Thursday, January 26, 2012

Capitalism, Will You Say I Do?

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Expert Author Benjamin C Andrews
Political debate is always a dangerous area to get involved in. Die hard Republican, Life-long Democrat, or somewhere in the middle, people get pretty heated up about what they believe is right and wrong, and how our country should be run. I'm also one of those, who has my beliefs and sticks to them.
In the interest of what our nation has faced over recent years though, I'm going to toss my own thoughts out here. Like them or hate them, I hope we can at least have an intelligent discussion, and rise above mud-slinging, name calling, and issue dodging.
First of all, I love America. We're not perfect, nowhere is, but our country has done a lot of good along with the bad. I love that if you work hard, you can realize a dream, and sell that dream to the world. That is the joy of Capitalism. A good idea, elbow grease and sweat can make all your dreams come true. Never would I want this idea to disappear.
It does, however, need to undergo some change. I'm going to say a word that many people consider one of the dirtiest words in our language. You ready? Because you better brace yourself. Really, people hate this word. Finally ready? That word is Socialism.
Before you gnash your teeth, grumble, or leave this page, I implore you to listen to my argument. Capitalism, Socialism, any government type is only as good as the people running it. They are sets of ideals that, regardless how they've been used across the world, were created by someone with the idea of creating a better life for everyone. Russia, China, countries across the world have given Socialism a bad name. America has also done a great job of showing the flaws in Capitalism. Once again I say it is the people running the system. There is nothing wrong with the idea that all members of society should be cared for, just like there is nothing wrong with the idea that working hard for success should be rewarding. These ideas are not contrary, and both can be realized at the same time.
Do you like going to restaurants and eating? Having a clerk at the grocery store check your items out? A janitor who cleans the hallways, bathrooms, or other areas of the buildings you visit from day to day? I do, and I understand that jobs all across society have to be done. Why should a large pocket of the population then have to live in a sub-standard way? Each CEO, board member, or investor out there would have nothing if it weren't for the working class. They can grumble about the long hours they spent when they first built the company, but I think we can all agree years and years of millions and millions of dollars negates that argument.
What if tomorrow everyone decided they were tired of those regular jobs, and they were all going to open companies, sit back in a chair and trade stocks, or just give up all together? How long would any company survive with no workers? How long would our system last? The problem with Capitalism is it sends the wrong message. The only focus is on how much an individual can make for themselves. Is that really the world we want to live in? A world where we care only about how well we do ourselves? Look at all the top earners. It's like a race to see who can gather the most money together. How much they can sit on, and how far above everyone else their mountain of money puts them. Do a quick search on wealth distribution. Go ahead, this post will be here when you get back. Open a new window, and check it out.
If you checked out some of the information, or were already aware without searching, this shows the Achilles' heel of this system. It has morphed beyond "make your dreams come true" into something more like "devour as much as you can without thought, until your belly is fat and your eyes heavy."
So the title of this article; Capitalism, Will You Say I Do? I chose this title because I don't want the freedoms of Capitalism to disappear, but I want this system to marry with Socialism, to create something new. A system that looks out for everyone. If you make a successful company or idea, you should absolutely prosper. This shouldn't cause only a small fraction of the population to hold the vast majority of wealth. We might as well just elect a king, and go back to the days of fiefdoms. With all the progress we've made, are we really so stuck on using wealth to separate people into different classes?
Here we are in these times of trouble, and there's actually loads of money out there. The problem is it is being hoarded by fat-cats, who have their grubby hands in markets, but can't stand to spend a dime. We watched as businesses failed, bailouts were given because they were "too big to fail", and in turn those failing companies gave out bonuses, and not even to the foot soldiers, but to the ones who caused the failures in the first place. This is what our current Capitalism says is right, because even with all the outrage, nothing was done about it. The bonuses went right out the door because of golden parachutes and contract law.
I truly believe that it is in fact the Government's job to step in and cap salaries. I say this in the ideal that the Government is actually run by people who care for the people, and I'm aware Government itself needs serious overhaul. For the sake of this specific argument, I do believe in pay caps. Minimum wage leaves most living in poverty, let alone able to enjoy many comforts in life. Families go without meals to have any food at all some days. We have no jobs, but the rich are paying less in taxes than those who are barely making anything in the first place. And along the way we have wealthy people in charge of making laws, who in turn make laws that favor the rich. Who would have seen that coming? Some people say money is just money, but in fact we've turned it into the central driving force of our lives. When the market crashed, people were destroyed. Living, eating, almost everything except breathing costs money in some fashion, and even continuing to breathe can bankrupt you! Money is a big part of the world because we've chosen to make it that way. That means it's a force that has to be controlled for the good of everyone.
I think what amazes me the most is I see people who are struggling themselves, still defending the idea that the things going on right now are alright. I don't know how they get to that conclusion, but I don't know how people get sucked into cults either. For whatever reason they defend those who are helping keep them down. I'm amazed at the things we get hung up on in this life. I want to be comfortable financially, but I've never seen the need to pay employees minimum wage, and myself a hundred million dollars a year. At some point I would think people from the middle and lower class would call out for their chance to receive great benefit from the system. No matter what you believe, the upper class will also fall if the middle and lower class can't bear the weight.
By now you think I'm crazy, or you're like minded. I can't imagine anyone reading these words doesn't hold one of these two opinions. Whatever you do think, I leave you with this final message:
Due to the fiat system of currency we use, a dollar bill is worth the same as one out of a monopoly box. Value is only assigned because of the power behind the currency, our Government. Look up "fiat system" if you don't believe me. So we're not even talking about glittery wealth like gold and jewels. Our current currency is worthless, yet we still live in a world where a small percentage stand above the rest. America was created by our founding fathers to escape oppression, yet here we are doing it all over again. Life is so short, and nothing in this world goes with us when we leave. Why do we have to break so many members of society so few others can live the high life? Everyone can be happy if we want them to be. The world can be anything we want it to be. If this is the best we can do as man, then we have failed to utilize and understand all the wonderful gifts life has given us.

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