Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Go Green With Your Trade Show Stand

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Expert Author Chris A. Harmen
It is a fact that there is not any one trade show exhibit that is completely green and of no harm to the environment. However, there have been major advances in creating sustainable trade show stand options that utilize less energy than the average booth. As so many individuals, groups, and corporations are jumping on board with a greener way to do business, why not impress them all with a green trade show exhibit that is above and beyond the rest?
What Qualifies As A Green Trade Show Exhibit?
There are many necessary elements of creating or designing green trade show displays, although there is not a specific list of requirements. In short, the unit must be as self-sustainable as possible, using a minimal amount of energy and resources, as well as leaving little to no carbon footprint. This can include eco-friendly flooring, walls, and giveaways. It also means conserving energy by using low watt bulbs and natural solar or water energies when possible. It is also important to consider the elements that are incorporated into the displays themselves.
Utilizing Natural And Recycled Products
Products such as recycled cardboard and paper have become very popular when designing a green trade show exhibit. Consider also the tables, chairs, paper marketing materials, and other promotion materials. To create a completely green design, these are all factors that need to be considered. Ask a professional stand provider to assist your business in making greener choices and marketing those green choices to the public at a show.
Some companies choose to stamp their walls and flooring with notations that they have preserved energy by creating their stand. Others will have employees express their endeavors when explaining the products or services of their company. Either way, if you are making a decision to become more eco-friendly, make sure that attendees and potential clients recognize your efforts.
Understand That These Decisions Do Count
In surveys conducted around the globe, it has been shown that over 50% of all visitors are interested in companies that are making an effort to preserve the earth that we live on. Over 50% of exhibitors currently incorporate some sort of earth-conserving effort into their trade show displays. With these developments, it is estimated that over 80% of all booths in the next year will be green or environmentally-friendly in some way.
Is Your Company Already Environmentally Conscious?
If your corporation has already made changes within the work environment and day-to-day operations that benefit our earth, be sure to market this at the event. Consumers are becoming more conscious of their daily purchases. In aiming to please clients and increase sales, one must know that being an environmentally conscious production is no longer a bonus, but a must in today's market. An eco-friendly exhibit will catch the eye of those who are up to date on issues affecting our economy and will make others understand that your company is as well.
Skyline New York is the leader in designing trade show displays in New York. Is your company interested in an eco-friendly trade show stand in New York or a trade show exhibit in New York? Visit Skyline's website for the newest and best options on the market.
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