Thursday, December 8, 2011

Amorality and Lawlessness, the Offspring of Atheism and Modern Science

According to the Webster Dictionary, amorality is defined as the quality or condition of not admitting to moral distinctions or judgments and not caring about right and wrong. Anyone in his right mind knows that this preposterous perception of reality is engendered from the womb of rank inanity and human folly. Even a cursory glance at nature's sprawling classroom quickly advises one that this flawed understanding of human society is born out of sheer human error, gross mental negligence, and stark irresponsibility; however, as one looks around today; he cannot help but notice that the global community is plainly a moral trashcan stuffed with lawlessness and confusion, and that amorality is the supreme God of the day. The ridiculous idea that morals do not matter screams at you from just about every corner in the world, whether it be an aristocratic Beverly Hills vicinage or a Johannesburg ghetto. The ubiquitous presence of amorality is a disturbing pattern in contemporary global society, and its origin needs to be circumspectly traced and exposed. Most people in the world are of the opinion that ethical issues are of paramount importance in the construction and development of human society; accordingly, the virtually universal presence of amoral human behavior and mayhem on the earth suggests that there is some abject, sneaky traitor in high places who has betrayed the human race. In this regard, it is utterly critical to identify, hunt down, and expose that shameless rogue who has caused so much suffering in the quaint museum of the human experience.
One of the reasons that so many problems often go unsolved is that human beings are myopic and insular in their perspective about things, and more often than not, fail to dot their I's an d cross their T's. Most problems today have a Western origin; as the West, due to its earlier Biblical association, practically ruled the whole world. World dominion was given to the West; accordingly, its influence and culture have left a footprint on virtually every country in the world; thus, in order understand the contemporary global issues of amorality, moral decline, and lawlessness; it is critical to reach back into the history of the Western world and analyze some of the forces that have powerfully influenced Western civilization. Of course virtually everyone knows that the West is the progeny of Greco-Roman civilization. All of its linguistic features and other cultural underpinnings are directly connected to the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome; and, for the most part, this association is positive. However, among the historical currents that have influenced Western civilization, the Christian religion and the Enlightenment Age have had the most impactful effect on the West; and it is this effect that explains virtually everything in the world today. These two diametrically opposite historical currents are the most titanic forces that have shaped modern civilization in the West; and, more generally, in the world as a whole.
Historians generally disagree about the exact span of time covered by the Enlightenment period, but most agree that its influence was strongest between 1650 and 1800. What they have ignored is the fact that this tenebrous, mystical period never really ended: It merely changed its emphasis and focus. It started in France and then spread to the rest of Europe, and eventually to the rest of the world; however, as far as historians are concerned, the Enlightenment period ended at the start of the nineteenth century. The essence of this intriguing period of time was its emphasis on understanding, and solving society's problems through knowledge acquisition, focus on reason through dialogue, and comprehending the secrets of the universe. They observed and applauded the phenomenal advances in science inspired by the work of Isaac New and other brilliant scientists of his day. They reasoned that with the rapid advances in scientific knowledge and a reason-driven approach to solving society's ills; they would be able to understand the secrets of the universe, thus enabling them to abolish all societal problems. The vanguards who spearheaded this intellectual movement referred to themselves as philosophes (men of wisdom and great knowledge. ) These men were drawn mainly form the aristocratic and middle-class pool of European society; they were an elite group of intellectuals who saw themselves as the virtual saviors of mankind. They were journalists, editors, attorneys, professors, writers, scientists, and a host of other academicians. What was conspicuously absent in these secularists' views and vision for human society was the presence of a Holy God of love-they vehemently loathed that idea. Their message and sermon to European society was very simply: God does not exist.
Around this same time; Charles Darwin, an impassioned seminary student preparing for the ministry; experienced a sad, unfortunate incident in his life: His daughter fell sick and mysteriously died. He was furious with God: "How could God allow this to happen to me?" he reasoned. As a result of this tragic incident, Darwin turned against God and became a philosophe; eclipsing Sir Isaac Newton, who was now preaching the gospel and trying to locate hell with the use of scientific tools. Naturally, the philosophes distanced themselves from Newton and embraced Charles Darwin; the new, dashing star scientist on the block. Darwin's Origin of Species furnished great fodder for the philosophes and steered society further and further away from God. The Christian worldview was eclipsed and dwarfed by these fresh, pert ideas and washed away in a brawling avalanche of atheism and societal folly. Darwin's atheistic ideas of survival for the fittest and evolution were a sumptuously prepared meal for Europe's jaunty philosophes: They ate it up like hot cakes. Unhappily, these novel, dashing ideas turned human society away from God; replacing him with the wild, mechanistic swings of unpredictable weather changes and strokes of luck and chance. Thus, man's survival depended on intrinsic elements within man himself and the weather. More specifically, per Darwin; all the complex biological machines that are visible on the earth today evolved from a simple, one-celled organism in some primordial pond billions of years ago. According to Darwin; an orderly evolution system ensued, where this simple one-celled organism evolved over billions of years and through millions of biological transitions, that produced the complex tapestry of life that one sees on the earth today. Darwin is not specific about the mechanism that triggered these complicated biological transitions which he advances in his theory of evolution.
To this date, no evidence of transitional forms has been unearthed by the many diligent teams of archaeologists working virtually around the clock on the earth. The transitional forms' eerie absence from the fossil records casts Darwin's theory in a bad light. Additionally, the newer and more sophisticated modern electronic microscopes have uncovered an astronomical amount of fresh information that was not available in Darwin's day; and, as it turns out, the cell is much more complex than Darwin knew at the time of his research, with several trillion biochemical reactions per minute. All this information would have blown Darwin away, had he been privy to it; furthermore, scientific conclusions cannot be reached without analysis of concrete, observable data. Darwin's theory of evolution greatly underestimates the mind-boggling complexity of the cell around which he initiated his theory of evolution; additionally, he has no consistent, concrete evidence from the fossil records of transitional forms to substantiate his theory of evolution. To the contrary, Cambrian explosion fossils; showing fully developed biological systems at a time that is completely contrary to Darwin's evolutionary clock, suggest that evolution itself is a farce. The cruel prank of evolution and big bang theories is demonstrated by the fact that these naturalistic theories have a common thread of unavailable, concretely visible, hard, raw data and evidence. Moreover, because of their purely speculative nature; they are of very little value to the noble showroom of science; in fact, they have done more damage to objective, unbiased scientific analysis than anything else in the archives of scientific enquiry. Based on this analytical review of the way modern scientists have gone about to establish truth about nature's operation, it is not a stretch of the imagination to, at least, examine the validity of the whole foundation of modern science. In essence, modern science issues from subjective, ideological notions which cannot be proved; thus rendering it the science of faith and a powerful worldwide religious establishment. The exponents of modern science firmly believe in the Darwinian spin of things, even though they have no concrete evidence to support their evolutionary point of view. In this regard, modern science has evolved into a sprawling religion that now covers the entire earth, and it has done so without virtually anyone recognizing what has been going on.
Now, what does all of this have to do with the Enlightenment period's philosophes and how were they involved in the fraud of modern science as established by the flawed, speculative Darwinian theory of evolution? At this juncture, it is quite important to note that the philosophes had a strong raltionalistic focus: It was the centerpiece of their argument and sermon to society; however, as the lies of the Enlightenment period became more and more evident through the blunt savagery of French Revolution and, later on, the American Civil War; these dashing erudites switched their focus and emphasis. As their movement came under greater and greater scrutiny by the microscopes of reason and truth in Europe, in particular, after the barbarity of the French Revolution; the philosophes began to feel threatened by the idea of reason, so they quietly began to step away from the whole notion of reason and to focus more on propaganda, brainwashing, and dogmatism. After the grisly episodes of the French Revolution, the philosophes felt that they had lost face in the eyes of Europe's aristocracy, so they withdrew their forces from doing direct combat in the public arena of society and quietly began working behind the scenes as scientists and secret society operatives. In the process, they moved all the way to the other side of the ideological spectrum. And this is the reason that modern science adopted such an irrational, procrustean, fraud-driven approach to the analysis of nature; but again, their message was he same-atheism and amorality. These philosophes have never placed morality high on their order of doing business. The bulk of the social architects who inspired the French Revolution were philosophes. They were ruthless, barbaric, secret society operatives; keenly interested in understanding and tinkering with the secrets of the universe through the force of occult practice, science, and now irrationality.
Their migration to the area of modern science gave them a powerful, societal pulpit from which to work behind the scenes and influence the destiny of mankind, turning his mind entirely away from any umbrage of God whatsoever. These tarnished, villainous scientists maintained that religion and science were (and still are) mutually exclusive because no one could prove God's existence. On the surface this reasoning appears to be a logical one; but when one looks closer at what these scientists are doing, it all falls apart. They slide a hand and act as if no one is watching what they are doing. Their evolution and big bang theories are riddled with gaps, missing links, and inconsistencies; yet they vigorously push and defend them as if they were natural laws. To the contrary, the presence of the God whom they say you cannot prove is saliently noticeable just about everywhere in nature. For one thing, the empty tomb of Jesus is about as big a slam dunk as it gets. Unassailable evidence exists that the Roman centurions were guarding Jesus's body at the time of his resurrection. The centurions themselves reported the story to the chief priests, apprizing them of this miraculous, supernaturally inspired even! The chief priests paid the Roman centurions large sums of money to lie, saying that someone came by night and stole the body of Jesus Christ. This is the reason that this philosophical scientist knows that earthly life is a lie-here, the chief priests themselves lied because they were envious of Jesus' power. In the first place, no one was that careless with his life to risk standing up to Roman centurion might: That was absolutely unheard of in that day. Based on the raw facts in the case, the only reasonable conclusion about Jesus' missing body was that he was resurrected from the dead, just as he said he would-and the empty tomb is scientifically documentable evidence that the supernatural event of Jesus' resurrection actually transpired right in the cosmic museum of the human experience. Additionally, Jesus' disciples and hundreds of other eye witnesses saw him in physical flesh and bones. Where is the evidence for evolution and big bang theories? There isn't any: All they are presenting is pure speculation, surmise, and conjecture-that is just about all they have. Christianity has a clearly defined, easily located empty tomb. That, my friend, is real science. The evidence is there-right there for the whole world to see.
In the light of all the facts that have been presented in this case, amorality has its origin in the Enlightenment period and its philosophes' disturbing, occultic practices; their staunch atheistic beliefs; and their shadowy, behind the scenes maneuverings in science laboratories and classrooms. In this regard, it is not hard to see that modern science is a traitor of truth and a false religion; crystallized and assembled by die-hard atheists bent on shoving their evil, demonic agenda and false religion down the throat of an unsuspecting world. And forasmuch as modern science is atheistic, it spurns and loathes the very idea of morals. Based on the Satanic Bible, modern science adopts an amoral stance; pushing alternative lifestyles, political correctness, moral relativism, and tolerance. And today, tolerance is used as a cover for all kinds of disgusting, degrading, disgraceful behaviors that spit in the face of moral decency; but alas, isn't that the way lies work! These vulpine, atheistic scientists have brainwashed and deceived the whole world about the applicability and relevance of the Bible in scientific matters and flooded classrooms with naturalism and atheism. Because Western society has followed modern science's philosophes' glib, spurious ideas and false, sophistic line of reasoning; it has literally abolished the Bible, morality, and well balanced thought from the public square of intelligent discourse; citing separation of church and state. But in case many haven't noticed, Western society and the rest of the world are awash in tears, distress, pain, sorrow, and trouble of all kinds. Lost in the churning smoke of modern science and its vulpine machine of lies, subterfuge, and intrigue; the world is mired in a maze confusion and insuperable obstacles. Although it is only tacitly implied, the prevailing philosophy today is that morality is irrelevant and does not really matter. This fundamental idea has grown into a tall tree from the dark, eerie forest of modern science-the prevailing pagan worldview of amorality emanated from that source.
Modern science is a lie; It frowns upon all the naked truths of order and design splattered virtually everywhere in nature. Its uncanny association with atheism and blunt refusal to investigate the forces behind the virtually ubiquitous presence of religious institutions in the world betrays the fact that it is diametrically opposed to the tame idea of God as the sculptor of the universe. Modern science is inextricably tied to the dark, disturbing forces poignantly described in the satanic bible. Its plain lack of transparency is palpably visible in its slick effort to purposely veil the truth through its bogus focus on big bang and evolution theories' billions of years which cannot be objectively analyzed by standard methods of scientific inquiry. The same is true of modern science's strong emphasis on mathematical quantification. Again, the patent purpose of all this sophisticated mathematical analysis is to deceive the unsuspecting public about its real objectives. The truth is not there, so a screen of some kind has to be used to cover up the lies that the public would otherwise see. Working from behind the scenes, these amoralists have overturned the ship of natural order and literally wrecked the whole world!
This writer's goal is to spill light on the rampant decline of morality in the world and the attendant forces that have fostered the jarring moral collapse that one sees on the earth today. The absurd greed level exhibited by the world's billionaires reflects a cavalier attitude of insouciance, uncompassion, ill-will, and downright disgust for the poor. This flagrant disgust and indifference for the world's less fortunate have engendered two different types of dangerous reactions in the world: (1) It has formented much anger and frustration among the world's unemployed, educated class, which formerly belonged to a clearly defined middle class that has been rapidly disapp0earing.
(2) It has spawned a growing, disturbing gang of criminals worldwide. The nerve-wracking, brazen deeds of the reckless anarchists; who highjack sprawling, multibillion-dollar oil tankers and ask for ransoms in excess of twenty million dollars; is beyond the reach of any civilized society's wildest imagination! Profanity, once forbidden speech, now gushes from the sewer of pop culture's music and many public schools' classrooms. The dramatic of amorality rise and concomitant decline of morals in the world are frightening. As the world plunges into the yawning mouth of doom, with teeth as sharp as spears; it must thank modern science with its atheistic, amoralistic disposition for the courtesy. The world's clandestine institutions; inordinately powerful billionaires; and slick, lupine modern scientists have created a world rushing in headlong into the chasm of ruin. Scientists, who have taught your children evolution, have also taught them that right and wrong do not matter. Listen: Whatever you do, consult and stay tune with will you! You will be able to see just behind the bend of this seemingly endless recession, teeth-gnashing unemployment, tongue-gnawing poverty, and boiling Wall Street Movement!

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