Monday, April 9, 2012

7 Advertising Tips You Need To Know


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Expert Author Mary Wilhite
No business can grow without advertising. You need to tell people about your services and how they can affect their lives. You can do it by word of mouth, writing an article like this, participating in forums or the traditional way. Should you opt to advertise on radios TVs or newspapers and magazines, here are basic guidelines to use. 
  1. Advertise where prospects look first. By advertising where prospects look, you shorten your sales cycle and get more responsive clients. It will mean that if your typical clients visit a certain forum, then that is where you need to advertise. If they read a certain magazine than place your ads there. If you target seniors and they are known to be fond of a certain local radio station, then place ads during the times they are most likely to listen. That means that you will have to do research to know your typical clients. You can't assume. Think of their preferences, tastes, like and what moves them.

  2. Use media that touch prospects often. It is often observed that the more you come into contact with an item the more it affects you. That's why when listen to a song so many times, you often can sing along when you hear. You know the lyrics and beats. Similarly, the more you expose prospects to an ad the more it will affect them. However, it needs to have a deadline otherwise it will lose meaning. That means that if you have an offer closing on the 30th of the month, you may consider running the ads as from the 14th of the month and as the time draws closer to the closing date, running with more frequency.

  3. Put your ads in context. Consider the ads you see in restrooms of restaurants. Or those that people step on as they walk. These ads perhaps make people change their feelings about the products or company that are advertised.

  4. Make ads memorable. When an ad is memorable it has a higher ROI because you require less of them to run and the ad stands above the clutter that is commonly available in today's advertising world. What's memorable will vary from medium to style. What makes one memorable may be the choice of words, scenery, or audience.

  5. Test, Test, and Test. You can never know what ad works and what doesn't work unless you test. Test headlines. Test mediums and test offers. Ideally testing never stops as long as you are in business. And failure of an ad should not make you condemn the copywriter, agent or anybody else involve. Failure simply means that you are taking lessons about your business. That is why it pays to start small. Do a classified instead of a quarter page. Run a radio spot off-peak in instead of prime time where costs are more.

  6. Track every ad. Perhaps this where most big corporations fail. They never track. In fact you can tell it because they mostly running a couple of ads concurrently. They normally assume that advertising works. However, they can't tell what effect 1% reduction or increase in their advertising budget will have on sales. They cannot tell if radio works better than TV or newspapers. And for small business it can be important every ad must have a code and a tracking mechanism.

  7. Never retire an ad that is working because it is old. As long as an ad is bringing in money it should never be put away just because it is old. The best way to go about it is to test it with other news ads. As long as it remains unbeaten, then keep running it. If an ad brings in 3% every time you run it why retire it to take on one that's doing 1%? It doesn't make any business sense.
Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get more of her mobile marketing tips, tricks, and strategies today. Just click here

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