Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Four Ways To Freshen Up Your Trade Show Displays

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Expert Author Chris A. Harmen
Interesting trade show displays are crucial to your company's success on the event or convention floor, but it can be difficult to keep the content of trade show booths current. If you've invested in an expensive or large display, you're probably hoping it lasts for years so that you can use it many times over as you visit various conventions and industry events across the country. While this is a practical idea, it isn't always an exciting one. Many times, you'll find that you're running into some of the same people at each event, which can lead to sort of familiarity that may translate as boredom.
Some visitors may dismiss your trade show display entirely, thinking, "We've seen that before, many times." To avoid this reaction, be sure to freshen up your booth periodically so that there's always something new and exciting to share even if your guests have visited your displays in the past.
Keep Up To Date With New Products And Services
You should always add information about new products and services to your trade show displays. This doesn't mean you have to overhaul everything. It may be as simple as adding a new brochure that visitors can read at their leisure, but for maximum impact consider investing in a banner stand or table top feature that announces your new product or service. Most visitors will be intrigued and will take the time to stop in and discuss your recent changes with you. Potential customers are always receptive to anything that lets them know your company is growing and moving forward.
Rearrange Your Trade Show Display Layout
Even if you're using the same elements on the conference floor every time you set up, you can tweak the details a bit to shake things up. Don't rely on using a cookie cutter display with the same layout time after time. Boredom can lead to a dismissive attitude toward your booth if visitors have seen the display at other events. You don't want them to glance your way, see the same old thing, and move on. Something as simple as rearranging the floor plan or switching out a table top element for a modular, in-line style can have people asking, "I wonder what else is new?" Once they've stopped to investigate, you have a golden opportunity to engage them.
Add Seasonal Elements
Focusing on the immediate needs of customers is a great way to make sure they visit your trade show displays at events year-round. If you're selling insulated windows in August, make sure you have a large banner that touts how your windows keep homes cool despite scorching temperatures. When you attend an event during the winter, switch out that banner for one that focuses on how much warmer their homes will be with your windows. Focusing on immediate needs will lure more visitors into trade show displays. Once they are there, you can give them more information on long-term advantages.
Tailor Your Display To Your Audience
Not every event is the same. If your displays are used at a variety of venues for different purposes, be sure you have some interesting elements that can be switched out to tailor it to the audience. At job fairs, you may want to focus on career opportunities, benefits and job satisfaction. If you're at an industry conference, product improvements and customer service may be the focus. By keeping your overall elements the same and customizing a few banner stands, in-line units or table top elements, you can create fresh, custom trade show booths for every venue.
Skyline Tradetec designs trade show displays Chicago businesses use everywhere. Their trade show booths in Chicago come in all shapes and configurations for a truly customizable trade show display Chicago companies prefer. To see samples, visit their website

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