Thursday, March 1, 2012

Brand Matters: The Top 10 Most Effective Ways to Brand Your Business

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Expert Author Lori A Manns
Why does branding matter? One of the most important assets you can develop for your business is a powerful brand. Developing a strong brand is not just about a fancy logo or catchy tag line; it's about the essence of your company. Brands are the culmination of who you are, how you're different from your competition, and why a prospect or customer should do business with you.
Whether you're a corporation, small business or entrepreneur your brand should create a powerful impact for your business. The brand is what creates the emotional connection between your company and your consumers. A powerful brand instills customer loyalty, passion, confidence and may even lend itself to preferential treatment and premium pricing. The advantage of a great brand makes potential buyers less skeptical about quality and more willing to pay for what is perceived to be a great product or service. Yes branding is also about the perception held by your target customer of who you are.
Does your company need a brand identity? Are you struggling with where to get started? Check out my short list for the top 10 branding strategies to help you gain credibility and propel your company or business into the spotlight.
1. Hire a branding company or expert. Develop a cohesive campaign to bring your image and primary message under one brand. Your collateral marketing should have a central theme that transfers from web, brochures, newsletters, elevator pitch, logo, stationery, etc.
2. Create a mission statement. Your mission statement should reveal the value that your company offers to your customers.
3. Develop a quick tag line. Your tag-line should be smart, memorable and intriguing while expressing the sum of what you do.
4. Consistently write press releases. You should develop a habit of writing press releases about new products, programs or services you offer. Post these press releases on your website and on Internet sites like PR Log.
5. Write articles on topics pertinent to your industry. Send the links to media outlets, post on your website and share with bloggers.
6. Create and maintain a newsletter. A weekly or bi-weekly newsletter will allow you to position yourself or your company as the expert in your industry to people who have signed up for your mailing list.
7. Become a speaker. Participate in local business organizations and offer to speak at a conference or program on a topic relevant to your industry and the given agenda.
8. Offer internships. Many local colleges seek internship opportunities for their students. Develop an internship program that appeals to students who have a major in your industry. Many universities will promote their internship partners on their websites and career day events.
9. Develop affiliate partnerships. Many times you can create brand awareness by the partners you associate with. Scout out ideal strategic alliances for joint venture opportunities.
10. Sponsor charitable events. Many companies are known for philanthropy and association with non-profit causes that they support as part of their community involvement and outreach.
© 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC - All Rights Reserved
This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here's what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group and founder of ABC's of Successful Sponsorship Sales SystemTM that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To receive consultation for your business or free marketing, advertising, sales tips, tools on how to increase your revenue and grow your business

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