freebies at your stand, be sure to have your team ready to engage with them on the exciting products and services your organization has to offer.
Skyline Canada designs informative and compelling innovations in trade show displays and table top displays to help companies get noticed. Looking for distinctive trade show booth ideas to help your company look like an industry leader? Visit Skyline Canada's company website today to learn more!

The Message IS the Message

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Zinga-Cashmere Atmosphere Visit the premium cashmere brand at the Atmosphere in Paris
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Expert Author Richard Berger
So, now, you've got your search campaign going. You've got your geofence and mobile messaging up. You're taking ads out in specific print media and you believe that you've got your advertising covered. Yet, as you take stock of your efforts, you also notice other advertisements and messages. Some are similar to yours, some competing directly against yours, other different types of messages and advertisements vie for the attention of the same people you are trying to attract. You wonder to yourself, "My message just seems to get lost in the din of all."
I once wrote that, "in today's marketplace, it is what one says and how it is said that prevail in consumers' minds; not necessarily what you do, that matters most." While this may essentially be contrary to popular belief, in messaging, it's the kernel of all advanced communication strategies today."
As the world continues to shrink to fit your mobile phone screen and while you innocently search the web, marketing battles rage among advertisers and their business clients. Promotional skirmishes over market share, over mind share - that is, a share of your mind - are constantly being waged.
In one month, the average person is bombarded by 150,000 ads, banners, commercials, billboards, flyers, circulars, direct mail offers, packaging messages and so on. Brand messaging is even integrated into your favorite sports programming - right there in the score-box area and on your kids' cereal boxes. Ads are in the emails you receive and as you view the web on your mobile device.
The battle to occupy a part of your brain is big business. Very big.
Naturally, the external pressures on traditional agencies to be more effective have reached critical-mass. Traditional agencies misunderstand the current marketplace and their clients are demanding better results. So, these agencies recommend that their clients advertise more frequently and in more places. Of course, this drives up the cost of advertising and floods the market with even more messages. Yet, the irony of it all is that the more advertisers advertise; the more consumers ignore them. Round-and-round it goes: Ad agencies step-up their efforts and create more elaborate attempts to persuade consumers and consumers learn to deflect these attempts because they are, quite simply, meaningless to them.
On the flip-side is the reverse-gentrification of the market. Wherein the barrier to entry for the fields of graphic design, web design, advertising, copy writing and the like have been driven to all-time low's. Now, your friend's brother's nephew does that, right? Or, perhaps, your IT person handles your website and online marketing. Maybe your receptionist handles your direct mail, social media and other similar efforts.
Consequently, agencies are downsizing. They're moving to smaller offices and "reinventing" themselves by changing their names to include words like "full-service", "interactive", "new media" and other clever descriptors in an effort to reposition in the shifting landscape. It's an out-of-control situation that is already imploding advertising agencies around the world.
The Death of Traditional Advertising and the Birth of Socially Intelligent Messaging
The concept of advertising as we know it is changing. Even the value of the word "advertising" itself has changed; to the degree that consumers, frankly, "don't buy it."
Then, what does it really take to reach consumers; to connect with them, to engage them and convert them into your customer?
It begins with an ideology based on a fundamental premise of social value. This is something that cannot be ignored by consumers; whether in print, on the web, or on a mobile device.
A two-way, socially intelligent messaging proposition connects a business with consumers in a meaningful way. It provides value, in one form or another, that enlists and compels the consumer toward an action that supports a perceived need in some area of their life. Fun-and-games marketing tactics aside, this premise narrows the field of effective techniques down to a mere handful. At the root of this nexus of effective techniques is the message itself. In fact, the message IS the message.
It's actually quite straightforward. If your message doesn't connect with the basic human emotions or align with the fundamental hierarchy of needs, your message will go unnoticed.
The multitude of ways and means by which consumers look for, consider, and ultimately purchase goods and services from your business are changing right now. Traditional methods are quickly being replaced with more efficient, more engaging and more extensible ways of messaging that connect with consumers and deliver value.
It's not your father's market place anymore.

Dany Bahar - The Story Of A Brand Guru

Big Time Brands As Seen on CNN and The View Makers of Slap Watch and more
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Global Retail Experts Ebeltoft Group advises retailers and suppliers to the retail sector
Brand awareness is the buzz phrase of the 21st century's marketing philosophy. A few decades ago we didn't talk brand we talked 'make'. What 'make' is your new television... what 'make' is your new car... we'd eagerly ask - in an era where brand recognition was not such a fundamental part of our lives as it is today.
But brand - a word which, funnily enough, is derived from the Old Norse 'brandr', meaning 'to burn', is defined today as a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers', according to the American Marketing Association. In actual fact the legal term for brand is trademark.
Conversely, in the auto industry, brands were originally called 'marques', a word which is still used in reference to motor vehicles. Creating a brand and then making people aware of it to the point that they immediately identify its logo, advertising jingle or such like because of associations in the memory, is what every brand guru sets out to achieve from day one.
Brand gurus are a special breed of people: they have generally created and then grown a 'make' until it has become a household name and is respected - even coveted - in the market. Real brand gurus are few and far between - there are probably over 100,000 brand managers for just one 'guru' in today's market and their specialist knowledge, their determination to rise above all others is not the result of training, it's the product of instinct.
One such man with this special instinct is Dany Bahar, Group Lotus's CEO, whose career this writer has followed for some years. Regarded by some in the industry as an enigma, Bahar is nonetheless one of the finest brand gurus around today. Why has he been called 'an enigma'? It's probably because he has, through much of his recent career, managed to keep his background and private life quiet while at the same time, promoting some of the world's most recognisable brands.
But these brands were born out of his enthusiasm and nurtured until they became phenomenal global successes. Already a seasoned marketing professional in the field of sports marketing before he was headhunted for Red Bull by Dietrich Mateschitz in 2005, Bahar has nonetheless become known as the man who took Red Bull by the horns and made it a global brand. One of his first moves on joining the company was to negotiate a deal for Red Bull Racing to use Ferrari engines.
During the two years he spent with Red Bull, he had built up such an enviable reputation for - and a global awareness of - the brand, that it remains today hugely successful.
He moved from Red Bull to Ferrari in 2007 where, as Senior VP for the Commercial and Brand Department, he set up a new division within the company, which managed and developed the Ferrari brand around the world. He headed sales and service on the production side as well as marketing, licensing and merchandising for the F1 team. Bahar shaped and tweaked in his inimitable way and the name Ferrari today trips off the tongues of enthusiasts the world over who, if they can't afford the real thing, have at least some item in their home or wardrobe branded with the famous prancing horse logo.
And now he is at Group Lotus where he is working to a five year plan designed to rejuvenate the company and put the Lotus image, brand and reputation as a world-class sports car and engineering outfit back where it belongs - on a winning streak.
I once asked Bahar to explain his philosophy on branding. "I believe that the brand should influence the people working for it, not the other way around," he told me. "I also don't take the traditional approach to brand awareness. With Lotus we don't do traditional advertising with the exception of one or two special markets. Instead, we focus on brand experience activities - our motorsport engagement is the perfect example of this," he explained.
And then almost as a throw-away comment, he added: "People should feel our brand and want to become part of it."
There, in a nutshell, 'become part of it' epitomises this guru's brand philosophy. He has helped to build dreams for people - the carefree and fun image of Red Bull which he created, the aspirations of consumers to want to own a prancing horse, and now the desire to re-ignite enthusiasm for the famous Lotus roar.
Already he's on track with his plans for the whole brand - just a year into the five year plan, he's been able to achieve results so far, despite the challenges which faced him when he took over as CEO at Group Lotus just 21 months ago. And just so people get the message that Bahar the brand guru means business, the company's motorsport side announced in July that it had formed Lotus Sport USA.
In fact, Bahar's keeping the Lotus brand well in the forefront of motoring circles at the moment for there has been serious talk this week that it will unveil a new LMP2 racer at next month's Frankfurt Motor Show with the aim of competing at Le Mans next year, starting with ALMS, the American Le Mans.
On top of this, Group Lotus has also just confirmed it will be entering the Lotus Evora GTE in a full North American and International schedule for 2012, with a testing programme starting later this year.
There's a certain ring around things at the moment Chez Group Lotus - there's a positiveness at Hethel which, to a seasoned motorsports' writer like me, tells me that Bahar, the brand guru, is definitely in business - and it's been a good news week for him as he ploughs through his five year plan, 21 months down and just 39 to go till that final goal is achieved!

Trade Show Display Mistakes (And How You Can Avoid Them)

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Zinga-Cashmere Atmosphere Visit the premium cashmere brand at the Atmosphere in Paris
Custom Rental Exhibits Custom Rental Exhibits Worldwide Design here, build there...
Expert Author Chris A. Harmen
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and that includes taking your trade show displays to an event. Nearly anything can go wrong, but avoiding these common mistakes can help ensure a professionally run event.
Mistake #1: Not Choosing The Right Size Trade Show Display
A trade show display that's too big can overwhelm your employees and your visitors, especially if this is one of the first events you've attended. Going too big will leave your employees overwhelmed and overworked and you might find that you struggle to fill every section of your trade show displays. Additionally, large trade show exhibits will cost more since you'll need to book additional space to accommodate larger than normal trade show exhibits.
However, a too small display can also be a mistake. Standard exhibit sizes are either 10 x 10 or 10 x 20. Any smaller than that and visitors will have a hard time navigating throughout the exhibit.
Mistake #2: Clutter
Whether you're cluttering up your banners with lots of extra words and graphics or your table tops are full of unnecessary paper, giveaways and other mess, a clean looking exhibit is a must. Clutter will make your business look unorganized and mismanaged. Instead, make an effort to have clean surfaces.
Visitors should be able to look at your banners and other graphics with just a quick glance and know your company's name and the type of service or product your provide. While many businesses are tempted to try to cram as much information on their banners as possible, this just overwhelms visitors and makes them want to keep on walking.
Mistake #3: Arriving Unprepared
You're there to sell, but just because you know about your company's products or services doesn't mean that you're prepared to man your company's displays. Send your employees through 'Exhibit Boot Camp' before attending the event. Role playing can help your employees get ready to deal with customers, both new and old. However, don't just pretend to be happy customers because it's easy to talk with people who are eager to use your products and services. Instead make sure that one of your employees to pretends to be a negative potential customer who is just there for a goody bag.
Mistake #4: Ignoring The Competition
Your competitors will likely be there with their own trade show displays. Don't pretend that they don't exist, but don't speak negatively about them either. Acknowledge their presence with a wave and don't be afraid to send customers their way if the customer is looking for something you can't offer. Your competition isn't going to go away so it doesn't do any good to pretend that they don't exist.
Making these common mistakes can mean a lot of extra work when you're at the event, but these aren't the only mistakes exhibitors can make. Take a critical look at your company and see if you can think of any other mistakes that you might be able to avoid.