Friday, December 2, 2011

Personalizing Your Communication With an Optimal Segmentation Marketing Program


Expert Author Jeremy B Thompson
Personalizing your communication with an optimal segmentation marketing program is as essential in the online marketplace as any business landscape. Understanding the product or service begins the journey to discover the desired target consumer and the use of data mining marketing techniques will help define the markets available, frame the demographic model, and paint a picture of the market segmentation. Investigating the markets determined by data mining efforts will reveal the specific attributes of the product or service the specific segments find the most appealing. Using this information you will be able to create a personalized marketing plan for the individual markets forming a distinctive diverse marketing program.
Data mining marketing is a daunting task. Most commonly the process looks in detail at the purchase patterns of customers in desired segments and details the patterns into the how a customer chooses a specific product or brand rather than the simple need for the product type. In retail locations such details as how the different customer segments move through the store as well as where and how their eye focus on products on the shelves are mined to give the location information on the best product placement in the store. Likewise online, segments have certain patterns in their behavior as to how a customer links into purchase a product and what material initiates the desire to purchase. By processing a large amount of information on purchases, you can discover how specific segments link to and purchase using different methods, but demographic groups will likely share commonality that are distinct from other groups and in turn the market segmentation is defined and opportunity is created.
The opportunity to personalize a message to each segment creates the segmentation marketing plan. Personalizing the communication to the specific segments happens in the developing the specific marketing plans for each segment. Each segment will need the message to be designed specifically to how and what drives the customers to purchase the product or service. Knowing how a segment of the market navigates to your site and purchases your product is the basis for developing a plan. The marketing plan will be similar for each of the segments; however, a cut paste method does not need to be employed. It is absolutely necessary that individual marketing plans are personalized for each specific marketing segment. The combination of the marketing plans for each segment becomes the optimal segmentation marketing program.

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