Friday, December 23, 2011

How To Create A One Year Marketing Plan


Expert Author Dr Tom Preston
1) Create a list of all of the activities you presently do for marketing your practice and put them into the 4 categories of INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL and then PROCEDURES OR SPECIAL EVENTS.
2) Review what is presently working and consider how to upgrade it to a higher level. (There is no sense re-creating the wheel if what you do works, stick with it).
3) Dump whatever isn't working after evaluating it and determining whether a simple upgrade could make it valuable. If it can't than dump it.
4) Review the 101 Marketing ideas list and determine which are the "highest and best use of your time." These become your Key Projects. Keep your budget in mind.
5) Estimate your Return on Investment from each activity. Keep only the high return activities. Some may be "neat ideas" but not profitable.
6) "Flush out" the project or idea as much as possible by writing out the steps you see will be needed to optimally complete the project. Don't hesitate to ask your coach or peers for help in flushing these out.
7) Timeline the steps by determining how soon before the event you will need to complete each of the action steps to ensure the event is a success.
8) Delegate as many of these actions steps as possible, leaving the remaining ones as Key Projects for you to plug into your Dynamic Time Structure.
9) Go to your "Annual Life Plan" and write in the marketing events you have chosen under "Key Projects."
10) Go to your monthly Dynamic Time Structure sheets and write in the date of the event as well as plug in the Key Project action steps YOU must complete in the appropriate MOA/BE slots leading up to the event.
11) Summarize the whole year by categorizing each activity into one of the four categories and printing it out for every team member. This becomes a focus at team marketing meetings. (Consider transferring it to an erasable year calendar)
12) Track your New Practice Members with some form of a New Practice Member Tracking Sheet.
13) Once per quarter review where the New Practice Members are coming from and calculate your R.O.I. (Return on Investment).
14) Book time in your day planner for next October or November to complete your next years marketing calendar. Always start this process by reviewing your R.O.I. from this years events. Keep your winners, upgrade or dump your losers and add new events to keep life fresh and exciting.
A deeply committed family man, Dr. Preston began coaching and consulting after many professionals and doctors in his field asked him how he "did what he did?" How he ran one of the world's most successful chiropractic, family oriented cash practices and still found time to take 10 weeks of holidays per year, work a 20 hour work week and enjoy lots of time with his wife and five daughters?
Helping people discover their blocks and then removing them is what he does best.

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