Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dealing With Negative People

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Expert Author Patricia DiMaggio
So you finally decided to take control of your financial future and started an internet business- be it a networking marketing company or your own product/service. If you haven't yet, you will most likely have to deal with these people soon, so how can you prepare yourself?
I doubt there really is a way to prepare for this, so just be ready to take the criticism. Many times it's from someone in our family who doesn't understand our business or reasons for doing something different. Generally it's out of their own fear and ignorance that they belittle your decision or say things like "it'll never work". These words hurt when they come from someone who is supposed to love you don't they?
For me, it was my aunt. I and my business mentor met with her and my uncle when I first started my telecom business to present the opportunity and see if they would be interested in partnering with me. Well, they weren't. I was crushed! Being new to this I took it personally that it wasn't for them. It feels like they're rejecting you when they say no, but it's not about you. If they don't think they can do it, they're doing you a favor by saying no rather than joining you with their fingers crossed.
It's not easy to be an entrepreneur, the most successful men and women business owners will be the first to tell you. The majority of them get to the top after years of struggle, debt, and even financial ruin. Take Dan Sullivan for example. He started his own coaching company and for 8 years failed to make a decent living from it. He went into bankruptcy. It seems when one is right on the brink of total destruction, after the hit rock bottom, that's when all of a sudden things start to turn around. It's amazing some of the success stories out there, especially from some of the leaders in my industry.
There's a quote by Thomas Edison about success; that it takes "stick-to-it-iveness" and common sense. He of all people should know. It took over 10,000 tries to get the lightbulb after all. And what if he had quit? We may still be lighting the lamps every night.
So if you've encountered some "rotten apples" as my company puts it, and they've got you questioning your decisions and goals, take a time out and go somewhere peaceful and private with your journal. Write everything down that you're worried about. Write down all your fears. Then tear out the piece of paper light a lighter or match (if it's safe to do so) or crumple up the paper and bury it. By doing this you should let go of all the fears, hurt, and doubt. Start fresh. Don't let people's words get to you but rather take it as a sign of their own dissatisfaction with their life. And consider surrounding yourself with people who are positive and share the same goals. Friends should challenge you to grow, not bring you down.
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